Hey everyone, I was away for a while but Iā??m back. I would appreciate your help in finding the right stain for next summer. Iā??m an outdoor grower.

These are my criteria:

1- Must be ready to harvest mid-October at the latest.
2- I want an extremely powerful high. Looking for the couchlock
3- Height is not a factor.
4- I want to yield at least 500 grams per plant.
5- As to be resistant to parasite.

Someone told me that ORIGINAL BIGBUD SUPERSKUNK was the absolute best but I would appreciate your suggestion.

Thanks in advance,

9KtuFK Reviewed by 9KtuFK on . Help in finding the right stain for next summer Hey everyone, I was away for a while but Iā??m back. I would appreciate your help in finding the right stain for next summer. Iā??m an outdoor grower. These are my criteria: 1- Must be ready to harvest mid-October at the latest. 2- I want an extremely powerful high. Looking for the couchlock characteristic. 3- Height is not a factor. 4- I want to yield at least 500 grams per plant. 5- As to be resistant to parasite. Rating: 5