BBC NEWS | Middle East | DNA to be used in dog mess fight

Officials in an Israeli city have come up with an innovative way of tracking dog owners who allow their pets to foul the streets - DNA analysis.

Authorities in Petah Tikva, near Tel Aviv, are setting up a special DNA database of local dogs.

They will use the data to match dogs' droppings to owners - and punish those who do not clean up after their pets.

While those who keep the streets clear will be rewarded, owners who fail to scoop the poop could face fines.

"My goal is to get the residents involved and tell them that together, we can make our environment clean," Tika Bar-On, the city's chief veterinarian, told Reuters news agency.

Owners were reacting positively to the six-month trial programme, she told the agency, because they wanted their streets to be clean.

At the moment providing a DNA sample was up to individual dog owners, but the city was considering making it compulsory, she added.

Failure to clear up dog mess is not confined to Petah Tikva. In the UK, some councils have resorted to using CCTV and undercover patrols to identify offenders in particular trouble spots.

Other have given away free bags to encourage owners to pick up after their dogs.
they better do this tin my apt complex lol, so many times i have went on the grass and stepped on some nasty pile of shit! and when its dark and u r with sandals, u feel like a high pressure exploding cooking pot!! gosh i hate doodies!

i know i said grass but this is the median grass that separates 2 sides of parking lot and almost everyone parking on the opposite side of the building walks over it, and some people are just far too lazy to take their dogs to some less traveled area, on a corner or something or on the sides that people dont have to walk over!
flyingimam Reviewed by flyingimam on . DNA to be used in dog mess fight BBC NEWS | Middle East | DNA to be used in dog mess fight Officials in an Israeli city have come up with an innovative way of tracking dog owners who allow their pets to foul the streets - DNA analysis. Authorities in Petah Tikva, near Tel Aviv, are setting up a special DNA database of local dogs. They will use the data to match dogs' droppings to owners - and punish those who do not clean up after their pets. While those who keep the streets clear will be rewarded, owners who fail Rating: 5