Nice I'm in my 3rd year down south in Winona
KL4D4 Reviewed by KL4D4 on . in general, what's the best way to find a new dealer? If someone is new to an area and doesnâ??t have connections, whatâ??s the best way to go about finding a dealer? Iâ??m not asking for a hookup on this board, so please, mods., donâ??t nuke this post. Iâ??m just asking (in the abstract sense), what is the best way to find a reliable person to buy pot from? Iâ??m thinking it should be easy, since I go to a big school (UofMinn, Mpls.), but paranoia keeps me from approaching strangers, and none of my friends smoke. Argh, so frustratingâ?¦ Rating: 5