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    Junior Member


    Hey all! Just a quick question. Im wondering if I would qualify in maine for either Osgood Schlatter Disease in my left knee that frequently bothers me (Have had it since a teenager) and/or a bulging disc in lower back (getting injections next month). I'm hoping the bulging disc will go away but the OSD is here to stay and up till a couple days ago I never even thought of this route for it.
    Aazzdayen Reviewed by Aazzdayen on . Question Hey all! Just a quick question. Im wondering if I would qualify in maine for either Osgood Schlatter Disease in my left knee that frequently bothers me (Have had it since a teenager) and/or a bulging disc in lower back (getting injections next month). I'm hoping the bulging disc will go away but the OSD is here to stay and up till a couple days ago I never even thought of this route for it. Rating: 5

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    Junior Member


    it sounds like something that would qualify you,

    Senior Member


    Integr8 health are the only ones giving certifacations in Maine. As long as you have 6 months or more of cronic pain you should qualify. You can go here: and sign up for your first appointment on line. Warning the fee is $300 non refundable payable in advance.

    Junior Member


    Thats the thing, I'm not 100% sure what chronic pain consists. I know it is pain that has lasted 6 months with nothing helping it but are there more restrictions? With my bulging disc issue that started a little more than a year ago and since then I've been to physical therapy, taken many vicodin/flexorils, saw a specialist, had an mri done and now sometime after the 14th am supposed to get some cortizone shots. But if the shots help that no longer counts as chronic pain right? And with my Osgood Schlatter disease I havent done anything for that in a long time except to see my doctor a couple of times since its kept me out of work (just for work verification) Ive had it for so long now that I just "deal" with it. I'm just trying to avoid spending 300$ for no reason if nothing happens is all...thanks!

    Senior Member


    I have a ruptured L5 and the three discs above it are bulged.. and I think just about all back pain treatments i.e. surgery/injections is only 50% working.. and no the pain dont go away.. I had decompression therapy on my back and the pain went away for about a month or so after completing treatment ( took about 2 months or so to complete ) now here i am a year later and back is still if not worse than before. doctors want to fuse together the bad areas in my back, but i feel as if it can wait until i cant walk anymore... so for now I medicate.. unfortunately its not legal here yet so i have to rely on my guy from around the corner lol.. but every once in awhile he gets some that totaly knocks out the pain and that is when i stack uip on the green meds.. I hope that your injections help you and can help you get the card you need to start medicating .. sorry was rambling lol !!! am sooo :stoned:
    from what I understand from my friends in medical states is that chronic pain does help you get qualified, one of my really good friends in colorado has a pinched nerve in his neck from a car accident or some such and it qualified him.. hope you get quals you need bro
    :S1: Bluntman to the rescue !!

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