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    Junior Member

    yea they do!

    afghans smoke weed but he is right its not like super hard to get so its just like cigs over here....afghanistan is underated for the marijuana they have because the primary focus is opium and herion....although afghanistan has crazy hash as ive heard from some buddies of mine...anyways ill hope to put some pics in of my cousins in afghanistan since im afghan and all
    cashripper14 Reviewed by cashripper14 on . yea they do! afghans smoke weed but he is right its not like super hard to get so its just like cigs over here....afghanistan is underated for the marijuana they have because the primary focus is opium and herion....although afghanistan has crazy hash as ive heard from some buddies of mine...anyways ill hope to put some pics in of my cousins in afghanistan since im afghan and all:D Rating: 5

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    Senior Member

    yea they do!



    yea they do!

    O that would be pretty damn interesting to get a picture of that (from an american point of view). Hey i'm gonna be joining the military next year, mabe if im stationed in afghanistan your cousins can hook me up some bud or hash


    yea they do!

    well, they may focus on opium and herion, but they also use their weed to make some pretty great hash....

    Junior Member

    yea they do!

    they have the secret recipie, but noone can top the hash my grandma makes!

    Senior Member

    yea they do!

    they smoke afghan kush
    get high in this motha fucka :S5:
    420 Crew

    Quote Originally Posted by RHODE h1ghSLANDER
    then his 1-eyed, 3-legged dog that got hit by a car came over and started licking my this thing seriously shouldve been put was the first time i saw it, i just started giggling uncontrollably and my friends all looked over at me with death stares..i couldnt stop, it mustve gone on for 5 m,inutes just laughing at this dog...

    Junior Member

    yea they do!

    i've got some pictures of the stuff when i was there, check it


    the stuff is really black really soft like chewing gum and they got sheets of it haha real nice smell to it once u open it up

    Junior Member

    yea they do!

    its called : Afghani Hashish
    its black, oily, gewey and really sticky.

    ways to smoke it:
    you have to burn it, keep lighting it till it goes on fire, for 3-5seconds, blow on the small flame and mix with tobaco.

    it contains Afioon, a chemical substance that can cause addiction and dependence.
    its available mostly in Afghanistan and exported to: Jordan, Saudi Arabia... the best afghani hashish is found in Saudi Arabia .

    effects: a huge downer... it relaxes you to the max, the more you smoke the more u r body is numb and ur hunger is increASING ..

    currently im smoking afghani .. called "Baher Jeddah" which means the sea of jeddah (a city in saudi)


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