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    Senior Member

    UPS guy saw garden on deck...

    Well probably not but one persons word is enough for the police to probe for other evidence. Even though he did trespass on your property the police would probably outrule it because of what he discovered. I would play it safe if i were you but the thing i would do before moving all of it is too call this guy up, im sure you would be able to find out who delivered your package on that day through ups. Call them up and make up a fake story as to why you need to contact the delivery guy who delivered on say wednesday or whateva. Get in contact with him, see what kidna guy he is, see if hes a grass or not and go from there. I mean not everyone is a snake, i certainly wouldnt report any grows to police and i know alot of other people wouldnt. AND another thing is he may just think your a medical grower and though nothing of it ! If you live in a MMJ state i dont know.

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    Senior Member

    UPS guy saw garden on deck...

    The cops can certainly get a search warrant with just one person saying so. Remeber you got to think of it as the government having a "war on drugs". Growing marijuana know matter how much you have is a felony is many places and felonies are no laughing matter. My cousin is a cop, he pulled a kid over that was on probation got him to snitch on where he bought it, long story short they picked up the guys garbage cans that night and found baggies in it. Bam multiple feloniy arrest, cops names in the paper and another battle won against the war on drugs. Its took 6 hours from the point the cop pulled the kid over to the drug dealers getting arrested. Since I did work at ups I know that the driver for them aren't usually too young. Atleast over the age of running through someones house for pot. Atleast where I live they make close to 30 bucks an hour? I'm sure he could buy it if he wanted to. try and keep a close eye on around your house for snooping and wandring eyes and hopefully your good to go.

    Senior Member

    UPS guy saw garden on deck...

    If you live in a state that has medical marijuana laws, and you are a valid patient, then I wouldn't really worry to much about it...unless your law enforcement are feds in disguise...

    Now I would worry about ups buddies coming back some other time to rob ya...tis how things generally work in america..

    Picking between these two-evils is is a way out card...the other is not.

    Choices are ours to prudent.

    Senior Member

    UPS guy saw garden on deck...

    Quote Originally Posted by Charbud
    I would get everything out to a friends house asap. Saw something similar to this on another forum, 2 days later he had the police at his door with a search warrent. They found nothing becuase he moved it all to a friends house. This was law enforcement so no danger of them running up in his house with guns trying to rob him so if i were you id get rid of em for 2 weeks see if anything happens. Better to be safe than sorry ! Also the fact that your in america (im guessing) is worse as the punishment is real bad for growing, here we only get a slap on the wrist, no jail, nothing.

    Good luck
    i agree 100%,something kindda like this happened to me.but it was my brother,he came over to my house 1 nite as i was walking out from my shed in the back.he caught a bit of the light as i was coming out.he's not dumb cause thats all he hangs with somewhat through out his life.he started coming over and asking for money all the time cause he is a bum and a thief.once i cut him off and said i can't help ya no week or so he went out and robbed a house and was on the run.he told the police that he lived at my house in the back shed.basicly he tried to set me up so they would come looking for him in my shed.he was on the phone with em and was telling them he was back they come to my house demanding to go back and get him.needless to say back when i told him no more he broke in my grow 1 nite and stole half my next day when i found out i moved everything to a friends house.week later 3 counties worth of police show up at my glad i listened to my gut or i'd still be in prison right now lmao.

    bottom line is there are'nt many people out in the world now that mind their own damn biz.most are ass kissers and look to gain points.then you have the thiefs that will tell their friends to come hit ya.

    i say move it all and if ya rent look for another place to move.if ya own try to find a cheap place to use to grow in...

    Senior Member

    UPS guy saw garden on deck...

    All the cops need to do after someone informs them is come with a search warrant saying someone "smelled" something and they are in. They dont need physical evidence.

    Senior Member

    UPS guy saw garden on deck...

    My purple diesel grow was harvested in front of a cop. He is my best friend but it was still a bit strange. He came to town the day of harvest and he lives a 6 hour drive away. I had to let him in. He knows I have my license but it was still a bit strange. In the area I live at cops could care less, unless it seriosly looks like you are making money. Then you are in trouble.
    If you walk around town there you can see plants in backyards all the time.

    I would be scared if the ups guy saw it. What is scary is the fact of getting ripped off. We have a big problem of people ripping off grows in my area. You have to be beeped into the hydro stores.

    I hope mr. ups is honest

    Senior Member

    UPS guy saw garden on deck...

    ...suggested moving your crop, at least indoors. I would be very wary of a UPS driver that went to all that trouble to get into your backyard.

    I have worked as a courier, and NONE of the guys I worked with would have gone to such lengths to enter someone's back yard. They would have left the parcel up front (out of sight if possible), or left one of those little notice thingies that says where to call to arrange another delivery, or to pick it up.

    The fact that he basically committed 'breaking and entering', by the legal definition, suggests to me that he was using his job as a means to scout out or 'case' places, your house being one of 'em. Move /all/ your plants, if you can. Now. If nothing happens in 2mo, I might think about moving 'em back, but don't keep any on the deck if you can avoid it.

    And, if you have the means, install some hidden cameras, preferably ones that work in darkness and that record their video to somewhere secret in the house, or perhaps offsite. You might be surprised at who shows up...


    UPS guy saw garden on deck...

    [GVIDEO][/GVIDEO]Thats some crazy shit, but I'll tell you this, it's better to have control of the outcome, than waiting for solid signs to let you know something Is wrong. In otherwords, if you move your meds and cops knock on your door the next day- you'd swipe the sweat of your forehead for having thought ahead. Good luck though and shit, I hope nothing bad happens- but what does hope do- most certainly doesn't keep us out of jail, who would care for our families?!


    Junior Member

    UPS guy saw garden on deck...

    I found this topic and its now a few months later but for future references.

    UPS, and even Fed Ex workers have a rule called 3rd party disclosures.

    Basically whatever you see at a customers house is none of your business and is not to be talked about.

    Now of course there are those that will "gossip"..

    but most big companies would like to avoid the stigma that their company would spy on their customers.

    If nothing else call into the local UPS office a few days later and give vague information about drivers pushing thru locked gates and snooping around your property.

    When you order stuff that will be delivered in the "notes box" put in message such as... deliver to front door only... or vicious dogs in back yard..

    Hopefully all went well for you

    Senior Member

    UPS guy saw garden on deck...

    Quote Originally Posted by throatstick
    i agree 100%,something kindda like this happened to me.but it was my brother,he came over to my house 1 nite as i was walking out from my shed in the back.he caught a bit of the light as i was coming out.he's not dumb cause thats all he hangs with somewhat through out his life.he started coming over and asking for money all the time cause he is a bum and a thief.once i cut him off and said i can't help ya no week or so he went out and robbed a house and was on the run.he told the police that he lived at my house in the back shed.basicly he tried to set me up so they would come looking for him in my shed.he was on the phone with em and was telling them he was back they come to my house demanding to go back and get him.needless to say back when i told him no more he broke in my grow 1 nite and stole half my next day when i found out i moved everything to a friends house.week later 3 counties worth of police show up at my glad i listened to my gut or i'd still be in prison right now lmao.

    bottom line is there are'nt many people out in the world now that mind their own damn biz.most are ass kissers and look to gain points.then you have the thiefs that will tell their friends to come hit ya.

    i say move it all and if ya rent look for another place to move.if ya own try to find a cheap place to use to grow in...
    always go with your instinct.. it almost never fails you. If you have to think for a second that you seriously need to move your stash or grow you do it.. could being safe hurt you??? It takes a little extra work but we have to remember this is a WAR and we are on the other end of it. We have to be militant about it.. hahahaha.. seriously we have to always be a step or two ahead of Law enforcement...
    \"The only thing constant in the universe is change. If you\'re up you\'re going to be down tomorrow. If you\'re down you\'re going to be up....... You start on a journey and the most exciting part of your journey is the twist and turns where you dont know what\'s coming next. If you do know what\'s coming next there is something in the universe that will change that.\" - Tommy Chong - \"Words of an old pot head\"

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