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    Senior Member

    Are the Feds really backing off from the compassionate States?

    Uncle Fester?

    Keeping pain at bay 24/7©:thumbsup:

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    Senior Member

    Are the Feds really backing off from the compassionate States?


    Plants do things for a reason..they don\'t just decide one day to get root rot or act funny. - Weedhound :clap:

    \"It ain\'t what you don\'t know that gets you into trouble. It\'s what you know for sure that just ain\'t so.\"
    - Mark Twain

    Mythbuster! Thanks to- Rusty Trichome

    Senior Member

    Are the Feds really backing off from the compassionate States?

    Did you guys read the actual letter?

    They left themselves plenty of room to resume business as usual based on an arbitrary opinion of how any or all states are acting.

    It looks like a political move with no real teeth.

    Still nice to hear even if it's just lip service.

    Senior Member

    Are the Feds really backing off from the compassionate States?

    Quote Originally Posted by boaz
    thats cool, just took 'em 17 years but ... :jointsmile: I hope they respect the new CO and WA laws, too.
    Oh longer than that babe! I jumped on the legalization band wagon in 1972, & it was already rolling when I jumped on. I'm a member of both NORML & MPP. I recommend everyone who smokes to join both groups, & sign up to recieve NATIONAL updates, not just ones from your own state. Not one single move is made concerning marijuana without me knowing about it thanks to these two groups.
    I\'m an ole\' tree huggin hippie. I do what I like & like what I do.

    Senior Member

    Are the Feds really backing off from the compassionate States?

    Quote Originally Posted by cannabis-seeds
    Did you guys read the actual letter?

    They left themselves plenty of room to resume business as usual based on an arbitrary opinion of how any or all states are acting.

    It looks like a political move with no real teeth.

    Still nice to hear even if it's just lip service.
    Hopefully they'll be afraid to buck the majority too hard. History has shown us they eventually back off when the masses out number them. Just look at alcohol prohibition. Its been a long slow ride. I'm hoping we're close to victory. I've been fighting for legalization since I was 18. I'll be 60 in 5 months. All I want is to be able to sit on my porch rocker & burn one without fear of being busted for it. FREE THE WEED!
    I\'m an ole\' tree huggin hippie. I do what I like & like what I do.

    Senior Member

    Are the Feds really backing off from the compassionate States?

    I have a lot of ideas about the whole prohibition seeming to turn around - think about them and let me know what YOU think?

    I too have seen this fight since the 70's, I really didn't involve myself until more recently though. If we look at the turn of events from a larger picture, meaning how this fight has effected the petro dollar since the 80's and the war on drugs we see that the entire campaign was set up by Reagan and his regime to 'get the money out of here' - like a 503c corp. the goverment can't let the petro dollar sit here- it has no actual value until it's traded for a commodity - stay with me here, it gets more interesting.
    While our goverment used the war on drugs to use up plenty of petro dollar along comes big pharma - who PROFITS from disease, do you really think they want a cure for cancer- I have worked with doctors and have been told ' cancer is a goldmine' from a very exclusive cancer physician...Do some research on google- the first case of diabetes was the beginning of the 19th century - when pharma started moving our opinions of medicine away from natural health. The same is true for several of other biggest killers, hypertension, heart attacks, cancers and many more- a little research will go a long way here. What does this have to do with it? Cannibis has been humans number one go to medicine for over 5000 years- it isn't this GMO food that makes us sick - THEY OUTLAWED THE ONLY MEDICINE and replaced it with poisonous chemicals they make us return for about drug dealers huh?
    Meanwhile we have a war here and there- more money gets out, we now outsource our prison system to a for profit company becuase we have to cut our spending budget because our money really isn't worth anything and the only way to keep our economy afloat is to keep it out of our hands...the prisons are now for profit and in most states, each prisoner is worth around $25,000.00 per year- and some of our state goverments even have contracts with these corporations to GAURANTEE so many 'beds' filled per year.They only way to do that is with trumped up charges- or keep something harmless- even good for you - illegal so that we can round up those gauranteed prisoners every year to pay the contracted prison system so we can continue to send our petro dollars out of the country fighting a gets even better....stay with me.....I promise there is a slam dunk coming up....
    Now the one wildcard I haven't seen mentioned here, but is THE one to watch is the healthcare system....who's heard of the Affordable Care Act? - Welllll.......this little act has pissed off a pretty large percent of the population for many reasons. I don't need to mention how it undermines all homeopathy, natural medicine, and I could go on and on but I won't, the important wild card here is this. This act takes HUGE salaries away from physicians, who have worked for years in school to earn that salary and they aren't all. The most influential people in this nation today on the effects of cannibis on health are our physicians educating the patients and public - they have real power in getting this message out and getting voting dollars behind the right candidates -this is the group to watch, they are mad, they are talking and I do believe that Dr. SAnjay Gupta revelation was a little nudge in that direction.
    Legal marijuana severely threatens the petro dollar- but bud is a commodity in itself- actually worth MORE than the dollar.....I have more to say but will stop - would love to hear what you think...

    Senior Member

    Are the Feds really backing off from the compassionate States?

    Crystal -

    I really wish that we could work in this society as a coop almost - work all together for the same end, sharing what we have and all working for it the best we can. Unfortunately, that won't happen. Small groups are possible, large fall apart (communism within countries, vs communities). It would help greatly with the cost of things, I think.

    The feds eventually will back off. It's what happened with alcohol - the government made it illegal, but the push back and all the problems it caused were so big that it HAD to be changed back. But with cannabis, it was used so much less in general for food and medicines than alcohol and less widely used (percentage of people) in many ways (from what I understand) as well as the other drugs that were causing issues, that it was easier for it to be made illegal. Because of opiates being so popular, cannabis was not as popular anyways for pain at the time, anyways. If we keep working on education for all (including the safety precautions needed to be taken, such as caution with young brains epecially because of their growth rates being affected by cannabis or likely rather the THC).

    I don't agree too much on the petro dollar theory, but I do agree that corporations are mostly in it for the money (they all start out to help or serve with their business as well as earn money, but later seem to just be about money like my company of 250K employees). The government has to keep it's funders and supporters happy to some extent, so that DOES affect how they regulate things, too. :/

    Oh, and for big Pharma? Diabetes comes mostly from bad lifestyle and refusal to fix it. For those that FIX their lifestyle (weight, food, exercise), they reverse the disease and usually cure it. WITHOUT MEDICINE. Meds just control it to some extent - again, mostly depending on the patient willing to work with the meds and the course of treatment. Gout? Also activity and diet related. Colitis? Diet and activity related and stress. Depression? Diet, activity, stress. Heart disease? Diet, activity, stress. Oh, and sleep affects all these as well. Our lifestyle is the biggest reason we're so sick and diseased. I see it daily as a pharmacy technician for 5 years. I know personally a few patients who have reversed diabetes and heart disease issues just with exercise and diet. My depression is always better with better diet, sleep, and exercise. My migranes? Better with diet, sleep, and exercise. Stress levels too! Although they get paid more for sick people, they also lose tons of money on many of their generics they make (brands are what really bring in money for them). Heck, most generics come into the pharmacy for only a few dollars for a bottle of 100. How much money are they really making with THAT after paying for lables, bottle, manufacture, ingrediants, etc? But they do also help to NOT promote better lifestyle, that's for sure!

    Senior Member

    Are the Feds really backing off from the compassionate States?

    Great points Buggy! And I agree to disagree with you on the petro dollar- I have this wierd facination with the money/ debt system....haha!
    A few years ago I had to do a lot of research on history of disease, I didn't think I would really learn that much, my father had been an oldtime country doctor whogot his MD through the Korean war and took chickens for payment if nessasary. I thought he knew everything there was to know and I thought I had heard all the stories I could hear. Mind you, he was brought up through the process of prohibition. He never thought cannabis was dangerous, but he stayed out of the politics.
    I was shown how little I actually knew from the research I did, I had so many memories of conversations I had had with my father about medicine as I traipsed through archive after archive connecting dots that seem like common sense.
    Physicians of the past understood the actual physiology of the human EXPERIENCE, not just the physical body, and medicine was used to treat the experience rather than the disorder- helping people to experience fuller lives - not just physical lives.That has since been trained out of physicians, and what is left is a hollow shell of people that are very pissed because they are just now figuring out how they have been screwed. This is all beside the point! sorry for the rant! healthcare- they are the wildcard in this fight and have become a critical mouth for this movement. With a movement within healthcare as retaliation for the ACA, we may just see a re-surgance of meds that historically have not been able to be regulated.

    Happy Full Moon to you!

    Senior Member

    Are the Feds really backing off from the compassionate States?

    Kudos to your dad CrystalL! He gave you the best foundation possible, commonsense! That's what will grease the wheels of progress in our fight to end prohibition!

    I\'m an ole\' tree huggin hippie. I do what I like & like what I do.

    Senior Member

    Are the Feds really backing off from the compassionate States?

    I had the amazing opportunity to work with him my first 8 years in the industry - he used to give me his old medical books, boxes of slides and tell me to go identify what I could find....He wasn't a great dad, he was the best Doctor I ever saw - and I worked with 100's...

    My partner still works for a large medical institition, rumor has it that there is a LOT of talk running the campus about legalization - WAtch healthcare- influence your doctors- they are the ones where we will see the biggest support.

    You see, they hate the fact that they are now being controlled by the big pharma....and cannibis really can't be controlled by them. So one good hits deserves another doesn't it? Plant your own medicine - that could be thier message to win this war!

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