I went to a Hemp Con in San Jose at the end of January and there were some folks there who were selling Marijuana test kits. They said the kit ($90) would allow you to see how much THC was in the weed and to see if there were any impurities. I was wondering if anyone had purchased this type of kit or a similar kit and if it was legit.

I have my doubts about the THC % given for various weeds at Harborside and other dispensaries and in seed catalogs. Some of the strains claim to be 25% to more than 35% THC. It is hard to believe that if I took a pound of White Widow that they claim to be 25% THC and processed it so I had just the pure THC that I would have any where near 1/4 pound. I was wondering if someone could explain exactly what they mean when they say 25% THC. Are they talking about the THC in the resin, the THC in the entire plant, are the other parts of the plant that get you high besides the THC included in this percentage?

Anyway the kit at the Hemp Con was like a bottle with test strips. You would look at the test strip and it would leave marks that look like a Rorschact (sp?) test that you need to interpet with a color gague. I am not sure of any more of the details.
rudy2010 Reviewed by rudy2010 on . Testing Pot for THC Content I went to a Hemp Con in San Jose at the end of January and there were some folks there who were selling Marijuana test kits. They said the kit ($90) would allow you to see how much THC was in the weed and to see if there were any impurities. I was wondering if anyone had purchased this type of kit or a similar kit and if it was legit. I have my doubts about the THC % given for various weeds at Harborside and other dispensaries and in seed catalogs. Some of the strains claim to be 25% to Rating: 5