angiosperm as chrysalis

Gentle as the light of Aphrodite, oh goddess of Ur,
from the spun earth where KI arose to the gossamer

of all lands spun and the land its own, Turtle Island,
bring praise to my lips for that so beautiful in
sacrifice to you. Did you not, perfect gate of dawn,
acknowledge the offering near my prayer gathering
compost where my best in gratitude is given you?
Can I not say Inanna holds the gift glad in her heart?

Sesbania exaltata, Kannabis, Cannabis sativa, O
red haired ones of rare seed, Indica, one season
giving as the tree, with what eagerness you leave
the ground for air, the ground of your exultant
growing! Inanna holds you smiling. Ahh, IA.
The first breath is out, then, the first breath
is in. The colors out are of
is this lover of earth and such growing and air.

You would be light, you hurry so to that seeming
perfection. Have your dreams, good plant, let
me do nothing to hinder them or you. Ahh,
your sun ended roots travel with serpentine ease
gently healing; rootless, you travel the earth,
Memory, Heart and Center, Marijuana,
Medicine, Food, Fiber, Incense for
the Love of Sex, Seed of all or each of these.

Tyranny hates you, Repression nightmares
striking you dead, you fatigue the sentry.
Deer range miles for your seedlings, your
fruit leads the hungry to strength, those you
cannot assist you repel from your magic,
you may visit or you may trellis your making
on a skeleton, yet, and also as light, you
are in passing through, fearing no harm

and bringing no worse than your warning. High
your growing, wild your roots, confident your
mercy, strong your making, your seed brings a love
from earth; your flowering, sun to fire, loveâ??s heat
into light disappearing, your body loves air
long through the weathering of sea, mountain
or shelter; Mistress of the wild, Protector
of the tired places, Laughterâ??s messenger, Ahh.