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    Senior Member

    Bible versus about pot

    Quote Originally Posted by GetDown
    hehe, i can go one better, hollowed out an old bible and used it as a stash spot for my weed, however because i do believe some measure of respect should be shown to religious artifacts i felt it would be wrong to throw all the used pages in the bin, have them hidden in my desk drawer and i plan to smoke every last page.... so far im only halfway through genesis.... got a very long way to go
    Be careful there are side effects from smoking too many bible verses.

    Big head, ranting on and on and on about bible verses no one cares about, robotic adherence to a primitive moral code, temporary memory loss over hard to defend passages, etc.

    I have to admit, a bible full of weed is the only useful bible I've ever heard of. :thumbsup:

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    Junior Member

    Bible versus about pot

    Quote Originally Posted by Angler
    I've got to say that the Bible versus that have been quoted about pot have me wondering. The ones I have seen quoted say things like God put all seeds, herbs and plants here for man's consumption and sustenance. Yet there are other plants such as tobacco, opium etc. that are here and can be harmful to us... So I personally don't think these versus can be used as justification...

    As a Christian, I personally think moderation in all things is a key and I have to be careful as to how much and when I am using marijuana.

    What say you?
    1Co 6:12 All things are lawful unto me:thumbsup:, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any:beatdeadhorse::detective1::detective1:.

    Senior Member

    Bible versus about pot

    There's numerous things that are pretty important that were never discussed in the new testament. You would think one of the big things was that Jesus would have told people that the earth isn't flat and he might have mentioned something about homosexuality. Every miracle you find in any versions of any of the religious texts was in older pagan religions long before Jesus ever showed up. A lot of the miracles came from ancient summerian texts. All myths and fantasies. Stories told to kids while sitting around fires, nothing more.

    Junior Member

    Bible versus about pot

    Here is one that refers to using cannabis for making anointing oil to be used on the sick.
    "Moreover The Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Take thou also unto thee principal spices, of pure myrrh five hundred shekels, and of sweet cinnamon half so much, even two hundred and fifty shekels, and of sweet cane(this word in original hebrew was kineboisin which is where the word cannabis comes from) two hundred and fifty shekels, And of cassia five hundred shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary, and of oil olive an hin: And thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compound after the art of the apothecary: it shall be an holy anointing oil." (Exodus 30:22-25 KJV)
    This recipe is still in use today, although some substitute calamus for cannabis because of a mis-translation or prejudiced views.
    It was also used to make incense that the high priest would breath in before he went into the holy of holies in the tabernacle from the old testament.
    God said, \"Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth.â?¦To you it will be for meat.\" â?¦ And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. (Genesis 1:29-31)

    Junior Member

    Bible versus about pot

    I think I remember from Torah, it's forbidden for anyone but the Levitical Priests to make the Holy Anointing oil. I'm going to have to see if I can find the instructions for the oil.. You have to remember too, you can't just take a single verse from Scripture without taking all of them into account. I really try not to take text out of context, and read the whole chapter.

    Senior Member

    Bible versus about pot

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueBlazer
    Man, I don't know. But those older bibles with the thin pages provide a great source of emergency rolling papers, so . . . :stoned:

    "What are you smoking man?"

    Maybe that's why they leave those Bibles in those motels... They all have a Coke machine but there is never a gas station nearby to get some rolling papers ! God bless the new testament... i smoked the shite outta that chapter !!! I'm working my way to the Jewish chapter as we speak !!!

    Junior Member

    Bible versus about pot

    Quote Originally Posted by dzydeb
    I think I remember from Torah, it's forbidden for anyone but the Levitical Priests to make the Holy Anointing oil. I'm going to have to see if I can find the instructions for the oil.. You have to remember too, you can't just take a single verse from Scripture without taking all of them into account. I really try not to take text out of context, and read the whole chapter.
    The new testament says that we are all kings and priests. dzydeb if you have a personal relationship with God just smoke or however you enjoy cannabis and then spend time alone focusing on and praying to God and feel the way it opens your mind to God it is amazing. At least it is for me. I believe that we all have the right to commune with God in our own way.
    God said, \"Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth.â?¦To you it will be for meat.\" â?¦ And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. (Genesis 1:29-31)

    Junior Member

    Bible versus about pot

    I believe there is no "New" Testament, it's a continuation of the "Old", it is all the word of Yah. I do believe that all scripture must agree with itself, so if the old and new contradict each other, there is either a problem with translation, or our understanding. In the case of as you say, we are all Kings and Priests, it does agree with all of scripture.

    I have communed as you say while smoking and yes, it is wonderful. But I also believe that we have to ask how does Yah want our worship? Many times we see in Scripture how the Children of Israel were punished because they tried mixing what they thought was acceptable practice of worship and what Yah expects from us. The first example is the Golden Calf incident.

    I read Scripture very literally, and if it says don't eat swine, I don't eat swine. But I haven't read anywhere, don't smoke Cannabis when in worship. But I do find an instance where the sons of Aaron came to the Temple to do their job, they came drunk and didn't do the Holy Incense the correct way, and were instantly killed. There are Blessings when we obey and curses or punishment if we do not. He made them an example. I must say, the Children of Israel were a stubborn bunch. I don't want to offend my Abba by being arrogant enough to think I can come to him in my own way. When you love God, you want to obey. What did Jesus say? If you love me, keep my commandments. Don't smoke Cannabis in Worship isn't one of them.

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