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    Junior Member

    BiggCuzzin from da Big Island

    Sup evribadi out der on da Big Island of Hawaii?!!
    This is BiggCuzzin from Puna! Howzit? Irie yeah? Give a holla if you from round deez parts yeah! Gone!
    BiggCuzzin Reviewed by BiggCuzzin on . BiggCuzzin from da Big Island Sup evribadi out der on da Big Island of Hawaii?!! This is BiggCuzzin from Puna! Howzit? Irie yeah? Give a holla if you from round deez parts yeah! Gone! Rating: 5

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    Junior Member

    BiggCuzzin from da Big Island

    wassup brah!?!?

    Senior Member

    BiggCuzzin from da Big Island



    BiggCuzzin from da Big Island

    yeah to Puna....


    BiggCuzzin from da Big Island

    Vote FOR √ Ballot Question 1
    â??Lowest Law Enforcement Priority
    of Cannabis Ordinanceâ?

    When? - November 4th, 2008

    Please spread the word,
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    Junior Member

    BiggCuzzin from da Big Island

    I'm in Puna too...

    Howzit everybody?


    BiggCuzzin from da Big Island

    there is a cannabis ministry in Hilo...I think walk in hours are Mon, Wed and Fri in the afternoon....there is a big sign on the building down on the waterfront...


    BiggCuzzin from da Big Island

    unfortunately, there are no places in Kona that will meet your needs at this time. plenty of talk about someone starting one, but nothing going on yet...

    Junior Member

    BiggCuzzin from da Big Island

    Quote Originally Posted by Punabud
    wassup brah!?!?
    thanks Weez! You are truly the best. Mahalo my friend. I will be on the Koan side but hope to making some trips to Hilo for sure!

    Junior Member

    BiggCuzzin from da Big Island

    Quote Originally Posted by BiggCuzzin
    Sup evribadi out der on da Big Island of Hawaii?!!
    This is BiggCuzzin from Puna! Howzit? Irie yeah? Give a holla if you from round deez parts yeah! Gone!
    Aloha Big Cuz
    My Family and I are moving to Hawaii to stay, I am a grower with 33 rs experience and own Have been in Cali and Arizona for sev yrs helping set up dispensaries and assisting new growers/patients
    I have an expired mmj card from da island do you think it will be hard for me to get it renewed, also wanted to ask you what you think about the ability or possibility of work there for me as a grower/caregiver lemme know if you have time I am a Friend or Rogers and a minister with the thc ministries I would like to get the ministry back up and running yet perhaps the climate is all fd' so just growing and helping others grow is what I seek. I have experience with 50000+ sq ft grows I am a master grower
    thought Id reach out to you as your local and prob know some of dis stuff... Mahalo

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