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    Junior Member

    Legalize It Utah!!!

    Hey it's good to see people from Utah getting on this, I had almost given up on these boards. Everyone should come check out our medical marijuana meetings. We are going to be having movie screenings, benefit concerts, massive parties, vacation road trips, and whatever else fun we can come up with, ohh and we're going to legalize MedMJ for SLC too, then the rest of the state, but the fun stuffs what everyone wants to do. Check out the meetings:
    Hosted By WHO?: Advocates for Progressive Therapy-SLC Medical Marijuana Activists
    When: SUNDAY Jan 29, 2006 AND EVERY SUNDAY
    at 5:00 PM
    41 south 300 east
    Salt Lake City, UT 84101
    mmmmm, good food
    Medical Marijuana Meeting

    Email: [email protected]
    APTUtah Reviewed by APTUtah on . Legalize It Utah!!! Hey it's good to see people from Utah getting on this, I had almost given up on these boards. Everyone should come check out our medical marijuana meetings. We are going to be having movie screenings, benefit concerts, massive parties, vacation road trips, and whatever else fun we can come up with, ohh and we're going to legalize MedMJ for SLC too, then the rest of the state, but the fun stuffs what everyone wants to do. Check out the meetings: Hosted By WHO?: Advocates for Progressive Rating: 5

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    Senior Member

    Legalize It Utah!!!

    hey, when are we putting medical marijuana on the ballot?

    Junior Member

    Legalize It Utah!!!

    It will be on the 2007 SLC election ballot.


    Legalize It Utah!!!

    It would be nice to get it approved state wide. I would love to
    have a perscription for it instead of the horrable meds they are giving me now. I have a sleeping disorder and was using mj to combat it instead if the Ambien and other crap they give me. Unfortunatly I just moved to Southren utah and lost my back to the drug dealer ummm I mean doctor for the poison, I mean medicine.

    We must fight to get it legalized here!!!!


    Senior Member

    Legalize It Utah!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by APTUtah
    It will be on the 2007 SLC election ballot.
    i'll be sure to vote on that

    Senior Member

    Legalize It Utah!!!

    I won't be old enough to Vote...and I don't live in SLC...

    Junior Member

    Legalize It Utah!!!

    Is there any voting going on for legalizing it in Utah?? I would love to be able to go to a dispencery to get it, rather then sneeking around feeling like a criminal..

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