Hay Growies,

I've finally ordered all my stuff I need for a DWC-Bucket-System (was really hard to get where I live - in America it's seems to be the easiest thing). I hope it will arrive soon because im very excited and I really want to start now.

I've never had any experience with plants before. That's why I came here to find as much information I need to get a well grow.

First of all - your board is one of the best boards I got my informations from. Here where I live DWC is absolutely unkown - afaik. That's why I came here to get some last information and tips and I hope you can provide me with that.

Here is a list with things I bought - I hope I didn't miss any important thing (if so - please give me some tips on my stuff).

-DWC-Selfmade-Bucket-System (contanis bucket, airpump, airstone, netpot, some tube, ?expanded clay?(don't know the right english word - was something with ton afaik))
-Stonewool (idk i think its 4cm x 4cm)
-Growtent (80cm x 80cm x 160cm) (contains UFO LED light 90W, activecarbon filter, fan)
-Time switch
-Measuring instruments (TDS, pH, temp, humidity, pipette, syringe)
-pH up/down
-GHE Flora Micro
-GHE Flora Gro
-GHE Flora Bloom
-AutoWhite Widow

That's almost everything important i bought.

I want to start germinating 1 feminized samen in a wet towel - after germinating I place it in a Stonewool and the stonewool in the netpot with some ?expanded clay? in it. Now I turn on the lights on - 24 hours a Day - till theres the 2nd node of leafs. Now I'll change the light on time to 18 hours till. If the first roots hit the water I'll start adding 1/4 of nutrients every maybe 3-5 days (???) until I'm at 4/4. Since now I'll give if the full amount of nutrients i should give it by the instructions of GHE. If the plant (indica) is - I think it was 2/3 of desired height) - I start with the 12/12 flowering period. I'll harvest the plant if most of the trichromes are transparent/crystalcloudy and least of it are brownish. I'll dry the buds in a dark well climated room. I'll try the method where you let it dry 24-48h and then put it in a bag then dry it again and so on.

That's almost everything important of my growprocedure.

Here the questions I could think of in before:

-Is there anything else I need?

-Is the growprocedure okai or do I need to know/check something else? What tips can you give me to grow successfully?

-I hope i'll harvest minimum 100g (dry) do I need a SCROG net or will it work without? How much g's can i get maximal based on the area of my growtent?

-Is it enough if I follow the instructions on my GHE nutrients - but of course checking ppm and pH before giving it to the plant.

-How often do I have to change the water? Weekly? Daily? Or just if the ppm is to low?

Now I'm at the end and no more questions come in my mind - thats enough for the first post anyway.

I hope some of you guys have some information and maybe some tips that my first grow won't end in a disaster.

Kind regards,

Growlie Reviewed by Growlie on . DWC-Bucket-System-Grow my equipment and questions Hay Growies, I've finally ordered all my stuff I need for a DWC-Bucket-System (was really hard to get where I live - in America it's seems to be the easiest thing). I hope it will arrive soon because im very excited and I really want to start now. I've never had any experience with plants before. That's why I came here to find as much information I need to get a well grow. First of all - your board is one of the best boards I got my informations from. Here where I live DWC is Rating: 5