Thanks in advance for the help. Quick background. I recently given a promotion requiring me to be "credentialed" because I will be working in hospitals. The only downside is I need to provide my company with a 10 panel drug screen. I am an on and off smoker, since I travel a lot. So, my stats are as follows. I am 31 years old, 6'4 200 pounds, not overweight, just carrying a lot of muscle, athletic build. I smoked last on January 13th, where I was smoking daily for 3 1/2 weeks. Not a ton, two bowls a day at most of quality green, typically before bed. Before that I hadn't smoked for 2 months. I have done 2 home test so far, both definitely positive on midday pisses today. Attempting to detox via exercise, because it doesn't bother me too much. The last 2 weeks I have been doing 45 minute runs plus 20 minutes weight lifting 6 days a week, in addition to a zero carb diet to burn as much fat as possible. Obviously this will raise my levels in the short run. Hopefully cleaning me out quicker.

I guess my questions are how to get creative. My company says I can either do this on my own, or they can set it up for me. This may be a silly question, but is is possible to simply go in and get an independent 10 panel lab screen, where they send the results directly to me? Reccomendations? As this isn't pre-employment, they simply need me to provide them a copy of the report, signed off by a MD, Nurse, or Physcians Assistant stating I am negative for all. Second, is it commonplace that a doctor or nurse or physicians assistant signs off on these lab results (Labcorp or Quest etc)? I have never seen any posted. I am trying to find a foolproof way to get an idea of where I am at before I send in the real deal I guess. I did order some QF just as a backup plan if I can't clean my system in the next few weeks (4 total, maybe 5 if I am lucky). I know I can reach the 4 week mark before my boss really starts giving me a hard time, but tough to guarantee where I am by then.

This is a VERY high paying corporate job, so screwing this up isn't really an option. Curious what kind of creative options you could come up with? I have no access to a clean sample, as I just moved to Massachusetts a few weeks ago. Otherwise it would be an easy problem to solve.
expat22 Reviewed by expat22 on . Independent Testing Question Thanks in advance for the help. Quick background. I recently given a promotion requiring me to be "credentialed" because I will be working in hospitals. The only downside is I need to provide my company with a 10 panel drug screen. I am an on and off smoker, since I travel a lot. So, my stats are as follows. I am 31 years old, 6'4 200 pounds, not overweight, just carrying a lot of muscle, athletic build. I smoked last on January 13th, where I was smoking daily for 3 1/2 weeks. Not a Rating: 5