Here's my problem... you say to microwave for 15 secs before and after. Well, microwaves are very very different and you have virtually no control over the temperature unless you actually stick a probe in some without weed and test what temp it gets too.
Some people following your directions are KILLING their thc right then in the first step. Second, you say to put the oven at 320 and THC evaporates at 340. Well, it is NOT AT ALL UNCOMMON for an oven to sway 30 degrees either way. That's why all recipes give a range of time, as in 15-20 minutes... Believe me, some people will have their pizza done in 15, some people will need to go 22 possibly. So many people are killing it in the second step. The third step is the microwave again, so if you killed it the first time you've just gone and killed it twice.. (ie you didn't lose EVERYTHING the first time). All in all, if everyone follows these directions to a tee as you often state in your post, some people will damage their weed a couple of times, some will damage it once, some will damage it three times in a row, and others will not have cooked it enough. RESULTS MAY VARY! SKIP THE MICROWAVE, LOWER TEMP TO 300, make a big batch so if you need to cook them longer YOU CAN, and that way you can determine the right time and temp for YOUR oven. You may waste a bunch of weed before you get it perfect for YOUR OVEN, so maybe start with schwag and get that as potent as you can possibly get with the schwag, then use your dank next time and HAVE FUN!