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    Senior Member

    Loose Change-911 was an inside job.

    Former Head Of Star Wars Program Says Cheney Main 9/11 Suspect
    Official version of events a conspiracy theory, says drills were cover for attacks

    Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison | April 4 2006

    The former head of the Star Wars missile defense program under Presidents Ford and Carter has gone public to say that the official version of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory and his main suspect for the architect of the attack is Vice President Dick Cheney.
    Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret. flew 101 combat missions in Vietnam. He is the recipient of the Eisenhower Medal, the George F. Kennan Peace Prize, the President??s Medal of Veterans for Peace, the Society of Military Engineers Gold Medal (twice), six Air Medals, and dozens of other awards and honors. His Ph.D. is in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Caltech. He chaired 8 major international conferences, and is one of the country??s foremost experts on National Security.
    Bowman worked secretly for the US government on the Star Wars project and was the first to coin the very term in a 1977 secret memo. After Bowman realized that the program was only ever intended to be used as an aggressive and not defensive tool, as part of a plan to initiate a nuclear war with the Soviets, he left the program and campaigned against it.

    In an interview with The Alex Jones Show aired nationally on the GCN Radio Network, Bowman (pictured below) stated that at the bare minimum if Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda were involved in 9/11 then the government stood down and allowed the attacks to happen. He said it is plausible that the entire chain of military command were unaware of what was taking place and were used as tools by the people pulling the strings behind the attack.

    Former Head Of Star Wars Program Says Cheney Main 9/11 Suspect

    Senior Member

    Loose Change-911 was an inside job.

    Evidence that 911 is an inside job

    The Media Response to the Growing Influence of the 9/11 Truth Movement.
    Part II: A Survey of Attitude Change in 2009-2010

    by Elizabeth Woodworth

    Global Research, February 15, 2010

    The Media Response to the Growing Influence of the 9/11 Truth Movement.


    In the past year, in response to emerging independent science on the 9/11 attacks, nine corporate, seven public, and two independent media outlets aired analytic programs investigating the official account.

    Increasingly, the issue is treated as a scientific controversy worthy of debate, rather than as a "conspiracy theory" ignoring science and common sense.

    This essay presents these media analyses in the form of 18 case studies.

    Eight countries ?? Britain, Canada, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and Russia ?? have allowed their publicly-owned broadcasting stations to air the full spectrum of evidence challenging the truth of the official account of 9/11.

    This more open approach taken in the international media ?? I could also have included the Japanese media ?? might be a sign that worldwide public and corporate media organizations are positioning themselves, and preparing their audiences, for a possible revelation of the truth of the claim that forces within the US government were complicit in the attacks ?? a revelation that would call into question the publicly given rationale for the military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

    The evidence now being explored in the international media may pave the way for the US media to take an in-depth look at the implications of what is now known about 9/11, and to re-examine the country's foreign and domestic policies in the light of this knowledge.

    I. Introduction

    Until 2009, doubts about the official 9/11 story were briefly entertained by the mainstream media on each anniversary of the event, allowing the independent research community only a fleeting moment once a year to publicly voice its findings.

    But after crucial scientific evidence emerged in April 2009 to challenge the official story of how the towers fell, a spate of European media reports followed. The news coverage of this evidence seems to have opened the door to more serious reflection on all aspects of the 9/11 issue in the major media.

    The first paper in my series, "The Media Response to 9/11," dealt with the New Statesman's grudging recognition of Dr. David Ray Griffin, the world's "top truther" (as it dubbed him), placing him number 41 among "The 50 People Who Matter Today."1 Since this admission in September 2009, the issue has gathered increasing momentum.

    The collective content issuing from this new momentum is presented here in the hope that it will embolden other major media to take up the pivotal controversy concerning 9/11, and pursuing the truth wherever it may lead.

    Observations on the Analysis

    While carrying out my analysis, I observed five new features in the media treatment of the 9/11 issue that developed as 2009 progressed. They are listed here, so that readers might look for them in the case studies that follow below:
    1. The 9/11 issue is increasingly framed not as conspiracy theories versus hard science, but as a legitimate controversy resting on unanswered questions and a search for truth.

    2. News reports and television programs examining these controversies have become longer and more balanced.

    3. Major media outlets have begun to present the claims of the truth movement first, followed by counter-arguments from defenders of the official story.

    4. Major media outlets have begun to include, and even to introduce, extensive evidence to support the claims of the 9/11 truth community.

    5. The media treatments increasingly suggest the possibility of a re-investigation into the events of September 11, 2001.

    The first part of this essay deals with the crucial scientific evidence that emerged in early 2009, the significance of this evidence in relation to the official story of 9/11, and the immediate news coverage it received.

    II. Scientific Paper Finds Nano-thermite Explosives in World Trade Center Dust, April 3, 2009

    A peer-reviewed paper published in the Open Chemical Physics Journal on April 3, 2009,2 reported that a little known high-tech explosive called nano-thermite was found throughout the World Trade Center dust.

    These physicists and chemists involved in this study discovered "distinctive red/gray chips in significant numbers"3 in four samples of dust collected from the area. The presence of aluminum and iron oxide in the red material provided one of the signs that it might be nano-thermite, which is a high explosive (whereas ordinary thermite is an incendiary.)

    Another clue was provided when putting a flame to the chips produced an explosive reaction.

    On the basis of these and other observations, the team concluded that "the red layer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in the WTC dust is active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material."4

    The article's first-named author, Dr. Niels Harrit ?? a University of Copenhagen chemistry professor who specializes in nano-chemistry5 ??explained on Danish TV2 News:
    "Thermite itself dates back to 1893. It is a mixture of aluminum and rust-powder, which react to create intense heat. The reaction produces iron, heated to 2500 degrees Centigrade. This can be used to do welding. It can also be used to melt other iron.

    "So in nano-thermite, this powder from 1893 is reduced to tiny particles, perfectly mixed. When these react, the intense heat develops much more quickly. Nano-thermite can be mixed with additives to give off intense heat, or serve as a very effective explosive. It contains more energy than dynamite, and can be used as rocket fuel.

    "You cannot fudge this kind of science. We have found it: unreacted thermite."6

    What was the significance of this sophisticated material?

    Reported Evidence that Nano-thermite is a Military Substance

    In a German interview in May 2009, Dr. Harrit said: "There are no experts on nano-thermite without connections to the military?. This stuff has only been prepared under military contracts in the USA and probably in bigger allied countries. This is secret military research?It was not prepared in a cave in Afghanistan."7

    Chemist Kevin Ryan, another co-author, had reported in an earlier article that explosive nano-thermite, which may be painted onto surfaces, was developed by US government scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories.8

    A United States Department of Defense special publication confirms that work on these "energetic materials" has long been "performed in laboratories within all military services."9

    According to a June 2009 statement by Britain's prestigious Institute of Nanotechnology,10 the Harrit study "provides indisputable evidence that a highly engineered explosive called nano-thermite was found in the dust of all three buildings that came down on 9/11 2001 in New York city. [sic] This advanced explosive incorporating nanotechnology is only available to sophisticated military labs."11

    It thus became known by mid-2009 that explosives of military origin, probably in the United States, had been involved in the World Trade Center collapses.

    Early Coverage of the Nano-thermite Finding in the European Mainstream Press

    Although the new scientific evidence against the official story of 9/11 was not reported in the mainstream British or North American media, it did receive attention in continental Europe.

    The day the article was published, a thorough essay in the Danish journal Videnskab (Science) examined both sides of the controversy about controlled demolition.12

    The same issue of Videnskab also carried an interview with Professor Harrit, who answered pointed questions about the peer-review history of the article, and the military nature of nano-thermite.13

    The following day, Denmark's reported the scientific nano-thermite paper in an article called (in Danish) "Conspiracy theories about 9/11 get new life."14

    Then, the day after Professor Harrit's April 6 interview Danish TV2 News, he was featured on the popular talk show, "Good Morning Denmark", on which he said:
    "The material we found is super hi-tech frontline military research. It's not a mixture of random chemicals. It's an advanced material which is difficult to get information on. But some conference papers and internal reports have been published?There has to be a normal forensic investigation of this attempt. Our research is high-level forensic work. We have provided technical evidence that can be used in the future investigation."15

    On April 13, an online Croatian political newspaper posted the Danish TV2 video interview with Harrit along with an article titled "VIDEO: 9/11 No Longer Taboo Topic in Denmark".16

    Russia also took notice. On July 9, Laura Emmett, the London correspondent for RT, interviewed Dr. Niels Harrit for over 10 minutes. (RT, previously known as Russia Today, is a globally broadcast English-language channel sponsored by the state-owned news agency RIA Novosti. It reaches 1.5 million people monthly, including half a million Americans.) Stating that "the evidence for controlled demolition is overwhelming", Harrit reported that the nano-thermite reaction produced pools of molten iron beneath the rubble and inextinguishable fires that lasted for months.17

    I turn now to ways that the mainstream news coverage of the case against the official story has changed since the appearance of the nano-thermite paper.

    III. The Changing Mainstream Media Treatment of 9/11 Evidence from early 2009 to early 2010: 18 Case Studies

    Two February 2009 news items illustrate the wary mainstream attitude towards conspiracy theorists early in the year. A New York Times article said about actor Daniel Sunjata:
    The second episode of "Rescue Me's" fifth season, starting in April, may represent the first fictional presentation of 9/11 conspiracy theories by a mainstream media company?Mr. Sunjata's character delivers a two-minute monologue?describing a "neoconservative government effort" to control the world's oil, drastically increase military spending and "change the definition of pre-emptive attack."

    Mr. Sunjata surprised some of the TV reporters when he said that he "absolutely, 100 percent" supports the assertion that "9/11 was an inside job."18
    Fox News was somewhat less constrained, saying:
    An upcoming episode of the drama "Rescue Me" is about 9/11 being an inside job. The actor who spews the theories on camera, Daniel Sunjata, actually believes in it too.

    Look, the fact is, actors who barf this crap are doing it for their own egos. It makes them feel smart, because for once they're spouting something provocative instead of puerile. Never mind that it's an insidious insult to the victims of 9/11 ?? as it is to the rest of us, who may or may not be guilty, according to Sunjata's theory.19

    However, things started to change after the appearance of the nano-thermite paper on April 3, as may be seen from the following case studies of media reports, each of which is identified as having corporate, public, or independent ownership.

    The case studies reveal the evidence which has been introduced into public consciousness during the past year.

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    Senior Member

    Loose Change-911 was an inside job.

    VIDEO: 9-11 Truth makes HUGE appearance at Los Angeles Anti-War March

    YouTube - 9-11 Truth makes HUGE appearance at Los Angeles Anti-War March

    Senior Member

    Loose Change-911 was an inside job.

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    Senior Member

    Loose Change-911 was an inside job.

    Senior Member

    Loose Change-911 was an inside job.

    TEHRAN - American journalist and author Christopher Bollyn says 9/11 was an Israeli false-flag operation meant to kick-start the Zionist-designed ??war on terror?.

    He made the remarks earlier this week during an email interview with freelance journalist Kourosh Ziabari.

    Mr. Bollyn added that Iran is probably the main target since foreign oil corporations and big capital have designs on Iran.

    Following is the text of the interview:

    Q: Could you explain why you think Mossad and CIA were involved in 9/11 terrorist attacks?

    A: The earliest evidence of Israeli involvement in 9-11 was actually revealed in the news on the very day of the terror attacks and shortly thereafter, but never followed up in the mainstream media.

    First, there was the van of 5 Israelis who were arrested in New Jersey on 9-11. This group, which included two Mossad agents known to U.S. law enforcement, had been observed videotaping the destruction of the Twin Towers with themselves celebrating in front of the camera, flicking their lighters and laughing with the burning towers in the background across the river. These Israelis worked for a fake moving company, Urban Moving Systems of Weehawken, New Jersey, which actually turned out to be a Mossad front operation. Dominic Suter, the head of the phony company, was allowed to escape to Israel shortly after 9-11 although he was a terror suspect being investigated by the FBI. The five Israelis, some of whom refused or failed lie detector tests, were caught in possession of multiple passports, box cutters, and a large amount of cash stuffed in their socks. Their van tested positive for explosives when checked by New Jersey police, at least until the FBI took over the investigation. When the five Mossadniks were returned to Israel in November 2001, three of them appeared on a popular television show and openly admitted that their mission had been to document the terror attacks. Who had given them this mission was not discussed.

    Secondly, there were some 4,000 Israelis who were expected to have been at the World Trade Center, as per the Israeli foreign ministry and the Jerusalem Post, who did not show up for work on 9-11. There were text messages sent on Odigo, an Israeli-owned instant messaging system, warning of the terror attacks several hours before the first plane hit the towers. These warnings were evidently sent in Hebrew and warned of terror attacks at the World Trade Center. Alex Diamandis, Odigo's vice president, said, ??The messages said something big was going to happen in a certain amount of time, and it did ?? almost to the minute.? The Odigo story was reported in the Washington Post, but not a single New York newspaper picked it up. The Post reported that the FBI had sent a team to Israel to investigate the content and origin of these messages, but the story was dropped and never investigated any further in the U.S. media. How odd.

    Both of these stories were reported, but only briefly and then dropped into the memory hole. I began my 9-11 research by investigating these stories. With such clear evidence of Israeli prior knowledge of the attacks, I pursued my investigation to see if Israelis or Zionists were involved in other key aspects of the crime or the cover-up, and I found that they were. Indeed, orthodox Jews and Zionists cropped up at every critical point of the operation, which I discuss in detail in my book, Solving 9-11 ?? The Deception that Changed the World.

    The key U.S. official behind the 9-11 cover-up was Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff, an Israeli citizen and son of a Mossad agent. Chertoff was the head of the criminal division of the Department of Justice at the time and the top boss of the FBI. From this position Chertoff managed the FBI's ??non-investigation? of 9-11, and supervised the confiscation and destruction of the critical evidence from the crime scenes, such as videotapes, aircraft debris, and more than 99 percent of the steel from the World Trade Center. The destruction of this crucial evidence is a crime in and of itself.

    Q: You say Israel is the architect of 9/11 terrorist attacks, but some people call you a conspiracy theorist.

    A: A conspiracy is a secret plan by a group of people to do something harmful or illegal. There is certainly no question that the terror attacks of 9-11 were planned and carried out by a group of people acting in secret. A conspiracy theorist in this context would be a person who believes that a conspiracy is behind the terrorism attacks that started the so-called ??War on Terror.? Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama have both stated that an Islamic conspiracy, headed by Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda, is behind 9-11. Based on this specious and unproven assertion the Bush administration invaded Afghanistan in October 2001 and began a war of occupation which the Obama administration has adopted as its own and continues to fight to this day. President Obama says the U.S. is fighting the war in Afghanistan because of 9-11.

    I, on the other hand, consider 9-11 to be an unsolved crime and have pursued my investigation based on the available evidence. Since the evidence indicates that Israeli intelligence had prior knowledge of the attacks and because prior knowledge of something like 9-11 is indicative of involvement in the crime, I have worked on the hypothesis that? Israel was involved in 9-11 and have pursued my investigation along that line. That does not make me a conspiracy theorist.

    One of the main reasons I rejected the government claim that Al-Qaeda was behind 9-11 is because all the evidence indicates that the Twin Towers and WTC 7 were demolished with explosives. The plane crashes did not bring down the Twin Towers and Larry Silverstein's 47-story building, which collapsed a block away without even being hit.

    When I learned in the summer of 2002 that molten iron had been found at the base of all three towers, I knew I had evidence that the Bush administration's explanation of what had happened to the World Trade Center was false. This important discovery revealed that the public had been lied to by the government about what really happened on 9-11.

    The publication of the peer-reviewed paper about the discovery of large amounts of active super-thermite in the dust of the demolished World Trade Center by Dr. Steven E. Jones and others in March 2009 provides scientific proof that an extremely energetic form of thermite, made with nanotechnology, was responsible for the pulverization of the 220 concrete floors of the Twin Towers, and everything on them. This is what created the immense clouds of hot dust that everyone saw on 9-11. Survivors have said that the dust was burning hot. This is because it contained tiny droplets of molten iron, which were described and shown in the U.S. Geological Survey study of the dust. The hot spots that burned beneath the rubble for three months were hotter than the boiling point of iron and created nanosize particles that were found in large quantities in the smoke rising from the pile. These were all clear indications that thermite had been used to demolish the towers.

    Logically, the discovery of chips of super-thermite in the dust marked the end of the official version as an acceptable explanation for what happened to the Twin Towers. Neither Osama Bin Laden nor Al-Qaeda had anything to do with the creation or application of the super-thermite that pulverized the World Trade Center. These facts are becoming clear to a growing number of people. The game is over for the 9-11 cover-up crowd.

    Q: You introduced U.S. official Michael Chertoff the man behind the 9-11 cover-up, does the U.S. administration really unaware of Israeli involvement?

    A: In March 2010, Dr. Alan Sabrosky, the former Director of Strategic Studies at the U.S. Army War College, said in a radio interview: ??It is one hundred percent certain that 9-11 was a Mossad operation, period.? Dr. Sabrosky also stated that high-level U.S. military officers know that Israel did it.

    Dr. Sabrosky is, to my knowledge, the first person from the U.S. military establishment to have publicly supported the hypothesis that Israeli intelligence was behind 9-11. I have not heard of any U.S. statesman refer to my research although I am sure there are many politicians who are aware of it.

    Q: The Bush administration launched ??war on terror? after 9/11 incidents and attacked Afghanistan, and then Iraq in 2003? Do you think another false-flag operation is in the making to attack another Muslim country?

    A: My hypothesis is that 9-11 was an Israeli-designed ??false-flag? operation that was meant to be blamed on Al-Qaeda in order to kick-start the Zionist-designed ??War on Terror.? Actually, Iran is probably the main target, at least in the minds of the Zionist war planners. This is because the CIA and the Mossad got kicked out of Iran when (Mohammad Reza) Shah Pahlavi was overthrown in 1979. The foreign oil corporations, big capital, and their intelligence agencies want to get Iran back under their control.

    I always thought that the name ??Central Command? or CENTCOM was a strange name for the military command that oversees U.S. operations in the Middle East -- central to whom? Iran now finds itself surrounded by U.S. military interventions on three sides and CENTCOM is based in Qatar, right in the middle.

    Furthermore, Iran has long been the target of a concerted effort led by the Zionists and the controlled press to impose sanctions in an effort to weaken the largest independent nation in the Middle East. This is why they use the issue of Iran??s nuclear development, most unfairly, as a club to attack the Iranian government. The Zionist Axis of New York, London, and Tel Aviv refuses to accept that Iran is not under their control.

    Q: You??ve published pictures on your website depicting: ??Israel does not represent world Jewry?. Do you think Israel is going to survive all this?

    A: No. I don't see how a small, artificial state run by terrorists and despised by its neighbors and most of the world can possibly survive in the long term. It simply is not sustainable. This is, after all, why 9-11 was carried out -- to bring the U.S. military into the Middle East to protect the Zionist hegemony in the region. Public opinion, however, has turned strongly against Israel as a result of a long string of Zionist crimes and atrocities. A state that is so despised simply cannot survive for long.

    Q: The U.S. officials regularly reaffirm their commitment to the security of Israel and disallow international community to hold Israelis accountable for the various crimes they commit. Is it possible for the international bodies to try Israeli officials despite U.S. opposition?

    A: This is the real problem. Zionist influence and control over the U.S. government prevents the international community from reining in the behavior of the nuclear-tipped outlaw? Israel. The U.S. veto in the UN Security Council has effectively protected Israel from sanctions for decades. But the failure to enforce international law and apply corrective measures on? Israel has resulted in the creation of a monster-state that is now out of control. Had the system of international law worked as it should Israel would have been forced to adjust its behavior and find a way to live in peace with the Palestinians and its neighbors.

    Q: What??s your take on Israel??s last month attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla? And do you think the international reaction have been the same had Iran carried out such attack on a flotilla of international aid ships?

    A: Of course not. If Iran had committed such a massacre on the high seas it would have been punished severely and immediately by the United Nations and international community. Furthermore, if any other state besides Israel were to impose a blockade on 1.5 million civilians causing extreme hardship and suffering, it would be condemned by every nation in the world. To understand the mild response of the Obama administration to the blockade and the massacre of the nine Turkish peace activists we should recall that Rahm Emanuel, the chief of staff of the Obama White House, was in Israel the week before the attack and met with Benjamin Netanyahu only four days before the Israeli assault on the Freedom Flotilla. It should be noted that Emanuel, an Israeli citizen and the son of an Irgun terrorist, runs the Obama administration.

    When it comes to the European response, we now have a weak centralized European Union that discourages unilateral actions taken by the member states. Furthermore, European foreign ministers remember very well what happened to Anna Lindh of Sweden who had called for a European boycott of Israel. She was murdered in broad daylight in Stockholm.

    Q: In your one recent article, you reviewed the bankruptcy of three Icelandic banks and related it to the Israel??s plundering of Iceland's economy. Would you please elaborate on this?

    A: The bankrupting of Iceland's three biggest banks in the fall of 2008 was caused by a foreign-run operation which involved people connected to the Mossad and the most extreme right-wing politicians from the Likud, including Benjamin Netanyahu and Ehud Olmert. The First Lady of Iceland also happens to be an Israeli. The operation basically gained control of the privatized and deregulated banks and puffed them up as it sucked money out of them in the form of billions of dollars in unsecured loans. The privatized banks were simply loaded up with debt and pushed off a cliff. The Icelandic banks were lending huge amounts of money to dodgy Jewish financial tycoons left and right - without any collateral of real value. The largest Icelandic bank to fail, Kaupthing, for example, lent more than $2.5 billion to the Tchenguiz operation, which is run by Victor Tchenguiz in Israel. Robert Tchenguiz, who received billions from Kaupthing, was also one of the largest stockholders in the bank.

    The plundering of the banks of Iceland is very similar to the Bernard Madoff scam, the bank failures, and the huge bail-out that occurred at the same time in the United States. Madoff was the chairman of the Sy Syms business school at Yeshiva University. His partner, the late Sy Syms, was also a long-standing director of the privatized Israel Discount Bank of New York, which has a branch in Switzerland that operates under Swiss bank secrecy laws. Kaupthing also had a bank in Luxembourg that had a Swiss branch in Geneva. When Kaupthing collapsed, their Luxembourg subsidiary with the Swiss branch were taken over by David Rowland, an offshore financier who works closely with Israeli intelligence. When the Icelandic banks collapsed under a mountain of debt, the national government and international lenders were called in to absorb the losses while the bank robbers escaped with the money they stashed in secret bank accounts in Switzerland.

    Q: U.S. often criticizes Iran over human rights and other things, while it befriends with Saudi Arabia and Egypt? What??s the actual reason behind this criticism?

    A: This is the typical double standard seen in U.S. foreign policy. Any behavior is acceptable from a regime that is willing to play ball with big capital, big oil, and Israel. On the other hand, any regime that refuses to go along will find itself ostracized and penalized. The Hamas government of Palestine is a good example. Hamas won the democratic election fair and square, but because it refuses to be accept Israeli demands and conditions it has been ostracized. Meanwhile, Mahmoud Abbas is treated as the president of Palestine by the United States although he has not been elected and simply extends his term like a tyrant.

    Iran is treated in the same way. It is ostracized because it pursues its own national interests and challenges the Anglo-American and Zionist hegemony in the Middle East. This is why the U.S. uses its influence to sanction Iran for its nuclear development program, which is legal and monitored, while completely ignoring Israel's secret nuclear arsenal. We should remember that BP, the oil company that has mucked up the Gulf of Mexico, originally started as the Anglo-Iranian Oil company, with the rights to virtually all the oil of Iran. A BP tanker was the first ship to load up with Iraqi oil after the U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Iraq. These are the people who wage war to steal the assets of sovereign nations.

    Q: What??s your take on Israel??s ever-increasing international isolation?

    A: Israel is an artificial state that is protected and supported by the United States. This support is due to Zionist influence and corruption of the American political system. Were this to change and were Israel to lose the support of the U.S. government it would be unable to survive. The current government in Israel is composed of the most extreme elements of Israeli society, which is increasingly becoming more orthodox and Russian. Zionist moderates have been pushed aside by the most aggressive and unscrupulous extremists. Those who could have made peace have been killed and replaced by terrorists who know only war.

    The people of the United States are fed up with these costly and disastrous wars in the Middle East. A growing number are becoming aware that we have been conned into these wars. The growing divide between the people who know they have been lied to and the government who covers up the truth about 9-11 is simply not sustainable. The United States is sitting on a political fault line that may slide at any time. When the truth of 9-11 reaches a critical mass there will be a political earthquake that will sweep the criminals from power. This is why the discovery of super-thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center is so important, because it marked the end of the government version of 9-11 as an acceptable explanation.

    When the deception and lies about 9-11 are exposed and the Zionist and Israeli culprits revealed, Israel will be left without a friend in the world. The racist and militant Zionist regime of Israel is bound to pass from the stage of history just like the communist dictatorships of the Soviet Union and the apartheid regime of South Africa. Such deeply unpopular regimes often fall without a shot being fired. They simply collapse because they are rotten to the core and unable to stand any longer.
    [SIZE=\"5\"]DVX MEA [COLOR=\"Red\"]LVX[/COLOR][/SIZE]

    Senior Member

    Loose Change-911 was an inside job.

    There are a few different versions of Loose Change. So far, I've seen 2, and I've heard there are 3. The ones I saw were pretty much the same, but there was a lot of information that was left out in one of them.

    Either, information was left out of one because it was false, or it was left out for propaganda purposes. So now I'm really confused, and skeptical as hell with everything, and I think we're all exiled extraterrestrials from some other planet.:abduct:

    Senior Member

    Loose Change-911 was an inside job.

    Watch 911Hoboken. Its on the web and you will see survivors still on the towers waving to helicopters before the collapse. Its very informative and shows seismographic evidence of explosions below the surface before the collapse of the towers, and physics evidence that the towers didn't fall due to the jet fuel by the angle of the initial collapse of the top of the towers. You will also see a floor explode before the debris fall covers it up. Mistimed fuse and explosives. The debris fall was supposed to cover up the explosions as in a controlled demo on each floor blowing out the supports. :thumbsup:

    Senior Member

    Loose Change-911 was an inside job.

    They showed that stuff on Loose Change too, and I totally believe it was rigged. I just started to get confused when they were talking about meetings with oil companies before this all happened. I heard about Bush having a meeting with people in Dubai before this happened, and the Bush Family being close friends of the Bin Ladens? What the hell?!

    Now this Israel stuff. I heard about gold being hidden under the WTC that was discovered after the buildings collapsed, etc. It goes on and on, so many different random things, what do I believe?

    I don't know anymore. I think the only thing I can say for certain is my percepton of this country has drastically changed in the last 2 years. I was a hard core Bush Supporter, proud to be a republican, hooray Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity kinda chick. Bleh, now I hate to admit I was ever that way. What was I thinking? I am soooo politically lost.

    Blarg!! that was alot....sorry The forum is open to shred me apart now for my scattered mentality.

    Senior Member

    Loose Change-911 was an inside job.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nancy007
    They showed that stuff on Loose Change too, and I totally believe it was rigged. I just started to get confused when they were talking about meetings with oil companies before this all happened. I heard about Bush having a meeting with people in Dubai before this happened, and the Bush Family being close friends of the Bin Ladens? What the hell?!

    Now this Israel stuff. I heard about gold being hidden under the WTC that was discovered after the buildings collapsed, etc. It goes on and on, so many different random things, what do I believe?

    I don't know anymore. I think the only thing I can say for certain is my percepton of this country has drastically changed in the last 2 years. I was a hard core Bush Supporter, proud to be a republican, hooray Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity kinda chick. Bleh, now I hate to admit I was ever that way. What was I thinking? I am soooo politically lost.

    Blarg!! that was alot....sorry The forum is open to shred me apart now for my scattered mentality.
    They may have taken some from that video, but it is better then Loose Change. Any version. Loose change is a compilation from many sources. The video 911Hoboken focuses only on the towers and doesn't include all the other stuff. A much better explanation of the collapse. :thumbsup:

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