Although I lurk, I don't normally post here. But since I found a lot of confidence in this product here on these boards, and it gave me the confidence to try it, I wanted to add my success story to the mix. Hopefully it will help someone. On Monday I used a bottle of QuickFix 6.0 (latest formula as of this writing) to substitute a sample at a LabCorp facility in Southern California. I purchased the three ounce product direct from Spectrum Labs, and received it three days later via UPS. It was the "Canadian" formula with urea. I encourage anyone who does this to not only order direct from the source, but to go ahead and get the larger bottle. You can't have too much, but you might have too little.

I applied for a job at one of the major entertainment studios here in L.A., and after being cleared by the hiring manager of the department where I applied, I was given a form by HR to take to a local LabCorp location for a urine test. I was in luck, because I had legitimately lost my drivers license a few days earlier, so I had nothing to show at the facility. Just before my interview, I had been to the DMV to order a replacement. I had to wait a week to receive it, so I was able to delay the test. If you find yourself in a similar situation, just fake it. Pretend you lost your I.D. Heck, order a replacement anyhow--at least if your prospective employer asks, you can prove you lost it (mine didn't ask--they didn't even care about the delay since my background check was still outstanding.) I placed the order with Spectrum Labs that day.

Fast forward a little to Monday of this week, and my scheduled test date had arrived. I chose an appointment time of 3:00PM, figuring the tech might be getting a little weary by that time of doing the same crap over and over all day. I don't know if it mattered, but the tech I dealt with looked exhausted and apathetic. About an hour beforehand, I heated the bottle for 10 seconds in my microwave. I don't see why anyone would need to heat it any longer, as that amount was sufficient to heat it past 100 degrees. The bottle comes with a temperature strip which, just like the one that will be on your specimen cup, registers only temperatures between 90 and 100 degrees. Above or below that, it will show nothing. I crotched the bottle and drove to the facility. Since the test sample is required to be between 90 and 100 degrees, I reckoned the bottle would remain in that range with no problem. If you must know, I wore spandex compression shorts under slightly baggy jeans. I otherwise dressed neatly.

The test consisted of the lab tech asking if I had anything in my pockets other than my wallet, which I did not. I was not scrutinized any more than that. I was handed a plastic specimen cup without a lid, and told to try and fill it to the three-ounce mark--making me happy I splurged for the larger bottle. The tech pointed to the restroom, and I went off on my own to provide the sample. Once in the restroom, it took no effort to remove the bottle from it's hiding place, unscrew the cap, empty to bottle into the cup, and then re-crotch the bottle. I left the restroom, and handed the cup to the tech. She told me I could wash my hands at the sink, and then she glanced at the temperature strip on the cup, which was showing a perfect 98 degrees. Honestly, she glanced at it so nonchalantly that I doubt she registered exactly what the reading was--only that there was a reading. Again, as long as sample is within 90-100 degrees, there will be a reading on the cup. She then filled the urine specimen container, sealed it, and tagged it. She added it to a large bag filled with other samples, handed me my copies of the form, and told me I could go. The specimen was sent to a nearby LabCorp factory for testing. My employer had the results by Wednesday.

My first day on the job was today.

Bottom line: QuickFix works.

Some notes, though: If I lived in a colder climate, and I had to do this test in winter, I might have done a few things slightly differently. I would probably have worn insulated or lined pants to keep in the heat. I may have even pre-heated my vehicle so the seat was warm. But either way, I doubt I would use the hand warmer. My body heat was sufficient to maintain the required temperature range after pre-heating. I will be keeping a bottle in my pack at all times, because you can keep replacing expired product over and over. I even know I can stop on the way and hit a 7-11 to use their microwave if I'm ever in a pinch.

Thanks to everyone who vouched for this product, and gave their own testimonials. Thanks to you, I went into this with confidence, and it all worked out great.
pmforbin Reviewed by pmforbin on . QuickFix vs. LabCorp Although I lurk, I don't normally post here. But since I found a lot of confidence in this product here on these boards, and it gave me the confidence to try it, I wanted to add my success story to the mix. Hopefully it will help someone. On Monday I used a bottle of QuickFix 6.0 (latest formula as of this writing) to substitute a sample at a LabCorp facility in Southern California. I purchased the three ounce product direct from Spectrum Labs, and received it three days later via UPS. It Rating: 5