First let me say thank you so much for all the great info and research that you all share for free on here, I would be lost without it. That being said, I have been distressed to find very little on the internet about needing to pass a test in the criminal justice system.
I am a daily smoker, and the criminalization of using marijuana is a never ending source of frustration. My own situation is thus. I have been sentenced to two weeks jail time for driving under suspended license (first offence), and I am being 'allowed' to serve it with electronic home monitoring, because I have kids, (not to mention that the detention center is full and they are over budget and under staffed), and to be eligable I must submit to a drug screening. When I asked why, they said that you are not allowed to be on drugs or alcohol while on the ankle bracelet. You would think, by that logic, that they would test at the End of a sentence. Anyhow, I, with a totally clean record before this, am about to be under the hairy eyeball of big brother, and let me tell ya, it is no fun.
I have scoured the internet for advice and facts, and it has helped me to arrive at about a 75% confidence rate for substitution, seeing as how I have to test in two days ( and my body comes with a built in urine smuggling compartment). However, I have been getting paranoid about some questions that I can't seem to find any answers to, even after hours and hours of research. And they are these :

Is the technology used to conduct urinalysis for the justice system different from the kind used in employment? How so?

Are all urinalysis for the corrections system supervised and how?

Are you suddenly stripped of all your 2nd amendment rights the moment you enter into the system? Do they have the right to cavity search you, or otherwise invade your privacy, even without probable cause?

And, please, a clear statement about if age and sex have effect on your results, meaning wouldn't I be safer using my child's urine since I know he hasn't had anything that would give him a false or true positive? Does the justice system have the right and the ability to delve into this?

Pretty pretty please!
It would be such a weight off my mind to get some responce to this. Im just an ordinary person who likes to live off the grid as much as possible. But I am a woman and a mother, and single at that, and for something harmless my whole life is suddenly at the whims and mercy of our awful drug policy and the morality that drives it. Our only defense is to keep doing our best to outwit them, and VOTE :hippy: Thanks