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    Junior Member

    The Greatest Bible Verse Ever

    its as if god knows the words i want to hear

    Junior Member

    The Greatest Bible Verse Ever

    Quote Originally Posted by headshake
    the United States was founded for religious freedom. people were being persecuted in england (the protestants) so they came to america. while it is true that america is steeply based in religious conviction (Christian obviously!).

    now fast forward a couple hunderd and a half years. that's part of the problem with politics. politicians vote based on their personal beliefs rather than what's best for the people. (think gay marriage, cannabis etc) how many times have you heard a politician say i voted this way because of my beliefs. it's an oxymoron! you don't vote based on your personal opinions, you vote, once again, based on what's best for the people.

    public office is just that, PUBLIC! you are servents of the masses. that's part of the problem. the greeks expected everyone to get into politics, it was your duty to society. you served and that was that. these days, not including the president, there is no limit to how long you can stay in office.

    it's your job to make change, not complain. not that you are. i'm just saying.

    and for all of you Christians out there, you don't get to pick and choose which part of the bible are applicable! it's either all or nothing, you f*ckin fake a$$ hypocrites! religion is big business....and who controls america....big business.

    it's been this way since the beginning of time. go back and look at history. religion was the law of the land for a very long time. once people started to introduce views that opposed the church, the church retaliated. the roman catholic church murderd people calling them witches and heretics for prophseying and studying science. at one point in history is was, some say 5 million women in a (i think) 300 year period for this reason alone. my numbers are probably a little off (this is coming from memory), sorry. that's why to this day, women don't hold high power positions in the roman catholic church. this dates back to pagan rituals of men worshipping women because women have the ability to make life. paganism was a major religion before christianity took over.

    isn't it funny that a religion, based on prophets and predictions murder people claiming them to be exaclty what your religion is based on? hmmmm, food for thought!

    of an interesting side not, i read a book once, it said that this guy from ancient egypt, can't remember his name was the first known monotheist in history and very quite possibly the first homosexual in recorded history as well? funny how things work and get twisted to fit your warped reality.

    sorry to get off on a tangent, but there really is no simple answer.


    edit: what about all the inaccuracies of the bible? like in genesis (1:26 i think) it says let US create them in OUR image under OUR likeness. where are the dinosaurs? there are also mistranslations as well, like moses parted the reed sea and not the red. never believe everything told, read or that you see. it's your responsibility to sort through the information and come to your own conclusions!
    Hell Fuckin Yeah! Nicely Put Sir.....Nicely Put

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    Junior Member

    The Greatest Bible Verse Ever

    In reply to the text below:
    edit: what about all the inaccuracies of the bible? like in genesis (1:26 i think) it says let US create them in OUR image under OUR likeness. where are the dinosaurs? there are also mistranslations as well, like moses parted the reed sea and not the red. never believe everything told, read or that you see. it's your responsibility to sort through the information and come to your own conclusions!

    I am not going to get into all the little things I did not agree with in this Thread. However, I thought I might give a little insight into this. When God said US and OUR, he is speaking of God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit (Not the Holy Ghost, that is something different all together.). All through the Bible it clearly shows us that they are ONE. That is why it says let US create them in OUR image under OUR likeness.

    As a side note, you will find in the Bible that God the Father never compliments himself, neither Jesus Christ. They always Praise the each other. That is how he can remain perfect. Because to give compliments to yourself would be considered sin in all sorts of ways.

    Junior Member

    The Greatest Bible Verse Ever

    Quote Originally Posted by skyascending
    "Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth.â?¦To you it will be... And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. (Genesis 1:29-31).

    Malachi 3:5

    "So I will come near to you for judgment. I will be quick to testify against SORCERERS, adulterers and perjurers, against those who defraud laborers of their wages, who oppress the widows and the fatherless, and deprive aliens of justice, but do not fear me," says the LORD Almighty."

    Pharmakeia is a Greek word that appears several times in the New Testament, including the Epistle to the Galatians and the Book of Revelation. It is frequently translated as "witchcraft" or "SORCERY."

    Pharmakeia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Amsterdam Coat of Arms = XXX
    Amsterdam Flag = XXX

    Pythagorean Numerology: X = 6

    Christians are being fooled by the 'Fallen Angels' (aka, Nephillim & Aliens -Lucifer) and The Watchers.

    Genesis 6:2

    "The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose."

    Genesis 6:4

    "The Nephilim were on the earth in those daysâ??and also afterwardâ??when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown."

    Numbers 13:3

    "We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them."

    Prostitution & Drugs are created by Aliens/Nephillim -not human condition.

    Junior Member

    The Greatest Bible Verse Ever

    This post goes with the above message by VolnGharst
    Numbers 13:3 ???????

    Sorry, Numbers 13:33.

    Information Age is hard to keep with

    Junior Member

    The Greatest Bible Verse Ever

    Headshake wrote:

    "basically, texts for the new testament were submitted. do you think just 4 books were written? there were over 30. one was the gospel of judas. which as of recently has been proved as authentic. only the four gospels were chosen though."

    So how do we really know that Jesus did not address marijuana unless we read all of the books?

    Sorry I am new and dont know how to do that box thing that shows what someone else wrote in previous posts.

    Junior Member

    The Greatest Bible Verse Ever

    Quote Originally Posted by OrangeAgent
    Headshake wrote: So how do we really know that Jesus did not address marijuana unless we read all of the books?
    And the powers-that-be have taken away this knowlege from us. They want us as far away from our intended destiny as possible, just like the dark ages. Here we are again, no idea how to grow squash or build a shelter without Government's Help.

    Junior Member

    The Greatest Bible Verse Ever

    Quote Originally Posted by skyascending
    "Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth.â?¦To you it will be... And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. (Genesis 1:29-31).

    It's interesting to note that, though the United States was founded in accordance with the Bible and Christian principles, this verse was somehow overlooked when marijuana was made illegal.
    God also has 'given' us plants to be tested with and see if we fall into Sorcerery/Spellcasters.

    Wheat and Tares look exactly alike.

    Tares: Any of various weedy plants of the genus Vicia, especially the
    common vetch.
    2. Any of several weedy plants that grow in grain fields.
    3. An unwelcome or objectionable element

    Matthew 13:24

    "Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed TARES among the WHEAT, and went his way. But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also."


    The Greatest Bible Verse Ever

    Of course some could argue that that reference in the Bible refers to Tobacco. Most likely though since the bible was written in the middle east and tobacco was first grown in North America the reference has to be about marijuana. So smoke up it's God's private stash!

    Senior Member

    The Greatest Bible Verse Ever

    I think religion went out the window 1) when the church of Rome exploited it to make money. 2) When people thought differently about the same religion and how their beliefs about it were correct and then went against almost everything the bible says about being kind to one another. And 3) when the government became powerful enough to be able to tell people what to believe in, doesn't that just turn the whole other way towards what the bible is about? And now a days, the government has the ability to do pretty much whatever it wants to do(Iran Contra for example). But we don't really listen to what God is saying anymore, we listen to what they say is alright for God to say. If I'm rambling sorry, I'm baked.

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