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    Junior Member

    Continuous grow - Starting from scratch

    First post aside from the Intro for newbies so a a little to add to that:

    I am an X-Pat living in Latin America: AND I know little to friggen Nutin Well - I do have a little EXP. Last was helping a friend run 36 plants under (2) 1000 hps - Hydroponics - Vegged and flowered in same room apprx 12x14' room. Small 3 plant mom closet under 400 hps. That was 7 years ago! Time for some on the job training!

    So long story short I am starting a new room. BUT it is already crunch time. Friend is dropping off as many clones (Northern Lights - I am told) as I can use in apprix 10 days. If not then I have no idea when I can get the chance again as he lives on the other side of this little paradise I will buy my own Seed ASAP of course and seeking recommendations for quality/yield/short flower duration.

    I am used to fully researching my projects (I have another side project/hobby - and a different story) prior to jumping in but time constraints and opportunity demand I start to pull the trigger ASAP!

    Good news! I don't own shit for equipment so design will not have to incorporate any pre-existing items!

    Goal: Produce best quality in shortest time with maximum yield. (Does it ever differ?)

    Space allotment and environment:
    • 2 bedroom Condo: Infrequent guest. Most know I keep a second room for storage and private office already and under lock. (Other Project)
    • Room: 9'11" W x 12' L-Can reconfigure space to obtain up to 12' x 4' although 9'11" x 4' is more convenient
    • Neighbors: Seem ignorant of such things - I keep the smell away all should be cool
    • Electricity: Locals not used to seeing BIG energy bills here so I need to keep LOW as poss! Appliances are being switched to gas
    • Sound: Not much of an issue but of course quit as possible. Last room was noisy - bad ballast and loud fans
    • Smell: I think this is the biggie for stealth - Need to keep as little as possible!

    Other time constraints: Almost all the new gear will have to shipped to a location in the states then to me here. I have a VERY good shipper that keeps my stuff under radar of customs. But it is a slow process so if I was to order it all next week it would still take AT LEAST 3.5 weeks to get to me. I figure I can work with the clones until equipment shows up with simple stuff I can acquire here.

    So what i really need help on ASAP is configuration for tents (Veg and Flower) and lights (Thinking LED) with the smaller details to follow. Everything needs to be ordered off the net.
    Current budget is $1400 (tents lights and fan) but I might be able to get more if done for the right reasons. I know a lot of people say avoid Chinese LED lights and I am not saying they are wrong. I am just skeptical because a lot of the US stuff is made there anyway and also because all my "Stuff" for my other "Project" I have sent from there and I have ZERO complaints with the quality on that end.

    Again, sorry for not have had more previous research obtained but like I said - Crunch time

    Thanks and Cheers!
    dammshame Reviewed by dammshame on . Continuous grow - Starting from scratch First post aside from the Intro for newbies so a a little to add to that: I am an X-Pat living in Latin America: AND I know little to friggen Nutin Well - I do have a little EXP. Last was helping a friend run 36 plants under (2) 1000 hps - Hydroponics - Vegged and flowered in same room apprx 12x14' room. Small 3 plant mom closet under 400 hps. That was 7 years ago! Time for some on the job training! So long story short I am starting a new room. BUT it is already crunch time. Friend is Rating: 5

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    Senior Member

    Continuous grow - Starting from scratch

    try looking into t5's there is a thread here where the t5's were put up against an HPS- the t5's had more lumen output and won- they do not use much electricity.
    Can't wait to watch this thread- sounds *sneaky*

    Senior Member

    Continuous grow - Starting from scratch

    And less heat….

    Junior Member

    Continuous grow - Starting from scratch

    I had not thought about T5's - I will look into that -

    Sneaky.....LOL - ain't it all? But ya - I live in a pretty "Upscale" (For Costa Rica) condo complex here and where the parking lot is full of BMW's and Land Rovers - I doubt any one would even suspect! Just got to keep the SMELL away! I just met with the actual Condo owner vs the Agent. I had about 6 computers and all kinds of other electronics thrown all over the spare room for her "Perception".... while I am a Network Engineer as well...... all the stuff was garbage. But she thinks I will be running some type of server farm out of there ..... so even if she checks the power it should be OK as long as it is not INSANE.

    Less heat is good as well on lighting - I live in the upper valley where is already Cool year round - 72-78 degrees. And a simple inline 430 cfm fan w/ scrubber is all I am currently planning for in the Flower room.

    T5's again. Lummens - Great! just now catching up on this while "Par" thing with LED's though. How to the T5's do in that area?

    Need to put on order ASAP:

    Tents: Currently looking on Amazon at a 4x8 for Flowering and a 4x4 for a couple moms and Veg room.

    Lights: LEDS or T5's (Now)

    Process/Method: Continuous grow utilizing SGROG or SOG (Not sure yet) I need help from the pro's on all this stuff.

    I know I will be doing A LOT of on the job training here and that is OK - Just need to get this first part of the order right so I don't waste any time or money with re-work.

    Oh..... I always preferred soil and will be at least starting there for now. I was not that impressed helping my bud out with Hydro system years ago. DWC possibly in the future - who knows


    Senior Member

    Continuous grow - Starting from scratch

    T5's are what several people here use either in conjunction with (HID) or exclusive to. I prefer the T5's, easier to hide because of electrical pull and heat generation. 65000 lumens in a small closet keeps it around 85 - not bad…..3 fans run and keep it cooled to around 80….

    Now on smell- I am NOT the right person to ask - I am currently trying to prove( we'll see) that smell is the plants way of trying to communicate with us. What I mena by that is the smell is the plant telling us it needs something - water, food, attention, worship…..

    I find that if I cater to my plants needs - including the amount of fussing they want over them- they don't smell much - If I leave and don't check on em all day- A LOT of smell…this is all based on some pretty old theories - 'the secret lives of plants' and another video I saw on 'how plants communicate with us'. I am finding this works with even the smelliest varieties -smell seems to be the plants way of talking to us - I don't use filters, I want to hear what they are saying and so far I am being successful - but most people think it's crazy….there are a lot of people here that can help you with smell in the traditional way and be sure and read the thread on the T5's vs. HPS….it will really impress you - it did me!

    Good Luck and happy growing!

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