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    Senior Member

    Latewood's Legacy: GH 3-part and CalMag tutorial and discussion

    After experimenting for 2 years with Advanced Nutrients/additives...
    Botanicare Pure blend Pro/additives...and GH3-part/additives.
    I fond this formula works and yields the best; And leaves the roots healthy throughout grow. Goodluck

    This should answer a lot of question's you newb's have, and It should save you some money in the longrun.

    Since a lot of you get caught up in the Lucas Method. I found this to yield more. However if you have space limitations, just remove the Grow from the formula for smaller plants/yield

    START>>>Here is a higher yielding alternative to cut and dried lucas method...
    Use grow part in veg 1-1-1 and create high yield bushes=less plants=less trouble, same yield overall.
    In flower...use squewed 3-part
    .25-1-2 for 1st 4 weeks
    weeks 4/5 revert to lucas 0-1-2. Cutting the nitrogen back.
    High yield philosphy...Grow bigger, but less...

    From 35 gallon rez I dip a 5g bucket and add nutes. I have a turkey baster syringe that sucks up exactly 40 ml if you fill it, So that works perfectly.

    5 gallon formula...convert as necessary...

    Starting with reverse-osmosis water

    8ml per gallon

    Veg 1-1-1 = 40-40-40

    Flower .25-1-2 = 10-40-80

    Finish 0-1-2 = 0-40-80

    add calmag+/3-5ml per gallon **ph5.8 water for topoff's in between nute change... I do not use calmag in nute change solution.
    So. I am doing what you are doing except I don't use carboload, I use Liquid Karma/or Seablast/ or some type of Vit-b and sparingly (this stuff cause all kinds of foliage. (Especially under-foliage and I find the too much under growth can causes airflow, and pest problems)

    Use LK/Vit-b as I do Calmag+ for topoffs's in between nute change. Alternate topoff solutions each cycle; switching out LiquidKarma for Calmag+ every other week in between your weekly nute change (every 7-10 days).

    Example: 3-part, topoff CM+, nute change 3-part, topoff LK, nute change 3-part, topoff CM+...etc, etc.
    hope this makes sense.
    Flower stage:
    Start off with all 3 parts
    same value=8ml x's 5 G's=40ml=1 part

    Campared to lucas 0-1-2/0-40-80 for flower...
    Use .25-1-2/15-40-80 per 5 gallons. You get more mass using the nitrogen at this stage.

    It is safe to say this is close to the Advanced Nutrients values, but I simplifiied the recipe by going to GH/lucas values
    Actually, they are General Hydroponincs values...right off the bottle. tweak as you need.

    In week *4/5 flower. I switch to 0-40-80, and continue alternating CM+/LK topoff process. I topoff at least every other day. this is PK boost time for 8 week finish, I just use clean 0-40-80 until PK transition. so for 9-12 week finish you would hold off on PK/Overdrive, whatever...
    Use Overdrive, or high pk formula for a week or 2 prior to final flush.

    Flush w/Florakleen.

    *week 4/5 of flower. drop ph to 5.4 to make PK nutes more available to plants. increase the ph each week .1... i.e. wk4-ph5.4, wk5 ph5.5, wk6 ph5.6, wk7 ph5.7, wk 8 5.8 finish...Again; If you require longer finishing time, You hold off on this ph transition.
    **most of the time, calmag+/LK will buffer the water's ph and you don't have to adjust.

    So that is my take...I don't even right it down anymore. I just go with the flow. Sorry about rambling on, but I figured I could go ahead and copy/paste this explanation to my notepad for publication on my hydroponics website.

    I invite You to come over to: post some hydro question's there, help me build traffic there, and everyone can benefit form the knowledge gained. We can discuss all the hydroponics you want and countless other topics.
    latewood Reviewed by latewood on . Latewood's Legacy: GH 3-part and CalMag tutorial and discussion After experimenting for 2 years with Advanced Nutrients/additives... Botanicare Pure blend Pro/additives...and GH3-part/additives. I fond this formula works and yields the best; And leaves the roots healthy throughout grow. Goodluck This should answer a lot of question's you newb's have, and It should save you some money in the longrun. Since a lot of you get caught up in the Lucas Method. I found this to yield more. However if you have space limitations, just remove the Grow from Rating: 5

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    Senior Member

    Latewood's Legacy: GH 3-part and CalMag tutorial and discussion

    Thank you very much for posting this LW. With this 3 part feeding sched along with the CM and the LQ how many res changes do you do??? How long are you veging when you grow fewer plants with this formula? What is a fair yield with this formula with a average yielding strain compared to the Lucas schedule with the same strain? Also, what is your current set up like, as far as buckets, I can't find any recent grow logs or posts where you break down your bucket and light set up.

    Senior Member

    Latewood's Legacy: GH 3-part and CalMag tutorial and discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueBear
    Thank you very much for posting this LW. With this 3 part feeding sched along with the CM and the LQ how many res changes do you do??? How long are you veging when you grow fewer plants with this formula? What is a fair yield with this formula with a average yielding strain compared to the Lucas schedule with the same strain? Also, what is your current set up like, as far as buckets, I can't find any recent grow logs or posts where you break down your bucket and light set up.
    let me see...I don't count rez changes...I just follow regimen, until one day I decide to finish the plant and use overdrive, (I mix overdrive with the 3-part and no furhter LK or CM+ at this point which means that I will be going into the last 3-4 weeks topping off with plain water.

    From seed I veg* 2 months (normal veg length) vegging less that that is considered a shortened veg period. You get away with 2-4 weeks of veg with clones, because they retain age of mother...Also finish time variies in conjunction with length of veg time...the longer you veg the longer it takes to mature and finish...However, just remember that shorter veg periods cut down on yield considerably
    *you don't count seedling/cutting rooting time for veg. veg should be implemented with nutrients when you get at least 4-5 alternating nodes and plant is well rooted.

    I don't estimate yields, but I would say that I almost double the lucas method yield w/this formula, maybe??? (plants just get much bigger)...

    Well last time I used the simple independent 5 gallon buckets.

    I use 5 gallon bucket bubblers...10, 18, and 35 gallon sterlite tubs.
    I have a couple aero set-ups I built in the 10 and 18 gallon tubs
    I use drip system like in Madman goes aero...built w/10gallon tubs.

    I use 45w cfl's and 4' tubes for rooting and seedlings
    I use a 400w MH and a 1000w MH for veg..sometimes the plants take off so much that I flower in week 5-6 to keep height down, but I lose some yield...It is a matter of timing my finish so I don't run out of Meds.

    In Flower I use a 1000w MH and switch to a 1000w EYE'hortilux hps
    I also use a 250w hps to flower smaller potted plants (sweet)

    Lastly...I stopped all grow logs at point of proving systems worked. I occasionally show a few piks here and there of plants close to harvest. I plan on showing a couple of the 5 gallon bucket plants...a fantasma(AK-47) and a "fine" tied over NYCD..., but since becoming mod and being out in the open, so to speak, I have chosen the more cautious road...I don't post my rooms or set-ups anymore. (If I grow at all) ala Zandor...You have to brag in moderation due to the current political climate...know what I mean? Vern. Hope this helps you all out. peace

    Senior Member

    Latewood's Legacy: GH 3-part and CalMag tutorial and discussion

    Thanks LW, and yes I understand the log and pics thinggy. Well, it seems like you are truly a mad man with all of your different grow systems.
    Do you think that from clone in a DWC with 4 compared to 8 weeks veg the yield is half???
    Well catch you around Vern. LOL


    Latewood's Legacy: GH 3-part and CalMag tutorial and discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by latewood

    I don't estimate yields, but I would say that I almost double the lucas method yield w/this formula, maybe??? (plants just get much bigger)...
    So if one is getting 1 1/2lb per 1K with a basic Lucas mix...your little tweak there should get them up to around 2 1/ your estimation...of something that is apparently proven...
    I'm not trying to be a dick...but that claim seems pretty bold, that's all

    Senior Member

    Latewood's Legacy: GH 3-part and CalMag tutorial and discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Stuper Star
    So if one is getting 1 1/2lb per 1K with a basic Lucas mix...your little tweak there should get them up to around 2 1/ your estimation...of something that is apparently proven...
    I'm not trying to be a dick...but that claim seems pretty bold, that's all
    What I can say...My plants are 2wice as big when introduced to flower. Using grow part definitely increases yield, and I would have to say yes, but basically I am telling you what I have seen by growing with 1-1-1...then using a tweaked advanced nutrient formula...trying lucas for 3-4 grows and coming back to this formula which is just what I came up with through a couple years of experimentation with 3-part. I don't see this as a small tweak either...I see adding grow to equal parts of micro and bloom squewes the formula a tremendous amount when you look at the difference in Nitrogen values throughout veg.

    Everytime I have used a 1-1-1 in veg with a value of 1=8ml per gallon, I experience another whole level of growth and harvest very large bushes. Of course growing methods and experience play a large part in any grow. I get 1/2-3/4lb easy out of 1-5 gallon bucket with an airstone.
    This is with full veg time of at least 8 weeks. You don't get the bigger yields off of taking shortcuts, lol...folks

    believe it or not. I am not bragging...I am trying to help. I have tried all kinds of grows both soil and hydro and combined side by sides...Using Lucas Formula, I could never get my yield anywhere near what I expected or wanted to achieve.:smokineace

    Senior Member

    Latewood's Legacy: GH 3-part and CalMag tutorial and discussion

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Straightforward, easy to understand and all those GREAT little details you don't think of when first getting directions for things that you have to stop and go find out in the middle of the operation. Love it!!
    Haze(y) Grow Log:

    \"Your deeds show your character.\"-StinkyAttic


    Latewood's Legacy: GH 3-part and CalMag tutorial and discussion

    Baby Geebuzz....did I ever stick my foot down my throat...especially being a noob here
    My apologies Latewood:silly: I was tired and kinda bitchy when I seemed to fixate on your yield claim. And the kicker is that I was thinking I have seen decent yields with ONLY a 0-1-2ratio mix...but that is not true as I now recollect better. Because the veg was in fact done with 3-2-1. Only the flower stage was done with 0-1-2 (varying between 0-6ml-12ml and 0-8ml-16ml per gal)

    Senior Member

    Latewood's Legacy: GH 3-part and CalMag tutorial and discussion

    no shit ,
    thx for the bump bear !!!
    sup latewood ?
    i guess i inadvertently just did what your thread here explains as far as very very lil grow in begining n quit it completely once we went to 12/12 due to lack of headroom in basement . lol . only 6'2". n it sux . i had just asked bear about the low p/h deal at last cpl. weeks of flowering n what it acomplished . i had read pt. of this thread when it was new a while bk. lol . short term memory n shit .
    i am now sworn to farms / n buckets man . i'm having incredible luck n killer yields . 4 buckets is yeilding me what 50-60 plants was using sog in dirt . it takes a lil longer to flower crazy 8-10 headed mutant monsters but man is it worth it !!! like 36in round and 4 1/2 ft. tall . i got up to 17 o's . ea. using independent 5 gal bukts . n thats w/ heat stress n mistakes lol . my current gro is my first almost stress free hydro grow yet n i'm blown away w/ the speed of things . i much appreciate all the helpful input , info and advice that you n bluebaer have had to offer . i'll leave you guys some good karma .
    your cuz

    Senior Member

    Latewood's Legacy: GH 3-part and CalMag tutorial and discussion

    Lw, can this method be applied to soil grow? Or can you receommend a good method for soil? Im not ready to try Hydro just yet. Current nutes i have are GH 3 part, and some Foxfarm flowering nutes, Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz and Cha-ching. I do plan on getting some Liquid Karma in the near future.

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