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    Senior Member

    indoor VS outdoor

    wait by HS you mean HPS.
    you are right, i think i just read it wrong. That would be nice light for flowering then. sorry.


    indoor VS outdoor

    Quote Originally Posted by demoreal
    I know that.
    what i was wondering is you use so much blue compared to red. is that your set up all the way threw flowering. MH? cause I would think you would want to use an LED with an HPS, or at least an LED with more red?
    :thumbsup:Thats the idea but I run a hi sodium in flowering and still get the growth at the same time with the led. Big plants = Big Buds.

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    indoor VS outdoor

    Quote Originally Posted by demoreal
    wait by HS you mean HPS.
    you are right, i think i just read it wrong. That would be nice light for flowering then. sorry.
    imp:Only in soil though. HYDRO it will fry ur girls.

    Senior Member

    indoor VS outdoor

    i use a 600 hps and i grow hydro. my girls are fine. most hydro growers on these boards use 1000 hps for hydro. I have to disagree that using a higher powered light for hydro vs soil will fry your plants. I think most people here would agree. medium does not have anything to do with what light you use. my 600 hps is in a 2x2 tent about 12 inches from canopy. plants are fine. and thaqtws 100 watts a square foot.

    Senior Member

    indoor VS outdoor

    i meant i use a 400 sorry. (my dad uses a 600, thats why i was confused)

    Junior Member

    indoor VS outdoor

    Quote Originally Posted by jts619
    Hey I'm kind of new. What's the difference between indoor and outdoor grown? Outdoor is way cheaper is it not as strong? what's beter or worse between the two?

    First decision to be made for every beginner marijuana grower is to choose between indoor and outdoor growing of cannabis. Both options have some advantages and disadvantages. :smokin:

    Outdoor Cultivation

    If you live in a place with harsh laws against growing and using marijuana, it would be wise for you to consider growing outdoors. The most important advantage for outdoor marijuana growers is the security. It's easier to stay out of sight of authorities for cannabis growers who plant seeds in early spring and come just in time for the harvest, in the autumn. Indoor growers are around their plants whole year and that makes them much more vulnerable.

    One of the best strategies for outdoor growing is planting seeds in a forest which has small areas of open sunny spaces. It's a good idea to have a GPS. GPS stands for Global Positioning System and it will help you to get to know the exactly position of your crop. When the fall comes, let lead yourself through your high-tech GPS gadget to your fully developed, ready for harvest marijuana. Before you decide to buy yourself a GPS do a research and find out which brand suits you best. Cheap GPS will guide you only to area of 100 meters from your plant while better and more expensive devices can guide you to the area of 3 meters of your plant location. This can play a significant difference for you.

    Another good thing about outdoor growing of cannabis is the low-tech and low maintenance aspect of it. Natural conditions will be the perfect environment for your cannabis plants, as opposed to indoor environment where you need to recreate all conditions necessary for healthy plant development.

    On the other side the biggest disadvantage of outdoor marijuana cultivation is the limit of seasonal growth. If you live in a temperate climate you can have only one crop per year. The season starts with planting seeds in the spring and ends with the harvest in fall. And there is always the possibility of your crops destruction by animals or humans.

    Indoor Cultivation

    The best thing with growing your marijuana indoors is that you can grow your pot during the whole year. You can adjust all the necessary factors like temperature, light, moisture and others so the plant can vegetate and flower as it would in its natural environment.

    Security is the main problem with indoor pot growing. It is almost impossible to hide the strong smell of cannabis and still ventilate your growing room properly. It's also complicated to hide strong and continuous light from escaping through windows. This makes indoor growing of marijuana complicated from the standpoint of security.

    Best clinics to get a medical marijuana card in Orange County, California

    Senior Member

    indoor VS outdoor

    I was talking about legal outdoor growing. In CA in my area I can have 6 plants per license. I just have to be careful not to exceed 99 plants.

    You neglected to discuss the quality subject. While the same plant grown to full maturity outdoors will always be stronger most indoor plants will taste better.

    Junior Member

    indoor VS outdoor

    Quote Originally Posted by shimquist
    Outdoor fo sho

    Shouldn't you have said "Outdo fo sho" just kidding ;-)

    Senior Member

    indoor VS outdoor

    So if your starting out growing and still haven't decided these are the 411:
    Outdoor cultivation should always be done at least once. Its a lot of fun honestly.
    It def has its advantages.There are two Main kinds of Outdoor growing. W/O and Greenhouse.
    A)W/O (Wide Open) is a little more risky as neighbors might smell the herb and cops know the seasons and look for crop cashing. This method can be as legal and small as a few plants in the backyard with some Big Buckets or as Illegal as a Forrest/Mountain Guerrilla Grow.
    B) Greenhouse is a little more controlled and can make some pure beasts! This will keep dirt and pollen from other plants from effecting your babies and messing up color and taste.
    Outdoor cultivation will always yield more (Except in special cases of Indoor specific strains such as Lowryder)
    No light can match the power of the sun and as such space+light=yield.
    If planted in very large pots(10gal+) 1-2lb plants are easily attained and sizes can reach 8feet+.
    Ideally the Best outdoor cultivation is going to be Greenhouse. You protect against the elements and more pests. High heat affects resin production and at least here in SoCal blazing summers will leave your plants wilted and not nearly as glassy. NorCal has wet conditions and low temps making Mold their prime problem. Thus Greenhouse helps protect against more outside stresses while still giving the plants plenty of sun.
    So the short:
    -More yield 400g-2lbs can be attained.
    -thick healthy girls (Increased Vigor)
    -Free Lights! (Sunlight!)
    -Sometimes free Water!(Rain ^.^b)
    -Wind Can make for Thick tight colas with little to no spacing if you live in a semi windy area.. this can be good or Bad though.
    -Limited on growing.You can only Grow part of the year and the most I have personally seen was a 3 time/year crop out doing a pure outdoor grow.
    -Outdoor pests can severely hurt crops
    -Cant Clone outdoors as you would have to bring cutting indoors to properly propagate.(Usually* I have Cloned using SoCal sunny weather in July with a Grow dome and a brick on top to help with wind blowing it off. Misted them ever other day and planted in grow cubes with Clonex gel.But most of the time this is near impossible as a high heat day is going to fry them, and a sudden random rain might kill em as well.(I got lucky for the week It took me to root them...)
    -growth may be a downside when you have a 6ft fence and your Girls are playing Peekaboo with your neighbors
    -Weather Can be a blessing(78, few clouds, low Humidity SoCal kickass weather)
    or a nightmare (66 ,rainy, highest Humidity wtf day or 105 OMFG WHYY?!!!! streaks we get) Its a gamble...
    -No way to mask smells and visible so expect a cop visit if grown in your backyard even if it doesn't come...EXPECT IT and have your script nearby...
    -Usually "Airy" or "Loose" Nugs, not nearly as Dense as Indoors.
    If you want Yield over Quality go outdoors as NO indoors grow will match outdoors. Although I have yet to see a Outdoors BubbaXskunk#1 Match a Indoor Soil grow (Bubba Kush Purebreed)in Smell and almost in Taste, but it was Greenhouse not W.O growing.

    Indoor Cultivation is the pinnacle of flavor bursting dense ass wwooaaa Nugs with glass that shines like diamonds. There are multiple ways to grow indoors and each medium has a profound effect on Yield, Vigor, Stability, Growth, and of course Taste.
    When choosing Indoors first you need to decided "What do I want to do?"
    Taste? Yield? Personal? Fast?...
    1)Soil: Easiest Indoor Cultivation there is. This method offers a more forgiving learning curve. There are two primary Methods within Soil growing itself that leads to Different effects and require a different skill level.
    A)TLO (True Living Organisms)
    This method is the act of using brewed tea's to feed Bacteria that live in the roots and lower soil of the pot and help growth. NO synthetic's are used in TLO grows and if you buy anything from a Hydro store minus lights,soil and mite spray you're not doing TLO grow. There is actually even a natural way to take care of pests using Natural predators like Cucumber Mites(Eats Thrips, and Spidermite eggs) Ladybugs, nematodes, ect to replace Sprays.
    TLO will give you AMAZING taste, smell and vigor in plants. It is the absolute BEST INDOOR GROWING METHOD period. It requires some skill though, you'd be surprised how quickly people mess up TLO grows by adding to much Guano because they think it will make the plants grow fast.
    B)Synthetic Soil Grows
    This Method is almost like TLO but uses Soil with Chemicals such as Nutri boosters(Artificial root stimulants and growth enhancers), Grow(A) and Blooms(B) two parts, bloom boosters(Color or Vigor Enhancers), weight adders (Brixs), ect.
    This is a good way to grow but requires flushing 5-10 days before harvesting and wont have the same Taste as TLO but can Match the Vigor. You can do Slightly Organic grows using this Method using Nutes that are "Organic, but A true "Organic" Grow is pretty damn hard to achieve and TLO grows are more Organic than a bottle hands down.
    Soil is the Only grow medium able to Match outdoors Pound for Pound. (Literally). your not gonna get a 2lb Hydro grow, well... Not with any results I'd wanna smoke lol...
    2)Hydro: The 2nd easiest Indoor Medium to grow in and is usually done for Faster Harvests than Soil at the cost of Quality.
    This method SHOULD use quality Synthetic Nutes and can result in insane grows. There are three different methods in Hydro. Ebb flow, Drip, and Canal (Usually used with Tents and constructed out of PVC, acts almost like Ebb flow but instead of a table being used it fills a Canal where the Plants sit on top of and flows back into the rez to be recycled.) Hydro Flushing is super easy though so that's a plus. Hydro will usually have faster flowering plants that stay a little shorter and can gain weight fast! The Taste is good and the Resin is insane, but the Taste and Smoke isn't as good a quality as TLO grows. Requires skill level of Novice at the very least only because messing up PPM is easy causing Chem Burn and root rot Can take out a crop fast as well.
    3)Aero: The hardest indoor growing method. The payoff of Aero is the fastest way to grow indoors hands down. There are two major methods of Aeroponics. Fogger(Fog or "Mist" ponics) and DWC/SWC (Deep water/shallow water culture AKA Bubble Buckets) This way is ridiculously fast and I have seen clones Veg for 8 days enter Aero growing and Bloom for 7 weeks. Thats 9 weeks! (1 veg, 7bloom, 1flush), little over 2 months and your done and drying. The quality is outstanding if done right, the flavor is quite nice, color is usually amazing. I have seen people pull 6oz DWC grows off using 1000 HPS in a 6X6 tent. One friend and fellow breeder pulled off 8oz Master Kush in a DWC super cropped and trained "bush" with its own 600w HPS with only 10 days in Veg and 8 in bloom!
    Requires Vet-Master Growing skill to honestly get the most out of the plants.
    Only because a power-out, or wrong PH/PPM Nute program will Fry a Crop and wipe them all out.
    Soooo Lets review Indoors
    -CAN produce same Vigor of growth as outdoors.
    -Taste is almost always going to be better than Outdoors.
    -Higher Resin output is common and Indoor Plants make primo Bubble Hash.
    -Controlled environment so you can make "Perfect" weather 365 days of the year.
    -You can Grow 365 days a Year! and you can essentially do a crop out ever 2 months, that's around 6 harvests a year, 2X the amount of Outdoors!
    -Still seen 8ft-10ft tall 10gal TLO grows indoors. They had to be Bent over while flowering using ground weights!
    -If your pockets are real deep you can make a Indoor 1lb plant but it requires Primo genetics and a sick light bill every month (Or Generator :thumbsup.
    -Flexible growing methods and spaces to suite anyone(I do Tent Small Op grows and breeding projects and built my old roommate a "60day Casher" grow with the strain 60day Wonder(Automatic) and a 5 foot high 2x2 Ikea closet lol. He still got 2ozs in 80 days (58 finish, 2 drying ,20 day cure) and it left yea pretty floaty for a 1.5h, smiling...Loved it...
    -Pests like Spidermites and Powder Mold are common
    -Electricity(1000w are some power mongers and running 6 will make bills jump to flagging lvls)
    -Requires space that most people don't have for Cash Cropper grows.

    There is more?!: :wtf:
    With Indoor growing you can also use Sub methods along with the main three Indoor Mediums to do different effects.
    Tent Growing:SoG,SCoG,Speed Growing (Automatics)
    Open room: Bucket grows, Octo Growing, High Yield
    -So SoG keeps plants short and low and usually achieved with cropping,early flowering and Hydro/Aero. The plants Produce Insane Main cola's and I have seen some the size of your forarm! Perfect for Growers who like tight dense Nugs that burn slow. The must is to keep the growth equal and flush. With Aero+SoG I have seen massive main cola's and stupid short Veg times(Just long enough to get 14" Tall then bloom)... Though the Mother plant they come from NEEDS to be at least 30 days old.
    -SCoG is a modified method of SoG Using screen or netting to keep high the same.
    -Speed Growing is simply using Automatic strains (Cant Clone) to produce smaller faster harvests. Essentially you can Finish 2X faster than a traditional grow and can with 30-50 plants produce 1lb. (Most Auto's give off 1/2 Oz-1 Oz and most finish in about 70 days vs a good Normal grow which Takes at least 110 days.)
    -Bucket growing is used for the cats who convert a room or Garage into a grow room. Using at least 5gal Buckets. Huge Yields Can be achieved. Can be coupled with Soil or DWC aeroponics. More root mass= More Yield.
    -Octo Training is the Method of stress training and bondage using weights, string, tape,ect to turn a Tree into a Bush. Increases Vigor and Yield. But requires more Space.
    -High Yield growing is the Opposite of Speed growing to the T. They take a lot longer to do but have MASSIVE yields. Usually done in Soil with 4 plants per 1000w and Octo training. Veg takes 4-5 weeks and 8 week(Indica)- 11 week (Sativa) in bloom with a 7-10 days flushing, but Have the 1-2lbers common with some strains. You can even push a 2oz plant to 6 or 8oz no problem.

    As a side Note:stoned:
    Any Indoor grow can also use CO2 to highly increase Yield and Vigor. Something that Cant be done outdoors, but Natural CO2 rivals it VERY close, some say better.

    And there ya have it, just remember to be safe, stay Legal and have fun.
    Good Genetics will carry a noob like a Vet so remember to keep Primo genetic Beans or CLEAN confirmed Clones!
    One Love...

    Senior Member

    indoor VS outdoor

    To those who commented so far. CO2 will always produce better buds indoors but your statement about the THC when compared to outdoors is speculation.

    Also you can definitely clone outdoor plants and I have the clones to prove it. You need to cut your clones before the plants start to flower or it is really difficult to get them back to veg. But that is true for indoor plants as well. If you time it right you can get hundreds of clones from a single outdoor plant with little effect to the plant.

    You can make weak strains of weed taste really good when grown indoors but you can't improve the quality.

    The right strains of weed grown outdoors and properly matured and cured will not have any harsh after taste and will taste the same as if the strain was grown indoors.

    The biggest problem with outdoor weed is people harvest it too early.

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