Master bowl here i just thought id tell you smokers about the first time i got high. I wouldnt be smokeing if this didnt happen, my friend calls me and says hey man wanna buy sum weed i just said hell yeah why not. so he gets a ride over and meets me and i bought a gram for 20 bucks he said its good shit. so i have a bag but nothing to smoke it outa so im sitting im my garage looking for something to smoke out of. i see a 1.5 liter coke bottle n grab that then i get a meatal socket and i take a knive n cut a hole smaller then the socket in the bottle about 3/4 of the way down then i heat up the socket with my lighter and push it in so it air tight then i pack a bowl and start hitting it. I didnt feal anything so i made a carb hole and i starting hittin it agian and using the carb and taking in the full hit. then i blacked out and for a while i just sat there in a days i smoked a gram first time i ever smoked i smoked a gram and i got high as hell. so im sitting there in a dase and i kept thinking my mom was home but she wasnt then for a while i thought i was a camra in the corrner of my garage lol and well i call my friend i bought it from and he told me to go to sleep so i did then i wake up hungery as hell. lol then i eat a pizza and a half it was the best food ever. and ive smoked every chance i get sence then. and now im a happy stonner Ive had chances to smoke before but never did but ive had alot of experience making homemade bowls n bongs
Bowl Master Reviewed by Bowl Master on . First time getting high Master bowl here i just thought id tell you smokers about the first time i got high. I wouldnt be smokeing if this didnt happen, my friend calls me and says hey man wanna buy sum weed i just said hell yeah why not. so he gets a ride over and meets me and i bought a gram for 20 bucks he said its good shit. so i have a bag but nothing to smoke it outa so im sitting im my garage looking for something to smoke out of. i see a 1.5 liter coke bottle n grab that then i get a meatal socket and i take a Rating: 5