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12-02-2013, 03:46 AM #1OPSenior Member
No Outdoor Growing in California, a new low....
Just wanting to share this with those of you in California.
This has been an issue for a few years, locally.
Lanny's MAPP Newsletter
December 1, 2013
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[align=left] I have received quite a few emails from concerned patients about the 3rd Appellate Court decision ruling that cities can ban all medical marijuana cultivation. Although the email newsletter was primarily doom and gloom, all hope should not be abandoned. [align=center][/align]
First off, the 3rd Appellate Court decision had a very interesting concluding paragraph that outlines several critical arguments that the plaintiffs (mmj patients) made. These included equal protection violation of California’s Disabled Person’s Act, violation of the Brown Act due to limitations imposed on public participation at city council meetings and violation of property rights.
The court however wrote that since “plaintiffs have failed to make proper arguments on these points, we decline to address them.” I am not a lawyer, but the court seems to be saying address these arguments properly and we will consider them.
Most exciting is a case now being argued by Tony Carealie and Matt Pappas in the 4th District Appellate court in Santa Ana that is using the California Disabled Persons Act. The Court has scheduled a hearing for their arguments on December 20th at 8:30 a.m. in Santa Ana. A win could result in the overturn of the Riverside decision which would mean no city can ban marijuana distribution or cultivation without illegally discriminating against patients.
Attorney Jason Thompson has been working with Matthew Pappas on filing lawsuits utilizing the California Disabled Person’s Act. At the Wednesday, Dec. 4 MAPP meeting Attorney Thompson will examine the lawsuits now underway utilizing the California’s Disabled Person’s Act which could result in undermining the 3rd District court’s decision allowing cities to ban all mmj cultivation as well as overturn the Riverside decision.
These new court cases could take years to get up to the California Supreme Court. Many cities and counties at the incessant urging of police may ban cultivation citing their right to do so based on the decision issued by the 3rd District Court of Appeals.
These problems are all political and the Brownie Mary Democratic Club is the only marijuana group that is officially recognized by the California Democratic Party. This gives club members access to Democratic elected officials and party leaders as well as allows club members to directly participation in all Democratic party meetings, conventions and so on.
The BMDC doubled in size this mouth with the first official meeting of the BMDC of LA County. They have been provisionally chartered and should receive their official charter this month. I attended their first meeting on Saturday, Nov. 17 in LA. They had 12 people at the meeting and they elected temporary chairs, formed committees and are off to a good start. They will be holding monthly meetings and will be active in the LA County Democratic Central Committee.
We will be working closely with them and hopefully their successful organizing will spur some of the other people working on forming BMDCs in their counties to get it done.
The BMDC of Riverside County has been fairly quiet over the last half year, but it is imperative that we now swing into action. Now that Prop. 215 has been so successfully neutered by the cops and the courts, the role that the BMDC of Riverside County and L.A. County can play in revitalizing Prop. 215 is critical. The clout they can generate is directly proportional to our involvement in California’s Democratic Party and it is high time that as many of us as possible get involved. If you are involved in cultivating your own cannabis – the time couldn’t be more critical.
If you would really like to effect marijuana policy in the state of California, then you need to get involved in the BMDC. To make it easy, the BMDC of Riverside County will be meeting before the MAPP meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 4 at 6 p.m. at the THCF Patient Center. Here is the agenda for the meeting.
- Elect of officers for 2014
- Form an Executive Committee
- Cultivation ban discussion and what we can do about it.
- Setting up a program to work with BMDC LA
- Working to form other BMDC clubs
- Securing a booth at the 2014 Democratic Convention in LA March 7-9
- Voter registration
- Legalization initiatives
- Any other business
You don’t have to be a Democrat to attend the meeting, but you do have to be a Democrat to join the BMDC. If you are tired of tilting at windmills, if you are mad as hell, if you really truly sincerely want to do something that can actually produce real positive results, then come to the BMDC meeting at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 4. Then stick around for the meeting at 7:30 p.m. to learn and understand all the legal mumbo-jumbo from Attorney Jason Thompson.
Both meetings take place at the THCF Patient Center, 647 Main St., Unit 4D, Riverside 92501. [HR][HR][align=center] Marijuana Compassion & Common Sense
Radio Program[/align]
Radical Russ Belville has the only 24/7 Internet radio website devoted entirely to the marijuana legalization movement with news, opinions, music and events by and for the cannabis community. In addition to his most excellent daily show The Russ Belville Show, hosts many other radio shows from across the nation including Marijuana Compassion and Common Sense.
Russ is the featured guest on the 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 2 broadcast and simulcast of Marijuana Compassion and Common Sense. is a remarkable achievement in communication and Russ will recount its history, what it is doing now and the big plans for the future.
A ballot initiative to allow mmj collectives in the city of Riverside as well as unconditionally allow patients to cultivate their own medicine is now being circulated. Representatives from the initiative organizing committee will be on the radio show to explain their initiative, how they will collect the needed signatures and reveal the plan to get it passed.
Don’t miss one minute of this exciting show at the 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 2 broadcast on IE Talk Radio station KCAA 1050AM and simulcast on the Internet at On the home page click on LISTEN LIVE to hear the show and USTREAM TV to hear the show and see us doing our thing in the KCAA studios.
BTW, you are welcome to join us on the show every Monday at 6 p.m. in the Hemp Gallery at the KCAA studios at San Bernardino’s all-but-forgotten Carousel Mall, 254 Carousel Mall, San Bernardino, CA 92401. It’s fun, it’s entertaining, its educational – so join us at the station or join us wherever you can listen in.
[align=center] Call in Line:
The award winning radio show Marijuana Compassion and Common Sense is broadcast every Monday at 6 p.m. on IE Talk Radio KCAA 1050AM and simulcast at Past shows can be accessed at by scrolling down on the homepage to Marijuana Compassion and Common Sense and clicking on PODCAST.
[align=center] The show that brings you the truth about marijuana, reveals the politics behind its prohibition, gives you the facts about its legendary health and medical benefits and clears up all that legal mumbo-jumbo that makes it so difficult, dangerous and costly to obtain this ancient medicinal herb.[/align]
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deeply appreciated.
The Brownie Mary Democratic Club
JOIN US[/align]
[align=center] [align=center]Start a local chapter by you - Republican, Libertarian & Green Party[/align]
These newsletters have become so commercial, I am afraid to post, in case there is info that is not allowed here. Hope I managed to get it all edited out. pr
[/align]painretreat Reviewed by painretreat on . No Outdoor Growing in California, a new low.... Just wanting to share this with those of you in California. This has been an issue for a few years, locally. Lanny's MAPP Newsletter December 1, 2013 Rating: 5
12-07-2013, 03:38 AM #2Senior Member
No Outdoor Growing in California, a new low....
This should ALL be brought to the attention of Montel Williams. Bet he could throw some big time lawyers into that mix that could really carry some weight. Maybe he'd be interested in joining the BMDC & lend them his clout. Its about time the bull shit stops & we win our fight for legalization! Its a plant for christ sake! An herb, a HEALING herb at that! What's up with this maddness? What's next? Kitties in handcuffs? Ahh fuck it! You just can't fix stupid!
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