im back ! not that any of you would have missed me and ive decided that every week or so im guna tell everybody about something new ive tryed in the cannabis world.

this week i bring you Juicy Jays Flavoured Rips

now first things first let me address this "flavoured" part. they come in Banana, Blueberry, Raspberry, Very Cherry, Blackberry Brandy, Green Apple and Peaches 'n' Cream and the different flavours in no way affect the papers themselves other then the image printed on them and obviously the taste/smell. Ok now ive only had banana, apple and blueberry but i think i can speak for the whole range when i say, these taste and smell amazing! they have a very strong smell and you can usually pick up the scent as soon as there out of your pocket. while they do taste good when you literally eat the paper (your all going to try it) they dont leave a taste in your mouth at all. but that was pretty much to be expected right? well another let down is that they dont smell like the flavour at all, they just smell like burning paper. *sigh*

well how do they roll? the biggest advantage you have with these is the fact that there rips so you can pull off some huge strip and really try your hand at a big roll :jointsmile: . this is supported by the fact that these are quite weighty rips and so dont tend to bend or slope down when your rolling a big joint. also you can pack em like hell as there very wide so you can get alot in there without fearing your going to end up with a roll to tight to toke. however this can also be a bad point when you end up wrapping the papers round twice or even three times. all you can taste is literally burning paper, killing any chance of getting to taste your bud and leaving your throat dry as sand. the gum on this isnt great but it aint bad either, and i found that what ever they use to flavour these is very sticky when wet so if you do screw up the gum then you can just lick abit of the paper.

Pros- smell nice, taste nice, can sometimes leave a slight taste on lips, strong weighty papers

Cons- perhaps abit to much width, burn to smell like there flavour and dont leave a taste in your mouth

not terrible papers just not the best. the whole flavour thing just seems like a selling point rather then an actual attribute of the papers. but aside from the width and taste issue these are ok papers and very cheap at only £1.50 for 5 metres.

Juicy Jay's Rolls - Banana - Online Shop
heres the link, check em out if you want ^
ganjhound Reviewed by ganjhound on . Ganjhound Review : Juicy Jays Flavoured Rips im back ! not that any of you would have missed me :p and ive decided that every week or so im guna tell everybody about something new ive tryed in the cannabis world. this week i bring you Juicy Jays Flavoured Rips now first things first let me address this "flavoured" part. they come in Banana, Blueberry, Raspberry, Very Cherry, Blackberry Brandy, Green Apple and Peaches 'n' Cream and the different flavours in no way affect the papers themselves other then the image printed on them and Rating: 5