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    I am worried about this getting out of control.....

    So here's the situation: I've got a mm license, and my neighbor down the hall (call him Fred) has a mm license (he says). He's 3/4 limb-disabled and gets around in a wheelchair. Fred smokes virtually ALL the time for pain and spasms. Friends bring him weed when he's out of $$$.

    Neither of us is licensed as a provider.

    Fred appears to be street smart, and used to (and still may) run with a "rough crowd." Years ago he says he did hard time (bank robbery).

    Fred made a new friend, apparently. Some guy (call him John) who is (supposedly) somehow connected somehow with a mm co-op. John gave Fred several "home grown" blunts the other day.

    I visit with Fred every other day or so. We've been trading joints. Fred got hold of something called Lamb's Bread which is amazing. I bought a gram of Orange Crush for $5 the other day and gave Fred some. He was amazed, and wants me to get some more - like maybe an ounce.

    That's the first question: Can I legally buy and transport some mm FOR another licensed user? If so, up to how much?

    Now for the real paranoia trip: I had also given Fred a small amount of cannabutter I made (from atomized stems no less), which he raved about, and some of which he gave to John, who also thought highly of it. So Fred calls me up last night and wants me to come over. I go over, and find Fred with what MUST be at least FOUR OR FIVE POUNDS of what looks/smells like very high quality bud in a bulging plastic shopping bag.

    He wants to give it to me to make cannabutter.


    I'm smart enough to immediately decide that I do NOT want 4 pounds of weed in my possession, so I weigh out 4 grams and tell Fred I will need to experiment with it, to figure out how much to use to make some good cannabutter.

    Now here's one weird part. Fred does NOT have a computer, and knows nothing about them. His new friend John apparently doesn't, either. Because both seem to think that making cannabutter is something quite complicated. Fred was speechless when I mentioned that YouTube has dozens of videos showing how to make cannabutter, and that there were dozens of simple and easy recipes freely available on the Internet. I tell Fred that I can tell him and his friend how to made cannabutter in 2 minutes, but Fred says he wants me to make it. I'm apparently the "cannabutter guru."

    So I tell Fred the ground-rules: (1) IF I go ahead with this, HE gets the package from his friend John. HE then gives it to me. I then give the resulting cannabutter back to Fred, who gives it back to John. (2) John never sees me, and doesn't find out where I live. (3) NO MONEY changes hands, ever; everything is a gift. (4) If John feels the urge, he can gift some mm or cannabutter to Fred; Fred can likewise gift me some.

    Fred doesn't like those ground rules; after this first time he doesn't want to be the middleman.

    THAT is a small red flare, for me.

    My paranoia may be working overtime, but does anyone else here smell a rat? Aside from this all being innocent, I see several possibilities:

    (1) Fred is a narc and is setting me up for a drug arrest - unlikely (he's in a freaking wheelchair and lives on disability).

    (2) Fred is working with narcs for favors/compensation, and is setting me up for a drug arrest - possible, but that would be really shitty of him.

    (3) Fred's new friend John is a narc, or is working with the narcs to troll up some drug busts.

    (4) Fred's new friend John is actually an underworld dealer and is trying to build a production network where HE is not involved in making the butter. I'm not really sure that I wanna get the reputation of being the "kitchen" for a drug dealer (duh!).

    I am sure there are other possibilities I haven't thought of.

    I think the safest course is to simply write down the recipe and give it to Fred, and John can make his own damned cannabutter.

    This is all happening in Stanton, CA, which is policed by the Orange County Sheriff's Department. Does the OCSD have the time, wherewithal and desire to bother trolling old, retired, poor white guys?

    Old Guy in Stanton Reviewed by Old Guy in Stanton on . I am worried about this getting out of control..... So here's the situation: I've got a mm license, and my neighbor down the hall (call him Fred) has a mm license (he says). He's 3/4 limb-disabled and gets around in a wheelchair. Fred smokes virtually ALL the time for pain and spasms. Friends bring him weed when he's out of $$$. Neither of us is licensed as a provider. Fred appears to be street smart, and used to (and still may) run with a "rough crowd." Years ago he says he did hard time (bank robbery). Fred made a new friend, Rating: 5

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    I am worried about this getting out of control.....

    Well. Shows you how much I know about bulk medicine. I needed more than 4 grams for the butter, so went to Fred's to get some more. He, however, was in a hurry for a Dr. appointment and didn't have time to wait around while I measured. So he shoved the whole bag and his scale at me and rushed out. I didn't feel comfortable alone in his place, so I left with the stuff and went back to my place to weigh. It was just under 4 OUNCES, in total.

    So that makes me feel better on one count....

    Senior Member

    I am worried about this getting out of control.....

    Whatever that stuff is you are smoking, it is making you paranoid! I need some of that! It is doubtful the police are going to bug you over it. Just do something about the smell. I came home the other night and smelled fresh harvested pot and wondered if somehow some got out of the jars! There are 'bigger' fish than handicapped and old guys in Stanton.

    You can possess up to 8 oz, unless you have a rec that allows more. Still unlikely you will have a problem. Our laws are 'centered' on the 'sharing' concept~~which is legal. Go figure, they want to put the pro's out of business and not 'pik' on patients and our needs.

    A grocery bag won't hold four pounds, I tried.:jointsmile: pr


    I am worried about this getting out of control.....

    >>>>>>>>A grocery bag won't hold four pounds, I tried.:jointsmile:

    LOL! Yeah, as I mentioned, I am apparently really lame when it comes to estimating.

    It was about 4 ounces.

    Thanks for the support.


    I am worried about this getting out of control.....

    OK, that was interesting. Used the 4 oz to end up with about 1 pound of beautifully-colored, wonderful-tasting cannabutter.

    NOW the guy has dropped off half a lawn garbage bag (yes, this is maybe 5 lbs) of trim. Luckily it is not in MY apartment, but that of my friend down the hall.

    How the hell do you dry trim?

    And what is it good for?

    Can it be smoked to good effect?

    Senior Member

    I am worried about this getting out of control.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Old Guy in Stanton
    OK, that was interesting. Used the 4 oz to end up with about 1 pound of beautifully-colored, wonderful-tasting cannabutter.

    NOW the guy has dropped off half a lawn garbage bag (yes, this is maybe 5 lbs) of trim. Luckily it is not in MY apartment, but that of my friend down the hall.

    How the hell do you dry trim?

    Open air, brown paper bags, cookie trays, etc.
    It really does not matter if you will be making budder, or hash.

    And what is it good for?

    With that much trim, I'd make RSO and kill some cancer.
    Dry and decarb on cookie sheets, in the oven.
    Then Follow Rick Simpson's directions.

    Don't have cancer? worried about being over the legal weight limit?
    Concentrate it.
    Toss in a bucket with ice water and mush it up.
    For the cost of a couple bubble bags, you can have about a half pound of top quality hashish from 5 pounds of good trim.

    Can it be smoked to good effect?
    Chuckle. Betcherass! See above.
    But a slow dry and a good cure are needed to make it tasty.

    And yes you can make some fond memories, gleaning budlets from the trim.


    Junior Member

    I am worried about this getting out of control.....

    Hi there? Old guy in Stanton… I'm Jack, I hope you find peace soon. First off I'm on your side... Your Paranoia is bit over excited but I see you have a realistic grip on its control by this question "Does the OCSD have the time, wherewithal and desire to bother trolling old, retired, poor white guys? No! though they just might bumble and stumble upon you by accident... Please this is my opinion accumulated from 13+ years of experience as a farmer and provider/care giver... The law enforcement personnel (sigh). That you seem to "Fear" They have a budget! They are not out to get you and 4 pounds! So that is my short answer... The rest is my soap box... The "enforcement" That they (the cops) all seem to be sooo proud of, is accomplished mainly because they have guns along with the brain washing training that they all go through too complete the mind set that they are superior to you and "the general public". This is "fed" ha! to them by their "Superior officers" in what they have been brain washed to call the "chain of command" … Are you starting to see that "we" are at the tail end of that chain… In most of their "minds eye" We are to be "Governed and enforced" Lets just call it what it really is Enslavement! Shut up, do what your told and pay your taxes! Now get back to work!

    They are trained to intimidate you through fear (it seems to be working on you) When you know that you know you are free and not a slave of the "Government" you can communicate with most of these uniformed (costume) wearing individuals by pointing out "Facts" and asking them to clarify why they have intruded on your pursuit of happiness? There always seems to be at least 2 and quite often 6 of these costume wearing individuals looking to enforce upon someone. So it does take some courage and I advise practice. These are some examples of the questions you may want to ask yourself and if you are a cannabis activist I encourage you to know and rehearse… By what "authority" other then that (point to their gun) that gun,(gulp) you have there are you representing? They may point out their badge or say something they where trained to say. " The State" The County" Just ask them to "Please clarify... (Make them "think" it really pisses them off.) You must stay vocally calm and physically relaxed during these questions…Isn,t the Government "by the people for the people"? Yes or No? Am I a person? yes or No? Do you have any factual evidence that this code even applies to me? Do you have any factual evidence you and I have a contract between us or anybody that states I have given you or anybody else control and authority over me? (Social contract may come up do some research at Yes or No? Is there a formal complaint by another person that I have harmed them or someone else? Yes or No? …

    I have kicked the DEA off my property for trespassing… They said they would be back with a "search warrant" ( That was a parting shot to intimidate me) It worked! I shut my operation down and had the property for another 6 months and they never came back. (a very expensive lesson for me)

    Mainly I want to say " If you think you are doing something wrong by standing up and taking a risk for a miraculous plant that has evolved with us and in my opinion specifically for us "the human race" please consider this…In 1988, Allyn Howlett, a researcher at the St. Louis University Medical School, discovered a specific receptor for THC in the brain -- a type of nerve cell that THC binds to like a molecular key in a lock, causing it to activate. Receptor cells form part of a neuronal network; the brain systems involving dopamine, serotonin and the endorphins are three such networks. When a cell in a network is activated by its chemical key, it responds by doing a variety of things: sending a chemical signal to other cells, switching a gene on or off, or becoming more or less active. Depending on the network involved, this process can trigger cognitive, behavioral or psychological changes. Howlett's discovery pointed to the existence of a new network in the brain.
    On the assumption that the human brain would not have evolved a special structure for the express purpose of getting itself high on marijuana, researchers hypothesized that the brain must manufacture its own THC-like chemical for some as-yet-unknown purpose. ... In 1992, some thirty years after his discovery of THC, Raphael Mechoulam (working with a collaborator, William Devane) found it: the brain's own endogenous cannabinoid. He named it "anandamide," from the Sanskrit word for "inner bliss."

    So there you have it. Not only is part of the brain designed specifically to react to cannabinoids like THC, but it produces its own in order to achieve effects similar to smoking marijuana, including pain relief, sedation, impairment of short-term memory and cognitive befuddlement. (It should be noted that THC is far stronger and longer-lasting than anandamide, exaggerating and prolonging the effects of the naturally occurring chemical.) Why would the brain want to do this to itself?

    Pollan (and the scientists he consulted with) have a few theories, the most intriguing of which is as a natural curative for the "routine slings and arrows of life." Not only is pain dulled (such as during childbirth; there are cannabinoid receptors in the uterus) but quickly forgotten.

    Another possibility is that the brain equips us with the natural ability to be amused and excited by our surroundings, that it allows us (through the activation of these cannabinoid receptors) to forget what we know, however mildly, and see the world anew from time to time through the lens of suspended knowledge and rediscovery. As anyone who has ever been high knows, this is one of the main pleasures of the experience -- hearing a song as if for the first time, appreciating textures and colors more fully, being much more intimately aware of one's tactile surroundings.

    Such experiences might seem like a waste of time to those who rail against marijuana as the "devil's weed," but evolution apparently considered them valuable enough to develop an entire neural network devoted to their pursuit.

    And who's to argue with your own brain?

    By Greg Campbell
    April 7, 2010

    So (Its me again Jack) I see growing, smoking ingesting Cannabis as a privilege given to me by many advocates that I would be proud to be associated with and willing to go to jail with or for… I seriously doubt your associates mentioned in your concerns, are looking to do you any harm. Most of us folks just want to be free to conduct our pursuits of happiness in peace, with out threats and intimidation from others.

    This is from Lindsey Devers, Ph.D. CSR, Incorporated
    2107 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1000 Arlington, VA 20001
    CSR Incorporated Under Contract No. GS-10F
    -0114L, Order No. 2008-F_08151 Janaury 24, 2011
    According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (2005), in 2003 there were 75,573 cases disposed of in federal district court by trial or plea. Of these, about 95 percent were disposed of by a guilty plea (Pastore and Maguire, 2003). While there are no exact
    estimates of the proportion of cases that are resolved through plea bargaining, scholars
    estimate that about 90 to 95 percent of both federal and state court cases are resolved
    through this process (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2005; Flanagan and Maguire, 1990).

    I conclude… Stand tall and firm insist on going to trial by Jury. Defend yourself. ( lawyers are a rip off and they are only out to help themselves. (my opinion)) Again Defend yourself (check out if you ever find yourself arrested for "a victimless code violation/statute" Defending yourself is the only way to go. Even if you do not agree with Marc Stevens tactics the only way I know you can bring up the conversation of "Jury Nullification is by defending yourself here in California. That way the Jury knows they can do it… Nullify… Look it up… and have faith it will be a jury nullification and you will be free to go! Be free! Peace…

    Read more: USA - Evolution and cannabis -- human brain is hard-wired to experience marijuana's highs - Drugs Forum

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