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    How to Reverse the Negative Side Effects of Marijuana

    Cannabis acts mainly on one Cannabinoid receptor in the brains neural cells. Receptors are basically the input in a brain cell for the different chemicals in your brain and those chemicals (neurotransmitters) tell the neuron what to do. So by introducing THC to a neuron, it soon alters natural neurotransmitter communication. Therefor, thoughts of different natures.

    By constantly pushing Cannabinoid receptors into overdrive by putting THC through them, they wear out and become less excited (Neuronal Excitability). By disabling them when not high, can help them to become more sensitive and therefor eliminates some of the tolerance to THC or other Cannabinoids. This processes is refereed to as Antagonism. Just like a bad guy antagonist in a story, he doesn't let the receptor work. The opposite is called Agonism and helps the receptor to flourish.

    Cannabinoid receptors also control a lot of other chemical neurotransmitter interactions within the brain (Neuromodulation) and this produces the same effect as above (overdrives them into not working properly. This is a classic case of a stupified dope fiend, whose normal neurotransmission has been modulated, slowed and shot by consuming too much THC too soon via the Cannabinoid receptors.
    These neurotransmitters, that are affected by Marijuana use, are responsible for concentration, learning, memory retention and nerve growth factor among many others.

    So by now you can start to see how Marijuana can affect the brain negatively or positively if you like your thought processes to diminished and subdued. I will now describe how you can use this knowledge for supplementation that can diminish these scientifically documented negative effects of Marijuana.


    Cannabinoid Receptor Antagonists are still not yet on the public market but are being trialed for obesity as CB1 receptors use the naturally produced Cannabinoid Anandamide for hunger. Natural antagonists are still available.

    Other alternatives look at NMDA receptor antagonism as an effective method to reduce the rate of tolerance. This method is one of the most successful for benzo and meth withdrawl. NMDA receptors greatly improve the brain to form memories (long term memory similar to learning when young).


    Memantine has been widely used as a tolerence reducer for benzodiapine abuse aswell as marijuana. It is a NMDA receptor antagonist and can reduce marijuana impct on overloading NMDA receptors. Similar to Memantine is Amantadine.

    Huperzine A

    Huperzine is also an NMDA antagonist and increases Acetylcholine which is an important neurostransmitter responisble for concentration and learning. It also increases REM sleep which can help sleep issues caused by Marijuana. Also prevents neurotoxic effects of glutatamate.

    Magnesium & Zinc

    Magnesium & Zinc is also a NMDA atagonist. Magnesium L Theronate can especially assist with memory loss. Magnesium prevents glutamate overactivity in a NDMA voltage dependant manner.


    Cannabis releases dopamine via the D1 receptors, which is responsible for feeling the pleasurable feeling of being high. Sulbutiamine is a synthetic form of vitamin B1 or thiamine (or to the canna growers boost juice or superthrive) and increases density of D1 dopamine receptors so just like bud more density = more high. It also is a antagonist and increases sensitivity which also adds to a better high. You can also combat the down regulation of the dopamine receptor with a NMDA antagonists. They block calcium entry into cells, which prevents the cell from becoming tolerant to dopamine. It prevents addiction from forming. It makes it to where the cell can feel dopamine, but doesn't become tolerant to it. So you can still get euphoria, but you won't feel cravings for it or have a diminished effect from the euphoria next time around. So if you where to take magnesium or dextromethorphan with these it would prevent tolerance.

    American Ginseng

    Proven to increase metabolism of THC to its inactive version 11-nor-9-carboxy. This means american ginseng is a working detox. Prevents CB1 activation after intoxication, reducing ones tolerance. American Ginseng also contains CB1 Inverse agonist falcarinol (Studies show it reverses CB1s effects at certain sites). Some slight hormonal type improvements have also been noted. American Ginseng also increases dopamine production in certain areas of the brain improving memory and tolerance. American Ginseng also works as a choline uptake enhancer exactly as racetams (nootropics) do.

    Carrot Extract or Capsules

    Carrots contain falcarinol which is a CB1 antagonist therby increasing the receptors sensitivity by it not being activated.

    Fish Oil

    Helps to rebuild and maintain Cannabinoid receptors.

    Japanese Raisen Tree (Hovenia Dulcis)

    Has shown to be an active detox for Marijuana and especially alchol.

    Memory Impairment[/align]

    Marijuana affects long-term and short-term memory potentiation and synaptic plasticity which refers to the connectivity between neurons and affects how often they fire over time. Increasing or decreasing the neurotransmitters and there actions can have a positive effect and many are used worldwide to increase the processes in working memory that Marijuana specificly deteriorates. The highest concentration of cannabinoid receptors in the brain exists in the hippocampus, which soley responsible for memory production.

    Alpha GPC

    Alpha GPC increase a very important neurotransmitter called Acetylcholine which is predomintly used for attention, arousal, learning, memory and muscle contraction. Compounds in cannabis inhibit the release of Acetylcholine.


    cAMP pertains to signal transduction and memory. Low levels have been related to mariuana psychosis. A reduction of cAMP levels in glutaminergic neurons, lowers the activity of the NMDA function in the hippocampus. It is found in lowered concentrations in both schizophrenic and psychotic bipolar disorder patients. This protein enhances Long Term Potentiation Memory.
    cAMP can be obtain from Forskolin. Forskolin is made from Coleus which is also a slight hallucinogenic available at most garden stores.
    Forskolin should be taken with Artichoke Extract to enhance PDE 4 Long Term Memory Formation.

    Huperzine A

    Huperzine A is a very important supplement to consider for marijuanas defective influence on hippocampal NMDA receptors (which lead to memory loss when activated by Marijuana). NMDA receptors are believed to be involved in cellular hippocampal LTP and LTD processes, in respect to memory consolidation and forgetting factors.[3][16] For these process to occur on the cellular level, a high enough excitatory postsynaptic potential must occur to depolarize the CA1 hippocampal postsynaptic membranes and remove the magnesium blockade on NMDA receptors, making magnesium another supplement of equal rank to be considered.


    Glutamate receptors are responsible for neuronal communication, memory formation and learning. Excessive Glutamate receptor depreciation and densetization has been scientificly observed after Cannabis use. L-Glutamate can increase Glutamic Acid and help curve its inactivity after Marijuana use. Optimal imaging evidence that monitors synaptic activity on in vitro hippocampal neurons, demonstrates that CB1 agonists (including THC) reduce glutamate release. Since glutamate release is required for NMDA receptor activation, and removing the magnesium blockade, a reduction of glutamate release causes a reduction of excitatory postsynaptic potential, suggesting an impairment of LTP and LTD is mediated via hippocampal NMDA receptors.


    Glutathione is produced naturally in the liver. It is made up of three amino acids, and it is vital for cellular metabolism. It protects against oxidative stress caused by free radicals, is required for the immune system to function properly, and is a potent detoxifier. It increases BDNF(Brain derived Neutrophic factor), NGF(Nerve Growth Factor), and activates the CREB cycle in neuronal learning. This herbal compound has been shown to increase the major anti-oxidant glutathione in the brain (to a LARGE extent) and improve memory. This herb works to counter act the decrease in Aldehyde dehydrogenase(deficiencies cause hangovers) caused by THC. Glutathione deficiencies have been shown to lower short term memory and help cause schizophrenia. This compound has been shown to protect dopamine neurons from damage and increase their activation. Glutathione precursors have also been shown to help chronic marijuana users quit if they wanted to. This herb has also been found to thwart brain damage and inflammation caused from smoke, lipoxygenase, and even removes aluminum from brain tissue. Acetylcysteine raises glutathione and is good for memory (i.e. protective against brain damage).


    Marijuana is said to inhibit the release of vasopressin, and thus perhaps interfere with memory-imprinting. Similar to Vassopressin is Hydergine, Centrophenoxine, Selegiline and Desmopressin.


    Acetyl-L-carnitine has the ability to cross the blood�brain barrier and enter the brain, where it acts as a powerful antioxidant and helps in prevention of the brain cells' deterioration. Also can relieve symptoms of brain fog. Studies have shown it is very beneficial with boosting the effects of NGF. It helps ATP production. Uridine relies on ATP to exert its effects, thus proving synergistic effects between the two. Aceytl-L-Carnitine also works synergistically with l-glutamine, increasing the activation of glutaminase, the enzyme responsible with converting glutamine into glutamate (most abundant neurotransmitter in the brain).

    Ginkgo Biloba

    Used worlwide for Memory & Attention. Also a D1 antagonist which can lead to better sensitivity to dopamine release which equals a better high.

    Dihydromyricetin Extract

    A natural proven intoxication blocker. Studies show this type of chemical diminishes nearly all memory impairments caused by THC. Contains a chemical called ampelopsin that influences GABA(a) receptors in an inhibitory fashion. This compound not only reverses memory effects caused by GABA, it also prevents long term anxiety caused by THC. This compound can be used to reverse even non-drug induced anxiety.


    Is a Nootropic that can provide relief for people who have difficulty concentrating. It reduces glutamate receptor desensitization and blocks NMDA exitotoxicity. Which makes it a good supplement to consider for any Marijuana user. Aniracetam and other racetams upregulate the AMPA receptor which marijuana removes from the cell surface.


    Is also a Nootropic that is a NMDA agonist so will not alleviate the negative impact of marijuana on the NMDA receptor but can provide noticable concentrative effects in other circumstances. Oxiracetam and other racetams upregulate the AMPA receptor which marijuana removes from the cell surface.

    [align=center]Sleep & Depression[/align]

    Sleep is important in not attaining psychosis. Cannabis decreases REM sleep and causes a form of sleep deprivation which can lead to minor and major psychotic episodes.


    GABA is a neurotransmitter important for regulating & suppressing thoughts. It promotes better sleep and relaxation. Endocannibinoids are known to suppress GABA release in certain cells. GABA, Phenibut, Picamilon and Valerian Root Extract are notable forms of GABA supplementation.


    Is a Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitor that improves mood and sleep. Cannabis can antagonize serotonin receptors. Also it can help to reduce some anxiety felt from THC.

    B Vitams

    They help convert tryptophan into niacin and serotonin, making 5htp and niacen work more efficiently. They also help increase oxygen in the blood among an array of other effects. B12 can also cause de-realisatin in high doeses.


    Is a hormone that is released when your eyes stop seeing light. It is released by the pineal gland and helps to maintain healthy sleeping patterns.

    Cannabsis Induced Psychosis[/align]


    This is a B vitamin derivative from russia it seems to help with side effects of medicine and cognitive effects. Americans dont seem to use this, but it seems to be similar to subulthiamine in a different fashion.


    This is found in citrus peels, but it can also be synthetic. The citrus peels wont do anything its better to get the supplement maybe. It is a PDE4 inhibitor and PDE4s are known to display some antipsychotic effect (rolipram trials). This one doesnt target PDE4H as much which is what produces the gastrointestinal side effects of rolipram.


    These are AMPAkines that modulate NMDA overtime which are connected to glutamate bursts. The NMDA hypofunction theory of schizophrenia explains some of the delusional/cognitive apphrension of schizophrenic patients. These also increase BDNF which can help with better synaptic plasticity, and they also seem to normalize EEG which is something than schizophrenics could benefit from. These two in particular are anxiolytic and could normalize mood disorders. There would basically be a linearizing effect from these as well as lowering some dopamine overtime.


    Niacin, or vitamin B3, is an important nutrient that affects your nervous system and helps with the manufacture of sex and stress hormones. A niacin deficiency, or pellagra, causes symptoms that appear remarkably similar to those of schizophrenia. Picamilon countains Niacin.

    [align=center]Herbal Alternatives[/align]

    - Wild Dagga
    - Blue Lotus
    - Kanna
    - Damiana
    - Wormwood
    - Skullcap
    - Hops
    - Catnip
    - Calamus Root
    - Galangal Root
    - Betel Nut
    - Marihuanilla
    - Masterbation
    - Coleus
    - Zornia Latifolia
    - Calea Zacatechichi

    It is wise to do additional research before stacking these supplements as they may reverse the effects of each other either chemically or synaptically
    Counter cannabis effects on memory in Cannabis (C. sativa, C. indica, etc.) Forum
    dopeonaropedope Reviewed by dopeonaropedope on . How to Reverse the Negative Side Effects of Marijuana Cannabis acts mainly on one Cannabinoid receptor in the brains neural cells. Receptors are basically the input in a brain cell for the different chemicals in your brain and those chemicals (neurotransmitters) tell the neuron what to do. So by introducing THC to a neuron, it soon alters natural neurotransmitter communication. Therefor, thoughts of different natures. By constantly pushing Cannabinoid receptors into overdrive by putting THC through them, they wear out and become less excited Rating: 5


    Junior Member

    How to Reverse the Negative Side Effects of Marijuana

    Also, if you just use very very little amounts of marijuana, you end up getting just as much out of it without the negative side effects being nearly as prominent.

    Just uploaded a pdf with a short description and link to current information regarding cannabis and lung cancer.

    Senior Member

    How to Reverse the Negative Side Effects of Marijuana

    rambling text. too much information, some bogus info as well. Smoke less or try a different strain if you experience negative side effects.

    Thanks for trying though, Welcome ropeadope

    Senior Member

    How to Reverse the Negative Side Effects of Marijuana

    Yeah Shov, right on with the bogus. Some of that was put out as text book fact back in the days when Big Brother was paying researchers to the find/prove the negative side of cannabis. That 'mis info' was used in medical schools to pump out grads/drs who would in turn 'inform' the public of the new findings of the harmful effect of marijuana, unbeknownst to the well meaning, but misinformed med. grad=new young drs.
    Most of the supplement/herbal info was good, but I'd stay away from coleus, as it is a mild hallucinogenic & dosage varies from person to person, what's right for one can be toxic levels for another.

    So take care when flying your geek flag. The information may not be so well recieved. Don't assume we're all just a burned out bunch of old pot heads. Most of us actually quite well informed. No offense ment, just saying......

    Oh, & yeah, what Shovel said.
    I\'m an ole\' tree huggin hippie. I do what I like & like what I do.

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