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    Senior Member

    chicago native

    bud is deffinetly good, just pricey. I'll see you later on DankStuff. Let's pick up an 1/8th:thumbsup:

    Junior Member

    chicago native

    from what i've been told by a buddy of mine who used to live up in wisconsin, they have the best weed. "green i've never even heard of before" is what he said, anyone have any experience up in WiS?

    Senior Member

    chicago native

    Dont go to brew and grow, their is a bomb place in niles called greenfield hydroponics. Cheap good reliable

    and all the wis weed ive gotten has been so schwaggy i thought it was tobbaccy, we picked up an ounce for 70 then sold it for 50 eigths

    Junior Member

    chicago native

    if anyone has a connect in the chicagoland area, let me know.

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    Senior Member

    chicago native

    Quote Originally Posted by DE.Db33t
    Dont go to brew and grow, their is a bomb place in niles called greenfield hydroponics. Cheap good reliable

    and all the wis weed ive gotten has been so schwaggy i thought it was tobbaccy, we picked up an ounce for 70 then sold it for 50 eigths
    i belive it was 70 an 1/8th. hahaha. that was terrible.


    chicago native

    Ok..there seem to be a lot of people form the Chicago area on this site. Maybe everyone from the area should identify themselves( I don't mean real names or anything) to this thread so everyone knows everyone? I tried finding as many as I could but gave up cuz 'twas too much work!! LOL I don't think there is a way to start a group here like on other sites?????

    Junior Member

    chicago native

    Where do you get the great weed from? I have been running into garbage lately....Can you help a fellow chicagoan out....It would be greatly appreciated....I'll even share a bud or two with you......

    Thanks, czxtvr

    Junior Member

    chicago native

    Maybe that's not such a bad idea. Everyplace else seems to have a group..I think it will be great if we could all meet up to discuss various marijuan topics...Go ahead and give it a try. I'll help, just let me know what I can do......


    Junior Member

    chicago native

    Send a shout out.....

    Junior Member

    chicago native

    This thread needs to be revived now that we're all getting cards, btw I agree with old post from 2004 the lake water is great. Quality PH-Up flows from the tap XD No hard water for my gals.

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