Completely Legal Co-op is the new Co-op in town. Our product rivals the quality found in the best clubs in San Francisco. We offer 25 different strains, clones and edibles. Please call 702.862.MEDS

Top strains include:
Hong Kong
The Void
God bud x Turpentine x woody kush

Staff Favorites:
Crip Diesel
Afgan Goo
Larry OG

We also have a full selection of Seedless clothing and high end glass pieces.

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CompletelyLegal Reviewed by CompletelyLegal on . Completely Legal Co-Op Completely Legal Co-op is the new Co-op in town. Our product rivals the quality found in the best clubs in San Francisco. We offer 25 different strains, clones and edibles. Please call 702.862.MEDS Top strains include: Hong Kong Shoreline The Void God bud x Turpentine x woody kush Staff Favorites: Nebula Rating: 5