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    Junior Member

    Any one know how to grow outside in ireland

    Quote Originally Posted by Alfiecarted
    Hey I am wondering what's the earliest I can plant my seeds? I got some purple power seeds and I am worried if I plant it too early it will die too late I will miss the harvest cause I am away for the whole of July? If you could help when too plant the purple power that would be great
    you should of started in late feb early march then plant them outdoors mid to late may if u r goin away in july how will ur plants get food and water?? harvest wont be until october anyways but there wont b a harvest if they dont get water or nutrients for a month!!:rasta:

    Junior Member

    Any one know how to grow outside in ireland

    can anybody tell me when my plants will start flowering outdoors in ireland,i planten them in a greenhouse in feb, now their all up to the roof but theres no sign of them flowering yet, can anybody help me on this as its my first time growing outdoors, thanks

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    Junior Member

    Any one know how to grow outside in ireland

    they will start to flower when the light sent the plant to flower mode, this occurs about Sep/Oct in Ireland, about 12h Sun/ 12h Dark

    if you want to flower early you must make sure that they get no light for 12 hours a day, put them into a shed for 12h everyday or wait for mother nature to do it for you, but be careful for bud rot, you might want to try flower early.

    Put up pics mate, lets see these plants.

    Junior Member

    Any one know how to grow outside in ireland

    Quote Originally Posted by Seansnap
    :joint1:B]Hi there, I've grown outdoors in West-Cork Ireland and I know all the tricks of the trade and I'm only too happy to share them.[/B]

    First get the seeds. - seed from plants that have being grown outdoors in our climate zone are best if you can get them from a friend.
    Otherwise get outdoor seeds from a head-shop, The Funky Skunk in Cork is my favourite - The Funky Skunk - Corks First and Finest Head Shop - Herbal Highs - Spice - Charlies - Red Devils - Happy Caps - Chillums - Books
    Next step - germinate the seeds. Get a flat container and cover the bottom of it with cotton wool or tissue. Wet this and let all excess water drain of. Place the seeds on top. Cover with cling-film to stop it drying out. Now put this in a warm place like an airing cubbord. In about one week the seeds should have sprouted if they were warm and damp.
    Next step - starting the seedlings. Plant the seeds in small pots just covering them up to the base of their stems. Use peat moss or potting compost and you can use liquid fertlizer if you want. Now place them in a south facing window or better again- a tunnel or glasshouse. You can also make a simple tunnel or glasshouse thatonly needs to be a foot or two in hight. Make sure the pots are big enough for the plants as they grow and make sure that they never dry out or this will really set them back or kill them.
    Next step - Planting out. Dig big holes at least one foot deep and two feet across.
    Fill the holes with the best compost that you can get. Cow or similar manaure is the best and can usually be gotton quite easyily in the countryside - just say to some farmer that you want to grow some vegtables of something . Plant the plants level with the groung level with manure all around and under them as they really need this for the best results.
    Next step - caring for the plants. Once they are planted outside you hardly need to care for them, you just need to kill a few from time to time and by that I mean the males - they have flowers that will ferterlize the female plants and cause their buds to produce seeds thus ruining your crop. The males are recognised by their very distintive flowers that come out before the females start producing buds. Look for pictures on the web to show you what both look like. The only other thing is watering. This is usually only necessary during a drought or when they have just been planted although you might want to water them with liquid fertlizer from time to time.
    Next step - harvesting. Before the plant start to get moldy they need to be harvested - after the start of september you need to check that there is no mold as it can destroy a crop very quickly. In late september - early october harvest and leave your plants hanging downward in a warm, dry place. A de-humidfier is better than a heater but a warm attice or clothes cubbord will do.

    The whole trick of outdooor growing is to maximise the time that the plants are growing - germinate in Febuary and plant out as soon as growing conditions outside are good - in April or May.

    Hi, my first time asking anyone anything about this, i have 3 alaskan ice and 3 himalayan gold all about 2 to 3 foot high and have then in normal big buckets, i got 6 black ones in discount store and put lots of holes in them . but now i want to put them into the soil as i read your advice on manure and its fucking everywhere around me. i checked today and no white hairs as i only put them out 2 weeks ago on the 9 july at 2 feet high.

    so can i still put them in the ground and at 4 feet high at finish what is the usual amount if i just let them grow without topping them ? just an average is all i would like, i am hoping 2 to 3 oz a plant.
    appreciate the help,.......thanks.

    Also i grew blue cheese by big buddha, the white dwarf was 10/10 i grew indoors maybe 12 to 18 grams per plant, but so so beautiful but the blue cheese all died 3 weeks into flower in doors ???? i mean YELLOW LEAVES im growing 5 years and lost the plot over it, it looks like the phosphourus is taking up the nit as i put the powder on the top of the soil. i do know what the fuck happened but i lost a major high, i just took the 3 week bud and dried it and , after growing euphoria, this shit would have made me stay awake all night, i will try again but anyone one knows what may have happened, sorry i do not have any pics yet but will have some of the outdoor once the flowers begin.
    any help guys, its a tight city for the info i need.

    Junior Member

    Any one know how to grow outside in ireland

    Quote Originally Posted by ptl32
    So i hear you can do grows outdoors as in plant some seeds in a remote place on some random patches of land that you think suit and then let nature take its course

    So does anyone from the irish forum know the best times / ways to grow in Ireland considering we know our weather the best.

    So maybe collectively we can make an ultimate outdoor grow guide for Ireland, and any little hints / tricks you picked up on the way like is there anything you should bury with them like limestone or put some plastic down to keep the water in or i duno. I've only ever grown mushies outdoors so have no notion how to grow cannabis outside.

    P.s DO NOT give any locations that you have used or are thinking about using but you can generalise like ... right beside a wall for shelter but gets full light all day long. So that people can learn the best type of location... we can litter the country with plants haha
    Use your own mix of soil and dig a hole in the ground do the same procedure you would at home when planting the seed,Plant it when the days are getting long, in a sheltered area like in a corner near a hedge make sure it can get sunlight all day long or as much as possible, put chicken wire around it to stop dogs and other animals using it as a toilet and things like that then put slug pellets in a ring around it, check it every day depending on your mix you may need to use a feed in the flowering stage. tip: always make sure you've loads a pellets around it to protect it from those evil slugs, have heavy duty plastic hidden nearby incase of a freak weather change like frost or really bad rain forcast. hope this helps.. ive set up a website too for us irish growers too.. not sure if i can post it here incase i get kicked for spamming but here is my email anyway if u need any help ([email protected]):rastasmoke:

    Senior Member

    Any one know how to grow outside in ireland

    Quote Originally Posted by tomosullivan
    Use your own mix of soil and dig a hole in the ground do the same procedure you would at home when planting the seed,Plant it when the days are getting long, in a sheltered area like in a corner near a hedge make sure it can get sunlight all day long or as much as possible, put chicken wire around it to stop dogs and other animals using it as a toilet and things like that then put slug pellets in a ring around it, check it every day depending on your mix you may need to use a feed in the flowering stage. tip: always make sure you've loads a pellets around it to protect it from those evil slugs, have heavy duty plastic hidden nearby incase of a freak weather change like frost or really bad rain forcast. hope this helps.. ive set up a website too for us irish growers too.. not sure if i can post it here incase i get kicked for spamming but here is my email anyway if u need any help ([email protected]):rastasmoke:
    tomo mate got a link to ya site..


    Junior Member

    Any one know how to grow outside in ireland

    Any suggestions on type of seeds to get? It will be my first time ever, freaking out a bit. Do they need light before going outdoors? what about pesticides? I wanna go the organic way :hippy:


    Any one know how to grow outside in ireland

    hey good on ya
    i did my own grow last year and looking abou this year for something.
    I was thinking of going for early girl, Red Cherry Berry.
    But i think i am going with Amnesia Lemon as 9 to 10 week flowering.
    you would want to be looking for short flowering period on what ever you get.
    mine last year wasn't ready till the end of october.

    will have a list of what i think are good seeds cheap enough that if goes tits up, not out of pocket to bad
    :Early Durban, Sugar Haze, Hash Passion, Northern Lights(shop around as price varies alot) and hollands hoop and thats all i can think of that you will get growing and done before the cold snap.

    light before hand is good, but i use something like this on my window sill a Heated Propagator. the plants grow with the sunlight.

    Heated Propagator

    when you use lights you have to bring the plants out into the shade for a few days. Or if you bring them straight out they will burn and if they are small will die.

    what about pesticides i hear you say, well the answer is nature has its own.
    i havent had any problems i havent heard of any needed with out side, i may of been lucky.

    the organic way can be done and can get good results just you may not get the yeild of the plant stated on the pack.
    but you may not get this till ya have a few under your belt.
    you should get hold of a ph meter check your soil now and start making it right. If its to high in acid it takes time for the lime to wash in and blance out.
    have a look on the net for growing flowers outside in ireland alot of tips and advice that crosses over.

    Another thing i would say to you to do is grow some sort of low ryder in may june time.
    this way you can see what the flowers look like, how they grow, how to cut them and then how to dry and cure them.
    this way you have smoke and can taste the difference of cured and non cured smoke.:stoned:
    as you can rush to smoke your pride and joy.:rastasmoke:

    well best of luck and wish ya well
    i might do a grow log this year on my out door grow so keep an eye out
    any thing else just ask:jointsmile:
    [align=center]ostexcuseme: SANE IN AN INSANE WORLD :stupid:[/align]
    [align=center]:weedpoke:Economic grow log for in Ireland indoor/outdoor/greenhouse[/align]

    Junior Member

    Any one know how to grow outside in ireland

    Hey loststix
    Thanks a bunch for your lengthy reply, I was very helpfull to a novice like me :thumbsup:
    I will take all these advices on board and hopefully everything will go well. Since you offered to answer more of my questions I have a couple more (they kept coming once I'd posted my feed...)
    -Where's the best place to buy seeds, there are so many websites I'm not sure which one to pick.
    -Do you know anything about seaweed fertilizer (i'm thinking of making my own)
    -Do low ryders need to be put under light, friends of mine seem not to think so. You read and hear so many different things it's hard to know what to do
    -would you put the babies straight in a polytunnel or start them indoors first?
    I hope I'm not pushing my luck with all my questions, be as brief as you want!
    Thanks for your time, i'll keep you posted on my progress (i hope they'll be successfull haven't had a smoke in soooooo long, since I moved to a new part of the country and don't know any1 in the area yet )


    Any one know how to grow outside in ireland

    i know how ya feel we moved to a new place aswell.
    fucking sucks balls lucky i had some smoke put away for it:jointsmile:

    well i have just brought some seeds of irish seed bank as they take laser.
    From what i have read about them they are ok, but i dont know will tell ya when i get the seeds and how they go.
    they have a good range and not to dear, so i was happy.
    you could try to see if there is a local grow shop to ya.
    i did buy my 1st seeds from a head shop but these as far as i know are all gone.
    there might be one in northen ireland if this isn't to far away for ya.

    The thing i do with seaweed is mix it in after i wash it(its the salt i worry about) to my soil in dec/jan for out side.
    seaweed fert is great for plants if ya know how to do this let us know.
    as i have done a little looking around and it seems to be great on plants.

    i do use this nettle fertilser which may help
    Nettle brew.
    You will requireâ?¦
    1. A strong pair of gloves and clothes that cover all skin within stinging distance of the nettles.

    2. A sharp pair of garden clippers.

    3. A canvas or hessian bag and a few bricks.

    4. 20 litres of collected rainwater.

    5. One kilogram (2 ¼ pounds) of nettles.

    6. A watertight drum or barrel to accommodate 20 litres, complete with a tight-fitting lid.

    Firstly, harvest your nettles by cutting young stems, which have not flowered yet. Cut before June, these are full of sap ideal for fertiliser production.
    Chop them up with the clippers and crush them with your gloved hands as you place them into the canvas or hessian bag. This will speed up the release of nettles fertiliser elements.

    Tie off the top of the sack once it is filled with approx one kilogram of nettles, and then place it in the base of the drum. Before pouring in your water, you should place a brick or two on top of the sack to prevent it floating to the top.

    Donâ??t forget to place the tight-fitting lid on to the barrel, as nettle brew tends to get rather smelly. In fact, if you have an issue with nasty niffs, then I suggest the barrel is located way down the garden.

    Leave the mix to brew for about three or four weeks before you consider applying it. When the time comes, mix it in your watering can at a rate of ten parts water to one part nettle brew, then water liberally around your plants.

    As the resulting feed is high in Nitrogen, I recommend watering it especially onto those plants which require leafy or upright growth, e.g. lettuce, cabbage, lawns, sunflowers etc., but virtually all plants will receive a welcome boost.

    i took this from Garden Design in Galway, Ireland. Tree Surveys, Landscape Layouts
    Get some garden websites i use the nettle fert and does no harm

    low ryders need warm soil to grow well they dont need lights if done over may/june time.
    the other reason i said to grow low ryders is you get to practice cutting drying cureing before you have 6oz to do off one plant.
    a low ryder should get an oz or near it per plant.
    and after ya have done that and we have good weather you could end up near to 12/14 oz of one of ur own plants.
    then ya know the work load.

    with all seedlings i use a propagator dont need a heated one when its warm.
    but handy to have a heated one. they can be got cheap unheated bout 10eruo heated from 40 euro up depending on the size.

    i dont put babies out side as one little bastard of a fucking slug can kill
    So i start them indoors till there about 6/8 in high then a slug wont kill them.

    Can you answer me this will you be growing in a large polytunnel?
    or just the low one that you then take off when plants get bigger?

    hope that helps :hippy:
    any more just ask
    [align=center]ostexcuseme: SANE IN AN INSANE WORLD :stupid:[/align]
    [align=center]:weedpoke:Economic grow log for in Ireland indoor/outdoor/greenhouse[/align]

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