I think it's mostly all about the money. Funny thing about the gov, the more they get, the more they want. You simply can not give them (in their minds) enough funding for their black ops.

Oddly enough I was thinking the same thing, in that, besides the prohibition started by the paper companies and such, its been left illegal just so people who want reform will be frothing at the mouth to pay (exorbitant) taxes for a little freedom. One of the great things, IMHO, that Washington and Colorado have done is institute the law that allows people to grow for their own consumption. That, of course, won't stop sales or trade because everybody will want to try new stuff, but it's a big step for freedom.

A lot of people I know who aren't stoners, or even casual smokers, are like "Yeah, what's the big deal" They understand that the "War on drugs" is bad, and that legalization will put somewhat of a hurt on the cartels (in the end, they'll just move to harder stuff), but they also don't see the fact, that it is a battle in the ongoing war on freedom that we are making progress in. If we can organize enough to get this done (and we're a bunch of lazy stoners, mind you) we can overturn other unjust laws.

Nothing in this post should be construed to be anti-government... I actually like most of the things we do, not all, but most. I believe in peaceful resistance to unjust laws.