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    Senior Member

    First grow (flowering stage only) with pics

    Yeah, I tend to overthink everything and I dote on the plants constantly (During the summer my wife complains cause I spend almost every waking minute in my vegetable and flower gardens fiddling with stuff). You're right I think I need to relax and let the plants do their thing. Your suggestion about the water is doable and I will set that up today. The water here is from an aquifer in volcanic rock and it has a lot of calcium and magnesium sulfate in it. I'm not sure if these are useable sources of Ca and Mg, but the levels in the water are very high and mineral deposits on everything are a constant problem. I may look into a simple RO system.

    As for UV lighting, I have read that it is specifically UVB that enhances trichome/cannabinoid production, but lighting with it seems controversial. Many of the testimonials I have read from people who had problems with it also indicated that people were placing the UV lights way to close to the plants and scorching them. I may experiment by placing them a good distance away and maybe only for a few hours per light-cycle.

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    Senior Member

    First grow (flowering stage only) with pics

    The cfl's I use the most often are REVEAL 75 watt replacement (20watt actual usage). 1200 lumens, warm white (2500k). I'm using a 4' 6tube T5 set up in a cabinet 2 1/2X 5', 5' high, forgot the total lumens, but 6500K, which is cool white. I haven't been able to find the info on which type of uv rays are produced by the cfls I use, but going by the results I get, I'm assuming uvb. While they're still sm, the t5's penetrate all the foliage. I don't use the cfls untill they're tall enough for the cfls to be UNDER them, in veg or flowering, dosent matter, its the size I go by for this & I want to make sure the entire plant gets good light. Now for why I do my color (K) balance the way I do. Ok, cool light tends to keep growth more compact, warm light causes stretching....Cool light, growth... warm light, flowering. So the cool light overhead keeps plants from stretching much in flower, the warmer light coming from below cause a little stretch, which is good in this case, as lower buds are usually smaller. I double harvest. Top buds ripen faster, so I harvest them first, leaving the lower, slower buds a week or more. All this combined gives me bigger, plumper lower buds, & with the tops removed they get an equal portion of both lights, increasing potency. I try to keep them around 2 1/2' at finish. Keep in mind my main (overheads) are t5 flourescents, less penetration. You could do something similar while still using HID's & bigger plants, you would probably hang you cfls to have them higher. How you work your hardware & do your construction varies from one grow room to another, & personal preferance plays a big roll here too, but here's what I do with my smaller area/smaller plants. Walmart has a bottle lamp kit (electrical section of hardware). Its only around $3.00. Instead of a bottle, I use an inverted clay pot, using the central drainage hole to attach the lamp. (I use the BOTTLE lamp kit because the wire comes out the side of the light fixture instead of out from under the pot rim making it unstable). Clay pots being heavy, & wider bottom when inverted makes a lamp that is tip proof, AND its cute as hell & appropriate too! (Ahh.. guess that last part is a girl thing!) I have an extra 'flower pot lamp' & use a green party light cfl in it incase I have to turn a light on once they're in the dark phase when flowering, as plants don't 'see' green light & it won't disrupt the photoperiod.
    -- Plant/grow room size is a personal choice, as is lighting. As I said, regardless of main lighting, you can always use the cfls as fill lighting or just to add the uv light. I choose sm space/ plants because not only is it much faster (some people actually start their seedlings off under 12/12 to keep them sm at finish), but much more cost effective..... kilowatt hrs/harvest wt. I have an advantage over some people, I usually have an outdoor crop that large enough to last me untill the following years harvest, providing it doesn't get ripped like this year. I haven't had smoke since spring & I'm dying to rush this grow to harvest! (Ha! They're only 2wks old & its driving me nuts)!
    -- I know this got a little long, but I wanted you to see some options. Keep in mind nothings set in stone. No matter how you choose to go for now, you can change it up at any time. I've been doing this for over 40years & I'm always changing things. At one time, all my indoor grows were under HID's! For now, I prefer smaller, quicker, cheaper. BIG plans for grow room going along with house renovations. Hurricane Sandy trashed my green house & house roof & I had no insurance, so waiting on grants. For now, I'm living in a (large) camper, but I refuse to stop growing, even for a little while. I like to share my experience to show people anything is possible because so many people think they can't have a grow due to finances or space. Ingenuity.....

    Senior Member

    First grow (flowering stage only) with pics

    I have to comment on your water again. Plants utilise minerals, & if you could get your plant water straight from the aquifer, they'd be pretty happy. But, all those chems added during processing, you know the whole thing about molecular bonding, really harder to de-chlorinate. You might want to think about doing some research on your local water processing. Hell, you may not even want to bathe in that slurry, much less drink or used it on your plants! You'll probably need a lot of pre-filtering on that water before it hits the fine membranes of a RO. That mess would clog those membranes & shut it down quick! Resin & charcoal filtration before hitting something like a #3 micron, maybe even more than just that. You won't know exactly how much pre-filtering you'll need untill you research your local water. But... if you have your RO system professionally installed, the co will do that for you, since they need that info to customize your system to function properly. Yeah, that was part of my job over 20yrs ago for a co called Water Resources International. We manufactured & sold... you guessed it, RO systems (& all the possibly needed pre-filter systems to go along with it). So I'm concerned about more than just your plants, I'm concerned about your health. NOT because of the minerals, but all those added chemicals. Some are actually carcinogens! (Yeah damned it, I'm an 'over thinker' too. Takes one to know one, huh?)

    Senior Member

    First grow (flowering stage only) with pics

    Catbud you really got me thinking about some things here. Next summer I will dismantle my grow rooms in order to install flooring, paint, etc. to that part of my basement, and so that will give me the opportunity to rebuild the grow operation with a different setup. I like your thinking about color balance, though every source I've read hammers the point that red light is best for flowering, so that's why I stuck the HPS above. I grew the veg under MH. But combining wavelengths during flowering to maximize development is an interesting approach.

    I hear you about the water. The building where my lab is located has a huge RO/DI facility to supply the labs with pure water, but they are in constant need of repair due to the immense load put on them by the chemical soup which passes as tap water here. Even out of the RO, I have found the EC and pH of the water unsuitable for lab procedures, and we typically repeat the process at least once on a smaller scale. I know a very successful grower here who has had good success with bubbling the water as you say, and he has given up on RO as his systems kept breaking. One thing I may do is set up a rainwater collection system and try to augment that way. I suppose bugs would be my only concern with that (and acid rain).

    Senior Member

    First grow (flowering stage only) with pics

    Day 3 of flowering. I spread the plants a bit and gently tied a few of the outer branches down/out to open up the middle. Looks to me like growth is fastest around the perimeter of the canopy, maybe stretching (?). The plants give of a very happy and healthy vibe at the moment, and I enjoy just being in the room with them. Can't wait to see actual flower formation.Attachment 296345Attachment 296344

    Senior Member

    First grow (flowering stage only) with pics

    hey man if i wear you i would build 1 of thees DIY SCROG OR SOG NET HOW TO - YouTube

    Senior Member

    First grow (flowering stage only) with pics

    Quote Originally Posted by smsm
    I live near Ballinasloe, Galway. My brother is dying from cancer and desperately needs cannabis oil with THC. the doctors misdiagnosed and now he's running out of time. I will have a go at making it if i can get the buds. I will be so discreet you won't believe it. I will meet any time anywhere with cash under any conditions that you care to mention. Please contact on this made-up email address. [email protected].
    i feel for you man :'( have tried and lose very close family to cancer: '(2 times., and it is probably the worst and lose another one. cancer is probably one of the worst disease and getting to know you have

    peace i hope the bedst for your brother man om crossing my finger's for you'r brother. you'r brother need what is called Rick Simpson Oil

    or just simpson oil

    here is a post about simpson oil you need to look at this

    Senior Member

    First grow (flowering stage only) with pics

    Very simple and clever. I will be constructing one of these by this weekend. Thanks for the tip bro.

    Senior Member

    First grow (flowering stage only) with pics

    anytime bro i will try as hard as i can to help you out all you have to do is ask

    ps. wile you are on HygrowHybrid cheek him out man he's a great grower he has some great video's

    Senior Member

    First grow (flowering stage only) with pics

    Noticed two fungus gnats this morning. First bugs I have seen since I sprouted the seeds. The leaves look a bit heavy as well so I think I am overwatering. I think I'll give then a day to dry out, and try to stop fussing over them so much.

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