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    Junior Member

    Getting a Medical Marijuana Card

    Hey everyone, so this is kind of my intro to this site since I'm new here and also a question at the end, alright, so i live in Canada currently, Ontario to be slightly more specific, anyway, I've had really bad migraines since i was about 7 years old, and they got slightly worse when i got older, I'm not sure what triggers them, but sometimes they can be mild, but usually, it gets bad to the point of nausea ,dizziness, and coming very close to passing out, very hard to explain but the pain is very bad and lights worsen it, i also suffer from what my doctor told me was "severe depression" notably, not something i enjoy talking about as it gets very personal, but because of it i also have troubles sleeping, when i was around 15 my friends introduced me to pot, after trying it, i felt so relived my headache went away ,i felt very energetic(probably because it was a Sativa strain) and so up and happy, and not moody and down on myself all the time ,but of course with pot comes the illegality of it, i feel like a crackhead looking for his "fix" every time i have to go out and medicate myself buying from god knows who, not knowing what is in it or if it's just some shwagg or getting robbed (again ), my question is this, is it possible for me to get a MM card for my ailments? or is it a lost cause looking for a legal way of getting my medication, i understand it's not some life debilitating disease, but it is life threatening at some points, and I'm so tired of feeling like a drug addict having to "sketch out" and avoid suspicion , it just makes me feel trapped, i refuse to take any more pills, the side effects and chemicals alone are more problematic than pot, so what do i do? I'm 18 currently btw, 19 on the 7th, thanks for the replies guys and gals, and thanks for reading this ridiculously long post aha.:thumbsup:
    Tha420Life Reviewed by Tha420Life on . Getting a Medical Marijuana Card Hey everyone, so this is kind of my intro to this site since I'm new here and also a question at the end, alright, so i live in Canada currently, Ontario to be slightly more specific, anyway, I've had really bad migraines since i was about 7 years old, and they got slightly worse when i got older, I'm not sure what triggers them, but sometimes they can be mild, but usually, it gets bad to the point of nausea ,dizziness, and coming very close to passing out, very hard to explain but the pain is Rating: 5

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    Getting a Medical Marijuana Card

    I've read in many places that medical cannabis can be used to treat depression, and considering you've been diagnosed with severe depression that alone should enable you to get a card. If that's not enough you could complain about the chronic headaches you get and how you feel cannabis would help you.

    Senior Member

    Getting a Medical Marijuana Card

    D4L; First Happy birthday in a couple weeks!
    Second: Welcome to the site and hope you stick around!

    I do suffer with migraine's from a head injury. I believe the pain really makes me so depressed coupled with the medication.

    You would qualify in Calif. easily.

    You have company and are not alone! I had a cough a few months ago and during the process, developed a migraine with all the symptoms you described. Thought I had the flu (no flu shot this year). Since, I was using mmj for other probs, and not the right strain or freq. dose's I needed, I isolate! Being around 15 friends is a sign you are most likely not depressed as to your friendships (just guessing). I so believe the pain makes me so depressed I feel everything is impossible. So, mmj takes it away and things are suddenly possible, asap! I love instant relief!

    Go for mmj and don't be ashamed about it. I don't know Canadian rules, in fact, I am not so sure I've even read a post about them. You'll have to enlighten us on that, once you get placed on 'God's natural herb!" And have a great life with it. My first migraine was about 6 mos. and best part of a total year. Went to neurologist, had tons of studies, etc. Finally, I think it just left on its' own. But, a flinch in my head and slight feeling of a migraine coming would put me in a total tailspin mentally and physically. I went to psychotherapy for 5 or more years, took the pills, etc.

    Now, as you said, sativa for depression and Indica for headache. Most strains on the street have some of both (as I am told). But, the best blends are in the dispensaries or grown in your closet!

    For me: I get a great deal of relief with lavendarXkush; blueberryXkush; and about 100 others I intend to try or grow! Get the good stuff, it works best! There is one I have tried, can't remember the cross and was told last night (due to migraine, most likely triggered by lack of sleep today, I am a bit foggy) I think it was AK-47 crossed with something else, sorry. But get your rec. get legal-buy legal or grow! You unquestionably will benefit tremendously from the legal use. And fear of illegal use willl be one less reason for a migraine.

    Recently they are doing more studies with migraine's and the is a new medication or 2 out-but I am not going for it. I'll grow what I need. Often, I felt the depression was a result of the horrible pain interfering with my life! When your head hurts, it is difficult to think or be 100% functional. Over time, it gets you way down. Doesn't mean none of this is genetic for you, but you found a cure. Use it like it is saving your life, cause most likely it is for you. I've dealt with it a bit longer than you and it sucks! Never had a headache in my life until this!

    If it helps, I went for over a decade with no migraine. There is hope. There is mmj! In the past year I have tried lavendarXkush, blueberry kush and they were extremely effective for mine! However, I felt like I needed a bit more sativa, which is why that AK-47 cross with some sort of afgan kush of sorts--I'll have to find out, am unsure of it, damn it worked well. It is something someone crossed and grows for himself and can't keep in stock or I'd have some here! You are on the right track and in the right place.

    Sativa for depression and strong Indica for headache. Just keep trying different one's and hobby yourself with a grow. It will teach you patience, give you a purpose of fulfillment and medical relief with the results of the grow! Plus, you can try everything, until you figure out what works well for you! If I had to guess, I'd say the purple strains help the migraine's a lot. But, I have a lot more to try. And I believe the sativa dominate strains work pretty well during the day! Don't forget the Indica! There is nothing like one hit and no nausea and writhing! I feel for you, as I view mine as simply a temporary thing, as opposed to the slight flinch in my head and I am sure it is a migraine coming on -- syndrome! That may pass and these may go away on their own. I assume you've had MRI's etc....!

    I know exactly how you feel, that headache can make your whole body hurt for months. Look up 'Storm Crow' on this site and read some of her medical research, ought to help you a bit! Plus, trying to keep your mind busy, helps to distract from the pain. Force yourself, it is difficult, but helps. When I use mmj regular for other problems, I had blurred vision and thot it was my mmj. Nope, just wasn't using enough and let a 2 month migraine slip in on me. I medicate to the point of relief and stop. Sometimes the preceptors are not so suttle when you are treating it with mmj. But, you will know what works for you and just keep using it!

    Good luck to you. You will enrich your life with this discovery of yours! pr :jointsmile:

    Senior Member

    Getting a Medical Marijuana Card

    I noticed that when I am feeling down and I burn,its a total mood swing! Happy time!

    Junior Member

    Getting a Medical Marijuana Card

    Thanks everyone for the responses, yeah, i had an MRI actually a few months back, apparently there is nothing wrong but clearly there is something wrong( i suspect i got these from my mom, she gets migraines almost everyday just like me, and they can get very bad), if i relive myself with a few puffs it can last me a couple days, i tried the come down, by taking off a couple months to see if it was me or the herb that started to make me feel better, wow, what a nose dive, depression got worse, and migraines came back also, daily for those couple months, i usually have the blinds drawn, and tried working out to not only remove the THC from my system to reduce tolerance but also to occupy my mind, but i had a bad headache one day, my vision was messed up, i had tiles on my bathroom floor, and it looked like they were either looping around, or my vision was completely out of focus, and man was i ever nausea's, I'll definitely let you all know about my journey to get the required paperwork, i heard of C.A.L.M a govt' approved company marijuana club, that accepts users who manage to get their doctor to merely fill out a form approving the use of cannabis for the patient and it was discussed in previous apt's, once the doctor signs it(if you can find one willing) you can receive medicinal herb and seeds, you get approved in an hour after submitting the paperwork, as long as you follow the do's and don't of your medicinal marijuana, so i suspect not sharing with friends might come involved, kind of a drag because my friends do tend to indulge in it, but in any case should be interesting finding out.:thumbsup:

    Senior Member

    Getting a Medical Marijuana Card

    Thanks for sharing.

    As for your friends, grow some tuff skin! They must and need to understand that you NEED this for a serious condition that seriously affects the quality of your life!! Talk to them, explain it is your medication, no different than Penicillin or Insulin!! You wouldn't share that and they wouldn't want it! It is illegal to share and you could lose your medication if caught or turned in, most likely. It is not right for them to make you feel bad to get something you may enjoy, because you really NEED it! You are already feeling bad. Maybe tell them, it is a problem for you and you don't even have your card (or whatever you do in Canada) and you feel bad about using it for your medication and not a party treat. Ask them for their help. Let them know that emotions have a lot to do with why you need this and you need their support to feel good about it and have medication when you need it without guilt!

    I hope you can talk to them candidly and let them know. However, the need goes both ways. You shouldn't use theirs, either. You run out, tuff! Haven't seen a post here about a Canadian not getting enough for treatment! If it turns out you don't need a lot and start backing up some extra-freeze it in a jar! make sure no moisture gets in. Check out the threads here to see what the pros here recommend for storage. I think I read, Freeze somewhere, but you can ask how to store it long term in that section. Get too much, a party would seem fun, but inappropriate, as give an inch you may give up your needed medicine in the future. Reward them in an appropriate manner for the support they have given you--when it works out!
    People that have a medical need will and do understand. I don't use any from another patient: Unless they grow and have plenty and it seems fine. If I know they are paying $400.00 an ounce or whatever, I don't touch it-I buy my own and they should too. Or do without, as most patients would. It is irritating to not have it when you need it, believe me! If it is my supplier, collective or whatever, and they are giving me tastes of different kinds-that is business and they get it mine. Price's force most to grow, here. And it is a nice hobby to replace more difficult ones.

    It will be interesting to follow you through this process. Learn the Canadian law on it! And see you get better and feel better about it, no shame no guilt and supportive friends and family! Anyway, hope to hear more from you.

    You sound like you think you'll have problems getting a doc to treat you properly, any reason why (other than your age). Sounds like a no brainer to me! At least, you can Dr. shop until you get it, remain determined. People mostly do not understand migraine's and the ill feeling discomfort. And how long it can and will last. It is very misunderstood. Make the first doc understand! Write everything down with your symptoms-so there is no misunderstanding with the Dr.! Since you've taken meds etc. and basically are uncontrolled, you need it and they surely will recognize it, I hope!

    You want to write things down, as if you have a minor migraine when you go in, you may want to sit silently or skip things. When you have a migr. it is difficult to think and communicate clearly! Be prepared. The nausea is sometimes so bad you don't even want your mmj, force yourself-I do and bam-it goes away! Oddly, I can really get the flu and eat, but a migraine nausea, I want nothing to do with anything! Well, maybe a nice head, neck and upper back massage! And of course, I am sure you've been taught relaxation technics and if you haven't been to 'pain clinic' ask to go. At your age, use everything you possible can for resource's for long term help. And I'll pray this is healed for you! PR :jointsmile:

    Lots of luck to you and hope you become painfree with peace!

    Junior Member

    Getting a Medical Marijuana Card

    Hey thanks for your words of support Painretreat, personally i am just worried of being told my reason isn't good enough or that i am not ill enough ,but i would have to wonder then, to be turned down from a club or the gov telling me i'm not ill enough for something that has proven to help me would just be very hurtful to deal with, but i do have an apt the day before my birthday with my doctor, I've spoken to her before about it, but she told me to try these synthetic cannabis pills that frankly didn't help me at all i suspect it was because of the .05mg dosage they assumed would help me, so I'll head to my doctors on the Friday after this one, and see if i can talk her into letting me apply for the legal cannabis use ,she is very easy going, so i hopefully won't have too many troubles getting permission, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for now haha, i wonder if having multiple symptoms would help my chances ,but as per growing, i was actually considering asking if and when i receive my card if i could choose to do so, seems to me paying an enormous amount for an ounce compared to cultivating a few nice plants would definitely keep my wallet a bit fuller, but i suppose i won't count my chikens before the hatch lol :thumbsup: :rasta:

    Senior Member

    Getting a Medical Marijuana Card

    You might want to talk to the folks at treating yourself .com (all one word). It is a nice little Canadian MMJ site and they may be able to help you.

    Granny :hippy:

    Junior Member

    Getting a Medical Marijuana Card

    Alright, update time!, so as you guys might know by know i went to the doctors on Friday the 6th, and talked to her about signing my MMJ forms so i can get the license to legally posses and grow,she agreed to do so the next time she saw me as long as the house owners agrees, (it's all cool with the rent btw) SO the 19th i have an appointment i go in ,she will sign my forms and all i have to do is hand them in for processing and hopefully i will get my card WOOT WOOT, so far it's been easy getting the signature, but i believe it's the Health Canada decision to finalize whether i get the card or not, so keep your fingers crossed :rastasmoke: :hippy: and :jointsmile:

    Senior Member

    Getting a Medical Marijuana Card

    Hey T4L, thanks for getting back with us and letting us know. There are so many Canadian's on this sight I am curious why none have jumped in with a bit of help for you! They do some mighty fine medical grows up there, though!!:greenthumb:

    Did you check out the link Granny Strom Crow left for you???:420thought: She is a Wealth of Knowledge, no one knows more! Please check it out, since you still have some concern.

    I personally, see no problem medically why you shouldn't be given it. Will look forward to hearing how all goes on the 29th!! Good luck with you and hope you are feeling good :rastasmoke: now!

    Growing will be fun. It will have you wishing you had more room to grow your veges!!! Take Care, PR :thumbsup:

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