Attachment 296730

Grabbed a couple 5 gallon buckets full of snow this afternoon. By the time they melted halfway down tonight, there was no water in the bucket - still absorbed in the remaining snow. So I refilled them tonight, the snow is MUCH heavier tonight. I look forward to pH testing the snow water tomorrow when melted.
d00g Reviewed by d00g on . First Grow - Pro Grow LED Cabinet Grow Hey ladies and gentleman, this is a grow log for my first ever grow. Prior to starting, I read these forums for months and also read through a very comprehensive book that I bought before purchasing anything so I felt relatively aware of the challenges that I would be facing and the patience required. At this point, I am only in the beginning stages of my first grow and am already salivating at the potential outcome. This grow, and all my future grows, will be for personal use and the Rating: 5