Mr. Johnson, I was inquiring regarding your position on medical marijuana.
As you may already know, many people can benefit medically from marijuana,
which is why I think it's important to contact you and see if you think
it's a good idea to allow patients with debilitating conditions to use
marijuana without fear of being prosecuted and labeled as criminals. Mr.
Johnson, the undesirable effects of prescription painkillers on me has
turned me to using marijuana to effictively neutralize my pain. In doing
so, I am not faced with many things that accompany painkillers such
as..Nausea, vomitting, addiction, and the most important, the fact that it
allows me to function in routine activities such as school or work, unlike
painkillers...with marijuana, my dosage is easily controlled, and I can't
overdose and/or have damage done to my body by using marijuana. Marijuana
does nothing negative to me or my lifestyle, and I know myself and
thousands of other individuals can benefit from a change in our law to
allow us to legally use marijuana rather than having to illegally do it.
Another thing I would like to mention is that if we could legally grow or
obtain our marijuana from a regulated business or something, we can avoid
contact with other harmful drugs and/or criminals. I have attached a
Medical Marijuana Resolution that I would like you to consider, sir. This
is the sort of thing that we've elected you to do for us, and if you have
anything against it I would most certainly like to hear why.

Thank you for your time,

Marcus Wray

If you're using it for medical reasons here in oklahoma, contact your legislators and tell them why they should consider medical marijuana. I've gotten into contact with norma sapp from OKNORML and she's working on getting support of this resolution..

"Whereas, cannabis (marijuana) has been shown to alleviate pain and discomfort in people suffering from a variety of illnesses including Cancer, Glaucoma, Multiple Sclerosis and other chronic illnesses, and

Whereas, the use of cannabis is presently unlawful ,which further subjects citizens with debilitating illnesses to potential arrest and prosecution, and

Whereas, the state of Oklahoma wishes to declare itâ??s desire not to expend state and local resources in any investigation, detention, arrest or prosecution arising out of alleged violations of state and federal law regarding the use of cannabis (marijuana) for medical use, be it

Resolved: The State Legislature wishes to direct the District Attorneys of the state to use discretion in the arrest and prosecution of the afore mentioned citizens. And be it further

Resolved : That the State Legislature calls upon the District Attorneys to cease prosecution of persons involved in the medical use of cannabis (marijuana)."
Markass Reviewed by Markass on . My e-mail to my representative about medical marijuana.. Mr. Johnson, I was inquiring regarding your position on medical marijuana. As you may already know, many people can benefit medically from marijuana, which is why I think it's important to contact you and see if you think it's a good idea to allow patients with debilitating conditions to use marijuana without fear of being prosecuted and labeled as criminals. Mr. Johnson, the undesirable effects of prescription painkillers on me has turned me to using marijuana to effictively neutralize Rating: 5