Quote Originally Posted by Badfinger
New here so be gentle.

in my years of toking I have come across 2 types of roller. those who don't care what it looks like and are happy toking on what looks like a tampon, and those who treat it as an artform.

I remember the first time i rolled a non tampon looking joint, was sooo happy then remembered that i was only practising and it had nothing in it. ah well.

just got back from the Dam where i remembered another way if you dont like the taste of the paper (until you try it you wont realise how bad the paper tastes).

its best to use the finest papers you can get. in uk Rizla silvers. the reason will become clear

step 1 - take your skin and fold it the reverse way than what it came out of the packet. you need to have the glue side on the underneath and at the bottom nearest you.

step 2 - fill it with goodies and whatever then roll it as normal so its the glue strip that is the first bit you fold over.

step 3 - (the reason for the fine papers) to stick it you need to lick the outside of the rolled up spliff. If you use fine paper you can clearly see where glue strip is, so lick there.

what you are left with (or should be) is a perfect rolled spliff with just a single roll of paper and a large flap of the remaining paper coming out the side. to get rid of it simply set it alight. Don't worry it wont set the spliff alight. As soon as the fire hits the the part you just licked it goes out.

then just a little tidying up and your away.

no more nasty paper taste. I read somewhere its called a Dutch joint but thats probably a load of crap.

As soon as my short term memory returns I think up of a few others
A couple of additions to this;

if youve only got thicker papers, sometimes its easier to licky the gummy before you roll it in.

Also, it helps to apply a little more saliva when it comes to burning it, and then run the lighter along it to clear up the nasty edges