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    Senior Member

    My gardening toddler!

    SO I'm a SAHM with a 3 year old who does everything with me throughout the day pretty much. I used to use nap times to go out to the garage and care for my garden, but with the weather warming up it is alot easier to do it while we are outside playing.
    We grow many plants indoors this time of year to start our veggie garden and she is a great active helper with that in the house on a daily basis. We don't hide all the other aspects of our plants and usage, we trim while watching tv, and don't smoke cigs but do smoke joints on walks and outside in front of her, we also roll our joints and prepare or herb. But we don't just do this with MJ we also seek out as well as grow other medicinal herbs which we use often in many forms to keep us healthy everyday. We make our own teas tinctures and ointments out of manythings you can find in your yard or spice rack. When she does ask what we are doing we tell her what we are doing with the "spices" as we call them, and when she asks "why?" we answer her just like any other medicinal herb telling her that when Mommie's tummy is upset, and daddy is pulling his hair out because of work we use our spice to make us feel better just like "blank"(another herb that helps with the same thing)

    So the other day I had alot of work to do in the "garage" and did the usual run in do something quick then run out. She wanted to help and didn't want to play. So I got her to do easy things like hold stuff and pass it, or find things I needed. Before I knew it she was having a blast and all my transplanting was getting done faster than ever with her watering for my. We had a great time and I got to teach her so much about growing that we don't get to with our garden veggies. She was in my work room not the grow room with the lights and wiring, the work area was safe. I started to think it was wonderful to be able to work with her in there for a few minute each day when we went outside instead of alocating other times for the garden.

    Personally I don't see the big deal about it, and feel that if we make it a big deal, she'll grow to learn that it is. Just like nudity and sexual body parts and how everything works. If we teach her about all our plants and not one then she will create an association of her own out of it instead, and it may not be a good one, or she may seek outside sources to learn and share with. She will already be exposed to flowers that mend poison ivy, and Mullein smoked when we have colds and lung congestion, alll of these medicines used in different ways. So even if she does talk about our one of many spices we smoke I'm not sure anybody around here would care knowing we are quite altenative in our "hippy" lifestyle and use many medicinal herb.

    However when H came home and learnt of the great time we had had he wasn't very happy, and his only argument was that it was pot. Nothing else. It's like I exposed her to radiation or something to him. It doesn't matter all the other things we do with it or that we grow it right in our garden in the summer out in the open, which she helps in anyways, and rummages through looking for goddies on the other plants.

    I don't get it. So what's your take or opinion on it in general. And what about with the fact that we live off the land for everything else including other herbs that are just as if not more potent than marijuana?

    Please if you are not already a parent or parental figure to children refrain from putting in your two cents, because parents and non-parents are so different, you really don't know how it is until you are one yourself. And please keep in mind we aren't really pressured by the fact that it is illegal to a point here, we are more consciouse of the stereotyping that goes with it, and how people blindly believe what the law tells them to
    Chronic Chrissy Reviewed by Chronic Chrissy on . My gardening toddler! SO I'm a SAHM with a 3 year old who does everything with me throughout the day pretty much. I used to use nap times to go out to the garage and care for my garden, but with the weather warming up it is alot easier to do it while we are outside playing. We grow many plants indoors this time of year to start our veggie garden and she is a great active helper with that in the house on a daily basis. We don't hide all the other aspects of our plants and usage, we trim while watching tv, and don't Rating: 5

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    Junior Member

    My gardening toddler!

    A plant is a plant! So I wholeheartedly agree with your take on it! And yes I'm a parent.. I've got an 8 and 6 year old and they LOVE gardening too. There nothing is quite like the smiles you get when their little seedlings start taking off! My son definitely is more into the veggies and the girlie loves her flowers. Right now we're waiting for a seed pod from our frangiapani to open... I'm SOOOO excited to start some more of them as they're one of my favorite flowers. I also work with tinctures, infusions, aromatherapy, and make my own cleaning products! I too embrace an "alternative" lifestyle.. if ya wanna call it that. Yep, I'm one of them wacko work at home homeschoolers! But since my 6 year old son is reading at a 3rd grade level and is constantly researching things about the solar system I didn't even know, I must be doin something right! LOL! I don't think she's really going to go around saying "I helped transplant the pot plants" or anything like that.. I'm sure it would be more like "I helped garden today". And even then if someone asked what kinda plant, what's she gonna say? Spices or the big ol bushy pot plant? LOL! Ya know? Kids pick up on the energy their parents put off, so if you're treating it like any other plant, she will too.

    Junior Member

    My gardening toddler!

    I agree with you but the fact is we all got to live in this fucked up society. If you can do it than good for you but if someone found out you have alot to lose.Is gardening Weed with your kid really that important? Why not tomatoes or something. You don't want that weight to be on your childs shoulders to hide your secrets for you I hope. I love weed but I love my 2 kids more.My 2 kids like to plant things too, but pot leafs are becoming more recognizable these days and children can point out "hey thats just like Daddy's plants" you know?
    Best of luck my friend

    Senior Member

    My gardening toddler!

    i am an honest and open mum to my children the eldest being a very intelligent 7 yo girl, i have smoked nearly every day of her life and all though i dont smoke around babies and i still keep it to one room near an open window my children dont think anything differently to it than smoking legal cigarettes, my daughter has asked me about it and why i smoke it so i told her the truth i started smoking when she was a baby as i suffer from sleeping problems when she was born it was ok but once she started moving i was a nervous wreck in my sleep i would be shouting out to her to stop climbing she'd fall thinking she was climbing at the window but really she was sound asleep in bed. smoking was my saving grace i started to relax a little and sleep alot better so i told my daughter about it in a matter of fact way and she replied, "oh ok mummy can i have a drink" lol she was satisfied that she had an answer from me and hasnt felt the need to discuss it with anyone else, if i hadnt of given her an answer i feel she would have asked others possibly her school teachers that wouldnt be good.

    i think the more we try and hide from our kids the more our kids want to try and find out what we are hiding and why, better to be open and honest with them.

    keep doing what your doing my kids like helping with gardening and plant their own flowers too one plant is no different to another and for her to know what it is shouldnt really cause much of a problem for you if you openly grow outdoors. if you enjoy it and she does then i'm sure between you and your little girl your gonna grow some nice herbs lol :thumbsup:

    Senior Member

    My gardening toddler!

    Quote Originally Posted by pickleslinger
    I agree with you but the fact is we all got to live in this fucked up society. If you can do it than good for you but if someone found out you have alot to lose.Is gardening Weed with your kid really that important? Why not tomatoes or something. You don't want that weight to be on your childs shoulders to hide your secrets for you I hope. I love weed but I love my 2 kids more.My 2 kids like to plant things too, but pot leafs are becoming more recognizable these days and children can point out "hey thats just like Daddy's plants" you know?
    Best of luck my friend
    First off you should know by you province(might want to take the flag down) that unless you are growing for mass production, or selling to "druggys" instead of mature regular patients, athorities really don't care I've had the police drop us off at home(rurally mind you) after our car has broken down on the hwy and carry our groceries to our house right past our front garden.

    We do have tomatoes, as well as ducks foot, and there are many plants that have similar leaves and growing styles as weed. I'm not putting anything on my kids shoulders to "hide" because as soon as I say "don't tell anybody about THESE plants" than that defeats the purpose of what I am trying to teach my children.

    Also I am a known medicinal weed advocate around here. With my Doula services and child prep I disscuss the safety of marijuana use during pregnancy with my clients along side other herbal remedies and treatments proven just as safe and effective as other medications in use if not more. Around here we freely smoke just as you would cigarettes, maybe not around the playground full of kids(never even liked smoking cigs around parks) but if we are going for a walk or at the beach(right down the road), festivals, fairs, farmers markets.... the list goes on. When everybody walks out after dinner for a cig we light a joint as we walk to the car. If a smoker is allowed to spark up, or anybody else can reach in their pocket and pull out a script of pills I have never had a problem lighting up. Anybody who has anything to say assumes they are talking to a stoner, but after a 5 minute conversation can see that we are knowledgable functioning people who have researched and choosen a medication that we know has it's risks but is benificial enough to meet our needs better than medication. Often they walk away with a new perception that weed is not like alcohol, but more like the herbs they use them selves everyday, especially when I point out to the older ladies that nutmeg is a powerful hullucinagin(too early to spell) sitting right in their cupboard, lol.

    As for the school aspect I think that schoool is a toxic place for children to learn anyways and causes more problems with childrens development than it nurtures, especially for the children ahead of their peers. The best person to teach my children is me, one on one. So I don't have to worry about when she gets to that age. When she gets friends everyone around here is farmers/fishers and live out of their gardens anyways so it will be the norm. Just another plant that not man people grow.

    The biggest thing against our cause of medicinal marijuana is our selves by allowing society to dictate how we ourselves precieve it and use it in such a way that associates it with something "bad" to be hidin, and kept secret out of fear. Only by stepping forward and educating others with first hand experiences can we let them see that studies done with unknown circumstances, and people are not always the best representation of the effects of anything. If people really knew how many people they come into contact everyday that were using mj around here(becasue there are so many under the radar out of fear) maybe they would see it different and see that for years they haven't been able to tell the difference.

    I'm sorry I'm not giving society that power over me, especially when I am fortunate enough to live where I do. I mean come on the same society judging us for pot is against extended breastfeeding, not vaccinating children, and choosing a natural alternative lifestyle for fear of what society provides them with information, which is out dated and inaccuratly tainted.

    Senior Member

    My gardening toddler!

    Quote Originally Posted by pickleslinger
    I agree with you but the fact is we all got to live in this fucked up society. If you can do it than good for you but if someone found out you have alot to lose.Is gardening Weed with your kid really that important? Why not tomatoes or something. You don't want that weight to be on your childs shoulders to hide your secrets for you I hope. I love weed but I love my 2 kids more.My 2 kids like to plant things too, but pot leafs are becoming more recognizable these days and children can point out "hey thats just like Daddy's plants" you know?
    Best of luck my friend
    who said anything about getting kids to hide our secrets?

    i dont hide that i'm a smoker though i mainly smoke at home as i do live in a fucked up society, but i have never told my children they cant talk about it, in fact i think if i did they would probably see it as taboo and be more likely to talk about it.

    i'm unsure about the lot to lose, as where i live i wouldnt lose anything apart from my stash if i got caught as i'm not a criminal and have no police record and i dont deal. if the police caught me here i would most likely get a caution possibly a fine, i would not lose my kids as being mj smoker doesnt make you an unfit parent and so long as your a good parent then you wont lose much.

    i dont know if the law is different where you are but it sounds to me like chronic is lucky enough to live in a relaxed enough society where people are open and accepting and she can grow what she wants and if future generations can grow up free of the stigma and learning about the medicinal purposes for the plants they grow they'll have more respect for its use and help others benefit from it. we cant change societys oppinions in one life time but generations after us may have more luck.

    Senior Member

    My gardening toddler!

    hey crissy i left you an email at the email address you gave me last year, not sure if it is still active or not.

    Senior Member

    My gardening toddler!

    Personally I don't see a thing wrong with it, and I teach my older kids about marijuana as far as my spiritual beliefs, and what marijuana prohibition is really about.. But one thing you always got to remember, the system is drilling it into our kids heads that marijuana is evil and will hurt anyone who uses it. Then they send police into the schools to talk to small children who don't know any better and telling them these things. There have been instances where the Police going to a classroom to give a anti drug presentation led to parents being arrested for marijuana related charges.

    Senior Member

    My gardening toddler!

    Quote Originally Posted by RedLocks
    Personally I don't see a thing wrong with it, and I teach my older kids about marijuana as far as my spiritual beliefs, and what marijuana prohibition is really about.. But one thing you always got to remember, the system is drilling it into our kids heads that marijuana is evil and will hurt anyone who uses it. Then they send police into the schools to talk to small children who don't know any better and telling them these things. There have been instances where the Police going to a classroom to give a anti drug presentation led to parents being arrested for marijuana related charges.
    I would denie participation, or just keep them home for the day to even avoid the classroom topic. We really think these classes are so wrong, but if other parents won't take the responsibility to properly teach and prepare their children about drugs I do see the classes value. Not to mention she'll know all the current stuff from us so the pesentaion would't teach her anything but the damaging stuff. However we also plan on homeschooling mostly during the elementry years.

    Junior Member

    My gardening toddler!

    To be honest, that's TERRIBLE parenting. I hope you're not serious.

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