"For soil growing and new growers I usually suggest they keep it very simple, which means a potting soil grow and in the US foxfarm and roots brand soils are widely sold with good success. To raise the fert level some, I usually suggest that these people use powder ferts like foxfarm's fruit and flower, just one half cup of fert for every two gallons (4 liters) of potting soil. Then you just add water when the soil dries out. It doesn't get easier. you can do what you want and the hydro idea is fine but maybe play with it some using other seeds, like tomatoes if you want. The soil grow will just take longer. also, please avoid using "faggot" here. thanks."

That is excellent advice!

Sorry about typing coco.

Forgot you were DWC,
With the title, right in front of me.
I blame good meds. :stoned:

The advice still stands though, especially the never let it dry out bit, yah?

Did DWC for a couple seasons, but found the air pump and bubbling noises to be increasingly annoying.
All night long.

Coco is kinda of a solid state hydro, but still gave too much yield, so I went to Sunshine mix #4.
That cut the yield in half and helped me stay legal until RSO needs sent me back to coco.

Had I had PP's advice, and the budget for large amounts of good soil like FF, I'd probably be in soil.
