Hi..My 4 weeks old plants are showing signs of what I`m thinking is leaf damage.I...`v looked at spider mites as the pictures online look similar to the condition my plants are exhibiting.... But not all the signs point to that as the issue Others images of budding/flowering plants.... have the same and much similar leaf appearance... I`m wondering if it could be resin production coming through the surface of the leave ...in little raised bumps ...With filament like hairs on the leaf edge..(I wish i could post some pics... but I cant get close enough to get good resolution).
My plants are clones from a 6 month old mother. As I`m still vegging it seems odd that my plants have many little buddings allready.. Could they have the cellular memory of the Mother...

Any thoughts.... Cheers.
bitchesbecrazy Reviewed by bitchesbecrazy on . Nubie.... Hi..My 4 weeks old plants are showing signs of what I`m thinking is leaf damage.I...`v looked at spider mites as the pictures online look similar to the condition my plants are exhibiting.... But not all the signs point to that as the issue Others images of budding/flowering plants.... have the same and much similar leaf appearance... I`m wondering if it could be resin production coming through the surface of the leave ...in little raised bumps ...With filament like hairs on the leaf edge..(I Rating: 5