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    Text of California Attorney General MMJ Prop215 Guidelines August 2008


    The Attorney General of california has completed his guidelines YES!
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    Attorney General State of California
    August 2008
    In 1996, California voters approved an initiative that exempted certain patients and their
    primary caregivers from criminal liability under state law for the possession and cultivation of
    marijuana. In 2003, the Legislature enacted additional legislation relating to medical marijuana.
    One of those statutes requires the Attorney General to adopt â??guidelines to ensure the security and
    nondiversion of marijuana grown for medical use.� (Health & Saf. Code, § 11362.81(d).1) To
    fulfill this mandate, this Office is issuing the following guidelines to (1) ensure that marijuana
    grown for medical purposes remains secure and does not find its way to non-patients or illicit
    markets, (2) help law enforcement agencies perform their duties effectively and in accordance
    with California law, and (3) help patients and primary caregivers understand how they may
    cultivate, transport, possess, and use medical marijuana under California law.


    A.> California Penal Provisions Relating to Marijuana.
    The possession, sale, cultivation, or transportation of marijuana is ordinarily a crime under
    California law. (See, e.g., § 11357 [possession of marijuana is a misdemeanor]; § 11358
    [cultivation of marijuana is a felony]; Veh. Code, § 23222 [possession of less than 1 oz. of
    marijuana while driving is a misdemeanor]; § 11359 [possession with intent to sell any
    amount of marijuana is a felony]; § 11360 [transporting, selling, or giving away marijuana
    in California is a felony; under 28.5 grams is a misdemeanor]; § 11361 [selling or
    distributing marijuana to minors, or using a minor to transport, sell, or give away
    marijuana, is a felony].)

    B.> Proposition 215 - The Compassionate Use Act of 1996.
    On November 5, 1996, California voters passed Proposition 215, which decriminalized the
    cultivation and use of marijuana by seriously ill individuals upon a physicianâ??s
    recommendation. (§ 11362.5.) Proposition 215 was enacted to â??ensure that seriously ill
    Californians have the right to obtain and use marijuana for medical purposes where that
    medical use is deemed appropriate and has been recommended by a physician who has
    determined that the personâ??s health would benefit from the use of marijuana,â? and to
    â??ensure that patients and their primary caregivers who obtain and use marijuana for medical purposes upon the recommendation of a physician are not subject to criminal
    prosecution or sanction.� (§ 11362.5(b)(1)(A)-(B).)
    1 Unless otherwise noted, all statutory references are to the Health & Safety Code.
    page 2
    B.> continued:
    The Act further states that â??Section 11357, relating to the possession of marijuana, and
    Section 11358, relating to the cultivation of marijuana, shall not apply to a patient, or to a
    patientâ??s primary caregiver, who possesses or cultivates marijuana for the personal medical
    purposes of the patient upon the written or verbal recommendation or approval of a
    physician.� (§ 11362.5(d).) Courts have found an implied defense to the transportation of
    medical marijuana when the â??quantity transported and the method, timing and distance of
    the transportation are reasonably related to the patientâ??s current medical needs.â? (People
    v. Trippet (1997) 56 Cal.App.4th 1532, 1551.)

    C.> Senate Bill 420 - The Medical Marijuana Program Act.
    On January 1, 2004, Senate Bill 420, the Medical Marijuana Program Act (MMP), became
    law. (§§ 11362.7-11362.83.) The MMP, among other things, requires the California
    Department of Public Health (DPH) to establish and maintain a program for the voluntary
    registration of qualified medical marijuana patients and their primary caregivers through a
    statewide identification card system. Medical marijuana identification cards are intended
    to help law enforcement officers identify and verify that cardholders are able to cultivate,
    possess, and transport certain amounts of marijuana without being subject to arrest under
    specific conditions. (§§ 11362.71(e), 11362.78.)
    It is mandatory that all counties participate in the identification card program by
    (a) providing applications upon request to individuals seeking to join the identification
    card program; (b) processing completed applications; (c) maintaining certain records;
    (d) following state implementation protocols; and (e) issuing DPH identification cards to
    approved applicants and designated primary caregivers. (§ 11362.71(b).)
    Participation by patients and primary caregivers in the identification card program is
    voluntary. However, because identification cards offer the holder protection from arrest,
    are issued only after verification of the cardholderâ??s status as a qualified patient or primary
    caregiver, and are immediately verifiable online or via telephone, they represent one of the
    best ways to ensure the security and non-diversion of marijuana grown for medical use.
    In addition to establishing the identification card program, the MMP also defines certain
    terms, sets possession guidelines for cardholders, and recognizes a qualified right to
    collective and cooperative cultivation of medical marijuana. (§§ 11362.7, 11362.77,11362.775.)

    D.> Taxability of Medical Marijuana Transactions.
    In February 2007, the California State Board of Equalization (BOE) issued a Special
    Notice confirming its policy of taxing medical marijuana transactions, as well as its
    requirement that businesses engaging in such transactions hold a Sellerâ??s Permit.
    ( According to the Notice, having a
    Sellerâ??s Permit does not allow individuals to make unlawful sales, but instead merely
    provides a way to remit any sales and use taxes due. BOE further clarified its policy in a June 2007 Special Notice that addressed several frequently asked questions concerning
    taxation of medical marijuana transactions. (
    page 3
    E.> Medical Board of California.
    The Medical Board of California licenses, investigates, and disciplines California
    physicians. (Bus. & Prof. Code, § 2000, et seq.) Although state law prohibits punishing a
    physician simply for recommending marijuana for treatment of a serious medical condition
    (§ 11362.5(c)), the Medical Board can and does take disciplinary action against physicians
    who fail to comply with accepted medical standards when recommending marijuana. In a
    May 13, 2004 press release, the Medical Board clarified that these accepted standards are
    the same ones that a reasonable and prudent physician would follow when recommending
    or approving any medication. They include the following:
    1. Taking a history and conducting a good faith examination of the patient;
    2. Developing a treatment plan with objectives;
    3. Providing informed consent, including discussion of side effects;
    4. Periodically reviewing the treatmentâ??s efficacy;
    5. Consultations, as necessary; and
    6. Keeping proper records supporting the decision to recommend the use of
    medical marijuana.
    (Welcome to the Medical Board of California - May 13, 2004 News Release.)
    Complaints about physicians should be addressed to the Medical Board (1-800-633-2322
    or Welcome to the Medical Board of California), which investigates and prosecutes alleged licensing violations in
    conjunction with the Attorney Generalâ??s Office.

    F.> The Federal Controlled Substances Act.
    Adopted in 1970, the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) established a federal
    regulatory system designed to combat recreational drug abuse by making it unlawful to
    manufacture, distribute, dispense, or possess any controlled substance. (21 U.S.C. § 801,
    et seq.; Gonzales v. Oregon (2006) 546 U.S. 243, 271-273.) The CSA reflects the federal
    governmentâ??s view that marijuana is a drug with â??no currently accepted medical use.â?
    (21 U.S.C. § 812(b)(1).) Accordingly, the manufacture, distribution, or possession of
    marijuana is a federal criminal offense. (Id. at §§ 841(a)(1), 844(a).)
    The incongruity between federal and state law has given rise to understandable
    confusion, but no legal conflict exists merely because state law and federal law treat
    marijuana differently. Indeed, Californiaâ??s medical marijuana laws have been challenged
    unsuccessfully in court on the ground that they are preempted by the CSA. (County of San
    Diego v. San Diego NORML (July 31, 2008) --- Cal.Rptr.3d ----, 2008 WL 2930117.)
    Congress has provided that states are free to regulate in the area of controlled substances,
    including marijuana, provided that state law does not positively conflict with the CSA. (21
    U.S.C. § 903.) Neither Proposition 215, nor the MMP, conflict with the CSA because, in
    adopting these laws, California did not â??legalizeâ? medical marijuana, but instead exercised
    the stateâ??s reserved powers to not punish certain marijuana offenses under state law when a physician has recommended its use to treat a serious medical condition. (See City of
    Garden Grove v. Superior Court (Kha) (2007) 157 Cal.App.4th 355, 371-373, 381-382.)
    page 4
    F.> continued:
    In light of Californiaâ??s decision to remove the use and cultivation of physicianrecommended
    marijuana from the scope of the stateâ??s drug laws, this Office recommends
    that state and local law enforcement officers not arrest individuals or seize marijuana
    under federal law when the officer determines from the facts available that the cultivation,
    possession, or transportation is permitted under Californiaâ??s medical marijuana laws.

    A.> Physicianâ??s Recommendation: Physicians may not prescribe marijuana because
    the federal Food and Drug Administration regulates prescription drugs and, under the
    CSA, marijuana is a Schedule I drug, meaning that it has no recognized medical use.
    Physicians may, however, lawfully issue a verbal or written recommendation under
    California law indicating that marijuana would be a beneficial treatment for a serious
    medical condition. (§ 11362.5(d); Conant v. Walters (9th Cir. 2002) 309 F.3d 629, 632.)
    B.> Primary Caregiver: A primary caregiver is a person who is designated by a
    qualified patient and â??has consistently assumed responsibility for the housing, health, or
    safety� of the patient. (§ 11362.5(e).) California courts have emphasized the consistency
    element of the patient-caregiver relationship. Although a â??primary caregiver who
    consistently grows and supplies . . . medicinal marijuana for a section 11362.5 patient is
    serving a health need of the patient,� someone who merely maintains a source of
    marijuana does not automatically become the party â??who has consistently assumed
    responsibility for the housing, health, or safety� of that purchaser. (People ex rel. Lungren
    v. Peron (1997) 59 Cal.App.4th 1383, 1390, 1400.) A person may serve as primary
    caregiver to â??more than oneâ? patient, provided that the patients and caregiver all reside in
    the same city or county. (§ 11362.7(d)(2).) Primary caregivers also may receive certain
    compensation for their services. (§ 11362.765(c) [â??A primary caregiver who receives
    compensation for actual expenses, including reasonable compensation incurred for
    services provided . . . to enable [a patient] to use marijuana under this article, or for
    payment for out-of-pocket expenses incurred in providing those services, or both, . . . shall
    not, on the sole basis of that fact, be subject to prosecution� for possessing or transporting
    C.> Qualified Patient: A qualified patient is a person whose physician has
    recommended the use of marijuana to treat a serious illness, including cancer, anorexia,
    AIDS, chronic pain, spasticity, glaucoma, arthritis, migraine, or any other illness for which
    marijuana provides relief. (§ 11362.5(b)(1)(A).)
    D.> Recommending Physician: A recommending physician is a person who
    (1) possesses a license in good standing to practice medicine in California; (2) has taken
    responsibility for some aspect of the medical care, treatment, diagnosis, counseling, or
    referral of a patient; and (3) has complied with accepted medical standards (as described
    by the Medical Board of California in its May 13, 2004 press release) that a reasonable and
    prudent physician would follow when recommending or approving medical marijuana for
    the treatment of his or her patient.
    page 5
    A.> State Law Compliance Guidelines.

    1. Physician Recommendation: Patients must have a written or verbal
    recommendation for medical marijuana from a licensed physician. (§ 11362.5(d).)

    2. State of California Medical Marijuana Identification Card: Under the
    MMP, qualified patients and their primary caregivers may voluntarily apply for a card issued by DPH identifying them as a person who is authorized to use, possess, or transport marijuana grown for medical purposes. To help law enforcement officers verify the cardholderâ??s identity, each card bears a unique identification number, and a verification database is available online (Medical Marijuana Program Verification Screen). In addition, the cards contain the name of the county health department that approved the application, a 24-hour verification telephone number, and an expiration date.
    (§§ 11362.71(a); 11362.735(a)(3)-(4); 11362.745.)

    3. Proof of Qualified Patient Status: Although verbal recommendations are
    technically permitted under Proposition 215, patients should obtain and carry
    written proof of their physician recommendations to help them avoid arrest. A
    state identification card is the best form of proof, because it is easily verifiable and
    provides immunity from arrest if certain conditions are met (see section III.B.4,below). The next best forms of proof are a city- or county-issued patient
    identification card, or a written recommendation from a physician.

    4. Possession Guidelines:
    a) MMP:2 Qualified patients and primary caregivers who possess a stateissued
    identification card may possess 8 oz. of dried marijuana, and may
    maintain no more than 6 mature or 12 immature plants per qualified patient.
    (§ 11362.77(a).) But, if â??a qualified patient or primary caregiver has a
    doctorâ??s recommendation that this quantity does not meet the qualified
    patientâ??s medical needs, the qualified patient or primary caregiver may
    possess an amount of marijuana consistent with the patientâ??s needs.â?
    (§ 11362.77(b).) Only the dried mature processed flowers or buds of the
    female cannabis plant should be considered when determining allowable
    quantities of medical marijuana for purposes of the MMP. (§ 11362.77(d).)

    b) Local Possession Guidelines:
    Counties and cities may adopt regulations that allow qualified patients or primary caregivers to possess medical marijuana in amounts that exceed the MMPâ??s possession guidelines. (§ 11362.77(c).)
    note: On May 22, 2008, Californiaâ??s Second District Court of Appeal severed Health & Safety Code § 11362.77
    from the MMP on the ground that the statuteâ??s possession guidelines were an unconstitutional amendment of
    Proposition 215, which does not quantify the marijuana a patient may possess. (See People v. Kelly (2008) 163
    Cal.App.4th 124, 77 Cal.Rptr.3d 390.) The Third District Court of Appeal recently reached a similar conclusion in
    People v. Phomphakdy (July 31, 2008) --- Cal.Rptr.3d ----, 2008 WL 2931369. The California Supreme Court has
    granted review in Kelly and the Attorney General intends to seek review in Phomphakdy.
    page 6
    c) Proposition 215: Qualified patients claiming protection under
    Proposition 215 may possess an amount of marijuana that is â??reasonably
    related to [their] current medical needs.� (People v. Trippet (1997) 56
    Cal.App.4th 1532, 1549

    B. Enforcement Guidelines.
    1. Location of Use: Medical marijuana may not be smoked (a) where
    smoking is prohibited by law, (b) at or within 1000 feet of a school, recreation
    center, or youth center (unless the medical use occurs within a residence), (c) on a
    school bus, or (d) in a moving motor vehicle or boat. (§ 11362.79.)

    2. Use of Medical Marijuana in the Workplace or at Correctional
    Facilities: The medical use of marijuana need not be accommodated in the
    workplace, during work hours, or at any jail, correctional facility, or other penal
    institution. (§ 11362.785(a); Ross v. RagingWire Telecomms., Inc. (2008) 42
    Cal.4th 920, 933 [under the Fair Employment and Housing Act, an employer may
    terminate an employee who tests positive for marijuana use].)

    3. Criminal Defendants, Probationers, and Parolees: Criminal defendants
    and probationers may request court approval to use medical marijuana while they
    are released on bail or probation. The courtâ??s decision and reasoning must be
    stated on the record and in the minutes of the court. Likewise, parolees who are
    eligible to use medical marijuana may request that they be allowed to continue
    such use during the period of parole. The written conditions of parole must reflect
    whether the request was granted or denied. (§ 11362.795.)

    4. State of California Medical Marijuana Identification Cardholders:
    When a person invokes the protections of Proposition 215 or the MMP and he or
    she possesses a state medical marijuana identification card, officers should:
    a) Review the identification card and verify its validity either by calling
    the telephone number printed on the card, or by accessing DPHâ??s card
    verification website (; and
    b) If the card is valid and not being used fraudulently, there are no other
    indicia of illegal activity (weapons, illicit drugs, or excessive amounts of
    cash), and the person is within the state or local possession guidelines, the
    individual should be released and the marijuana should not be seized.
    Under the MMP, â??no person or designated primary caregiver in possession
    of a valid state medical marijuana identification card shall be subject to
    arrest for possession, transportation, delivery, or cultivation of medical
    marijuana.â? (§ 11362.71(e).) Further, a â??state or local law enforcement
    agency or officer shall not refuse to accept an identification card issued by
    the department unless the state or local law enforcement agency or officer
    has reasonable cause to believe that the information contained in the card is
    false or fraudulent, or the card is being used fraudulently.� (§ 11362.78.)
    page 7
    5. Non-Cardholders:
    When a person claims protection under Proposition
    215 or the MMP and only has a locally-issued (i.e., non-state) patient identification card, or a written (or verbal) recommendation from a licensed physician, officers should use their sound professional judgment to assess the validity of the personâ??s medical-use claim:
    a) Officers need not abandon their search or investigation. The standard
    search and seizure rules apply to the enforcement of marijuana-related
    violations. Reasonable suspicion is required for detention, while probable
    cause is required for search, seizure, and arrest.
    b) Officers should review any written documentation for validity. It may
    contain the physicianâ??s name, telephone number, address, and license
    c) If the officer reasonably believes that the medical-use claim is valid
    based upon the totality of the circumstances (including the quantity of
    marijuana, packaging for sale, the presence of weapons, illicit drugs, or
    large amounts of cash), and the person is within the state or local possession
    guidelines or has an amount consistent with their current medical needs, the
    person should be released and the marijuana should not be seized.
    d) Alternatively, if the officer has probable cause to doubt the validity of a
    personâ??s medical marijuana claim based upon the facts and circumstances,
    the person may be arrested and the marijuana may be seized. It will then be
    up to the person to establish his or her medical marijuana defense in court.
    e) Officers are not obligated to accept a personâ??s claim of having a verbal
    physicianâ??s recommendation that cannot be readily verified with the
    physician at the time of detention.

    6. Exceeding Possession Guidelines: If a person has what appears to be valid
    medical marijuana documentation, but exceeds the applicable possession
    guidelines identified above, all marijuana may be seized.

    7. Return of Seized Medical Marijuana: If a person whose marijuana is
    seized by law enforcement successfully establishes a medical marijuana defense in
    court, or the case is not prosecuted, he or she may file a motion for return of the
    marijuana. If a court grants the motion and orders the return of marijuana seized
    incident to an arrest, the individual or entity subject to the order must return the
    property. State law enforcement officers who handle controlled substances in the
    course of their official duties are immune from liability under the CSA. (21 U.S.C.
    § 885(d).) Once the marijuana is returned, federal authorities are free to exercise
    jurisdiction over it. (21 U.S.C. §§ 812(c)(10), 844(a); City of Garden Grove v.
    Superior Court (Kha) (2007) 157 Cal.App.4th 355, 369, 386, 391.)
    page 8
    Under California law, medical marijuana patients and primary caregivers may â??associate
    within the State of California in order collectively or cooperatively to cultivate marijuana for
    medical purposes.� (§ 11362.775.) The following guidelines are meant to apply to qualified
    patients and primary caregivers who come together to collectively or cooperatively cultivate
    physician-recommended marijuana.
    A. Business Forms:
    Any group that is collectively or cooperatively cultivating and
    distributing marijuana for medical purposes should be organized and operated in a manner
    that ensures the security of the crop and safeguards against diversion for non-medical
    purposes. The following are guidelines to help cooperatives and collectives operate within
    the law, and to help law enforcement determine whether they are doing so.

    1. Statutory Cooperatives:
    A cooperative must file articles of incorporation
    with the state and conduct its business for the mutual benefit of its members.
    (Corp. Code, § 12201, 12300.) No business may call itself a â??cooperativeâ? (or â??coopâ?)
    unless it is properly organized and registered as such a corporation under the
    Corporations or Food and Agricultural Code. (Id. at § 12311(b).) Cooperative
    corporations are â??democratically controlled and are not organized to make a profit
    for themselves, as such, or for their members, as such, but primarily for their
    members as patrons.� (Id. at § 12201.) The earnings and savings of the business
    must be used for the general welfare of its members or equitably distributed to
    members in the form of cash, property, credits, or services. (Ibid.) Cooperatives
    must follow strict rules on organization, articles, elections, and distribution of
    earnings, and must report individual transactions from individual members each
    year. (See id. at § 12200, et seq.) Agricultural cooperatives are likewise nonprofit
    corporate entities â??since they are not organized to make profit for themselves, as
    such, or for their members, as such, but only for their members as producers.�
    (Food & Agric. Code, § 54033.) Agricultural cooperatives share many
    characteristics with consumer cooperatives. (See, e.g., id. at § 54002, et seq.)
    Cooperatives should not purchase marijuana from, or sell to, non-members;
    instead, they should only provide a means for facilitating or coordinating
    transactions between members.
    2. Collectives:
    California law does not define collectives, but the dictionary
    defines them as â??a business, farm, etc., jointly owned and operated by the membersof a group.â? (Random House Unabridged Dictionary; Random House, Inc.© 2006.) Applying this definition, a collective should be an organization thatmerely facilitates the collaborative efforts of patient and caregiver members â??including the allocation of costs and revenues. As such, a collective is not a
    statutory entity, but as a practical matter it might have to organize as some form of
    business to carry out its activities. The collective should not purchase marijuana
    from, or sell to, non-members; instead, it should only provide a means for
    facilitating or coordinating transactions between members
    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////page 9
    B. Guidelines for the Lawful Operation of a Cooperative or Collective:
    Collectives and cooperatives should be organized with sufficient structure to ensure
    security, non-diversion of marijuana to illicit markets, and compliance with all state and
    local laws. The following are some suggested guidelines and practices for operating
    collective growing operations to help ensure lawful operation.

    1. Non-Profit Operation:
    Nothing in Proposition 215 or the MMP authorizes
    collectives, cooperatives, or individuals to profit from the sale or distribution of
    marijuana. (See, e.g., § 11362.765(a) [â??nothing in this section shall authorize . . .
    any individual or group to cultivate or distribute marijuana for profit�].

    2. Business Licenses, Sales Tax, and Sellerâ??s Permits:
    The State Board of
    Equalization has determined that medical marijuana transactions are subject to
    sales tax, regardless of whether the individual or group makes a profit, and those
    engaging in transactions involving medical marijuana must obtain a Sellerâ??s
    Permit. Some cities and counties also require dispensing collectives and
    cooperatives to obtain business licenses.

    3. Membership Application and Verification:
    When a patient or primary
    caregiver wishes to join a collective or cooperative, the group can help prevent the
    diversion of marijuana for non-medical use by having potential members complete
    a written membership application. The following application guidelines should be
    followed to help ensure that marijuana grown for medical use is not diverted to
    illicit markets:
    a) Verify the individualâ??s status as a qualified patient or primary caregiver.
    Unless he or she has a valid state medical marijuana identification card, this
    should involve personal contact with the recommending physician (or his or
    her agent), verification of the physicianâ??s identity, as well as his or her state
    licensing status. Verification of primary caregiver status should include
    contact with the qualified patient, as well as validation of the patientâ??s
    recommendation. Copies should be made of the physicianâ??s
    recommendation or identification card, if any;
    b) Have the individual agree not to distribute marijuana to non-members;
    c) Have the individual agree not to use the marijuana for other than
    medical purposes;
    d) Maintain membership records on-site or have them reasonably
    e) Track when membersâ?? medical marijuana recommendation and/or
    identification cards expire; and
    f) Enforce conditions of membership by excluding members whose
    identification card or physician recommendation are invalid or have
    expired, or who are caught diverting marijuana for non-medical use.
    page 10
    4. Collectives Should Acquire, Possess, and Distribute Only Lawfully
    Cultivated Marijuana:
    Collectives and cooperatives should acquire marijuana
    only from their constituent members, because only marijuana grown by a qualified
    patient or his or her primary caregiver may lawfully be transported by, or
    distributed to, other members of a collective or cooperative. (§§ 11362.765,
    11362.775.) The collective or cooperative may then allocate it to other members of
    the group. Nothing allows marijuana to be purchased from outside the collective or
    cooperative for distribution to its members. Instead, the cycle should be a closedcircuit
    of marijuana cultivation and consumption with no purchases or sales to or
    from non-members. To help prevent diversion of medical marijuana to nonmedical
    markets, collectives and cooperatives should document each memberâ??s
    contribution of labor, resources, or money to the enterprise. They also should track
    and record the source of their marijuana.
    5. Distribution and Sales to Non-Members are Prohibited:
    State law allows primary caregivers to be reimbursed for certain services (including marijuana cultivation), but nothing allows individuals or groups to sell or distribute marijuana to non-members. Accordingly, a collective or cooperative may not distribute medical marijuana to any person who is not a member in good standing of the organization. A dispensing collective or cooperative may credit its members for marijuana they provide to the collective, which it may then allocate to other
    members. (§ 11362.765(c).) Members also may reimburse the collective or
    cooperative for marijuana that has been allocated to them. Any monetary
    reimbursement that members provide to the collective or cooperative should onlybe an amount necessary to cover overhead costs and operating expenses.

    6. Permissible Reimbursements and Allocations:
    Marijuana grown at a
    collective or cooperative for medical purposes may be:
    a) Provided free to qualified patients and primary caregivers who are
    members of the collective or cooperative;
    b) Provided in exchange for services rendered to the entity;
    c) Allocated based on fees that are reasonably calculated to cover
    overhead costs and operating expenses; or
    d) Any combination of the above.

    7. Possession and Cultivation Guidelines:
    If a person is acting as primary
    caregiver to more than one patient under section 11362.7(d)(2), he or she may
    aggregate the possession and cultivation limits for each patient. For example,
    applying the MMPâ??s basic possession guidelines, if a caregiver is responsible for
    three patients, he or she may possess up to 24 oz. of marijuana (8 oz. per patient)
    and may grow 18 mature or 36 immature plants. Similarly, collectives and
    cooperatives may cultivate and transport marijuana in aggregate amounts tied to its
    membership numbers. Any patient or primary caregiver exceeding individual
    possession guidelines should have supporting records readily available when:
    a) Operating a location for cultivation;
    b) Transporting the groupâ??s medical marijuana; and
    c) Operating a location for distribution to members of the collective or
    page 11
    8. Security:
    Collectives and cooperatives should provide adequate security to
    ensure that patients are safe and that the surrounding homes or businesses are not
    negatively impacted by nuisance activity such as loitering or crime. Further, to
    maintain security, prevent fraud, and deter robberies, collectives and cooperatives
    should keep accurate records and follow accepted cash handling practices,
    including regular bank runs and cash drops, and maintain a general ledger of cash
    C. Enforcement Guidelines: Depending upon the facts and circumstances,
    deviations from the guidelines outlined above, or other indicia that marijuana is not for
    medical use, may give rise to probable cause for arrest and seizure. The following are
    additional guidelines to help identify medical marijuana collectives and cooperatives that
    are operating outside of state law.

    1. Storefront Dispensaries:
    Although medical marijuana â??dispensariesâ?
    have been operating in California for years, dispensaries, as such, are not
    recognized under the law. As noted above, the only recognized group entities are
    cooperatives and collectives. (§ 11362.775.) It is the opinion of this Office that a
    properly organized and operated collective or cooperative that dispenses medical
    marijuana through a storefront may be lawful under California law, but that
    dispensaries that do not substantially comply with the guidelines set forth in
    sections IV(A) and (B), above, are likely operating outside the protections of
    Proposition 215 and the MMP, and that the individuals operating such entities may
    be subject to arrest and criminal prosecution under California law. For example,
    dispensaries that merely require patients to complete a form summarily designating
    the business owner as their primary caregiver â?? and then offering marijuana in
    exchange for cash â??donationsâ? â?? are likely unlawful. (Peron, supra, 59
    Cal.App.4th at p. 1400 [cannabis club owner was not the primary caregiver to
    thousands of patients where he did not consistently assume responsibility for their
    housing, health, or safety].)

    2. Indicia of Unlawful Operation:
    When investigating collectives or
    cooperatives, law enforcement officers should be alert for signs of mass production
    or illegal sales, including (a) excessive amounts of marijuana, (b) excessive
    amounts of cash, (c) failure to follow local and state laws applicable to similar
    businesses, such as maintenance of any required licenses and payment of any
    required taxes, including sales taxes, (d) weapons, (e) illicit drugs, (f) purchases
    from, or sales or distribution to, non-members, or (g) distribution outside of
    veggii Reviewed by veggii on . Text of California Attorney General MMJ Prop215 Guidelines August 2008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Attorney General of california has completed his guidelines YES! link to document : ASA : The page you requested could not be found ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EDMUND G. BROWN JR. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Attorney General State of California GUIDELINES FOR THE Rating: 5

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    Senior Member

    Text of California Attorney General MMJ Prop215 Guidelines August 2008

    can we get a sticky on this? Its is a very important document for california patients. every california patient should read this! along with prop215 and sb420 ..:thumbsup:

    Senior Member

    Text of California Attorney General MMJ Prop215 Guidelines August 2008

    HELL YES you usual, great post my friend!:thumbsup:

    Have a good one!:jointsmile:

    Senior Member

    Text of California Attorney General MMJ Prop215 Guidelines August 2008

    I want to post these links and ty (allrollsin21) for initial post

    and P4B for posting related articles

    and to make easier to keep tabs on the Subject. very important documents here guys !! keep up with the great work..:thumbsup:

    :hippy: :hippy: :hippy: :hippy: :hippy:

    Senior Member

    Text of California Attorney General MMJ Prop215 Guidelines August 2008

    I have stumbled onto the link to the AG website with original document here link:

    News & Alerts - California Dept. of Justice - Office of the Attorney General

    thought I would post so its easier too keep up :thumbsup:

    Senior Member

    Text of California Attorney General MMJ Prop215 Guidelines August 2008

    Nice good find Veggii...

    Junior Member

    Text of California Attorney General MMJ Prop215 Guidelines August 2008

    Very nice post!!

    Junior Member

    Text of California Attorney General MMJ Prop215 Guidelines August 2008

    Great post veggii, i hope its a very important information for all the california patients.

    good job...

    Marijuana Cards | California Medical Marijuana Card | California Medical Marijuana Doctor

    Junior Member

    Text of California Attorney General MMJ Prop215 Guidelines August 2008

    Very useful important post.............................................. ..

    Junior Member

    Text of California Attorney General MMJ Prop215 Guidelines August 2008

    thank you

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