Quote Originally Posted by ScaredasHell
I hand you something that is legal for me and for you. You hand me something that's legal for you and me. WHERE'S THE CRIME??????

Scared (but NOT to trade clones w/ other card-carriers with PPLs!!!!!) :thumbsup: (Bet "Dominick in Disguise" is gonna tell me why this is wrong).
Okay. All I will say is...read the rules and be careful if you aren't following them. ;-)
CFO Reviewed by CFO on . patient clone exchange program im not to sure where i heard this or even if it is true. the department of health has approved the exchange of medicinal marijuana clones between patients with there Personal Production License? or has it not been brought up to the attention of the DOH and if not is it illegal to do so? if not I would love for that to be a possibility so that we as patients can help each other out.:bigsmoke: Rating: 5