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    Senior Member

    People's opinion of the immunization against cervical cancer for girls

    It seems silly to me to take the chance and vaccinate against something that is so easy to prevent and treat. Over in europe there are hospitals with a 95% success rate in treating cancers to the point when they go into remission and don't come back so long as the treatment and body state is maintained. What is this miricle treatment that is saving lives around the world but our FDA filters and does not acklnowledge or exercise? Plain old hydrogen peroxide. Which doesn't just work for cancer but a majority of other ailments our society suffers from.
    Is you study and practice natural cures and homeopathic treatmeants it's not about treating the sickness or symptoms, it's about maintaining a state of balanced health throughout your whole body. Researchers have found a direct link between the overall pH of a person and the ailments diseases and cancers they have. Our lifesyles, diets, and acceptance of toxins in everything we do strips our body of oxygen and makes our scale tip to the acidic side. Our bodies are supposed to sit on the basic side of the range(which stabilizes more oxygen within the body system). If you maintain your body at a basic level (mind you this is not true according to the FDA and many of OUR trained doctors but is common practice and knowledge in may other parts or the world) You will not suffer from most of the sicknesses and illnesses that we consider common. We are not even supposed to catch colds!

    Where are my facts to back this up. In books. Start by reading "Natural cures THEY don't want you to know about" by Kevin Trudeau. Skim through the repetitive bullshit and at least learn the teory cause he breaks it all down very well to make it easy to understand. Once you're done watch how much more you read about the topic he covered, and food lables, and skin care lables, and evaluate your drinking water, and also the way corporations make billions of dollars on drug sales.

    Hydrogen Peroxide Cancer Treatment
    Hydrogen Peroxide - Curse or Cure?

    "This post is full of dangerous misinformation. Some facts it's important to correct:
    The vaccine only protects against four HPV strains, but those are the strains responsible for nearly 3/4 of cervical cancers. So it protects against the majority of cervical cancers."

    That we know of. There are new discoveries and connections being made in the cancer feild all the time. And often if we can see the connection or don't know how to detect the connection we write it off until a test is made to prove it accurate, it doesn't meant it doesn't exist.

    "Vaccines don't create superbugs. They don't cause superbugs."

    Maybe super bug is the wrong word. Vaccines introduce a dilluted inactive form of vaccine into our bodies immune system. This allows our bodie to learn how to fight it off, killing the weak forms of the strain that we can hand. But just like in an ecosystem if you remove the weak it leaves more resources for the strong and allows it to flourish, and when it flourishes it reproduces, spreading, and stronger. That's why vaccines have an expiry date, because the vaccine has to evolve and strengthen as the viruses do. Your Dr will tell you himself, a vaccine does not gaurentee you won't contract the virus.

    "Vaccines do not wipe out vast numbers of any population. They've saved vast numbers of lives. Literally millions.
    Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting women. Not as common as colon cancer, lung cancer (or heart disease), but it still affects tens of thousands of women's lives a year. Easily enough to merit the development and use of a vaccine."

    Maybe not now, but since these are our children we are thinking about we really must place our prespective in the future. You must understand that our acceptance or dissmissal of this new vaccine will determine if drug companies can make the money they want off of it. If we let them make their money they will keep making the drug and supporting it. If we don't then they have to prove it to us and improve the vaccine, and when they see that the profit margin isn't big enough they will drop it to make more money somewhere else
    There are many other ways to treat and prevent Cancer, and heart disease, just by banning your societies acceptance of fast food would make these rates and numbers drop dramatically, but McDonalds makes money and pays taxes so lets keep poisoning our people and teaching them to accept it as food.

    "Pap smears don't prevent HPV or cancer. They detect it. Big difference."

    HPV is not the dangerouse part. So many people have it and don't even know it that is why it is passed on so silently. Once it is detected it can be treated and monitored so that if Cervicle cancer does occure it can be caught and dealt with fast and effectively. Our onw doctors tell us the best treatment of cancer is and comes with early detection.

    "True, HPV doesn't necessarily guarantee cervical cancer. Cervical cancer doesn't show up usually till middle age. But it makes it a heck of a lot more likely than if you didn't contract HPV disease all, and there are other HPV diseases like the warts themselves that cause other problems and so should be prevented against.
    Safe sex and a condom don't protect against HPV. Not by a long shot. As Katyowns said, the spread of HPV doesn't depend on penetration."

    If you want to go into more depth about this let us compare it to drug testing studies that we fight and bring truth to all the time. Many subjects are candidates for these studies because they use pot, but alot of them also smoke, drink and do other drugs, and their is neve any mention about how well they take care of their bodies. In the states you pay people to do tests, studies and to test out drugs. Don't you think some people are making an income off of it by just living their shitty life with no job but cashing in their abused body for every test they can.
    My point is we don't know all the facts about the subjects and don't even know if there is a link we can't see. If a woman goes in unexpectanly pregnant and has herpes and 2 children from 2 different dads while they were a teenage chances are they don't practice safe sex, and that isn't someone I want drug information based on.
    Oh and safe sex doesn't just refer to penitration, and that's not what we should be teaching our children. Safe sex involves everything from choosing a partner that isn't the player who has been in contact with every lady, to not sharing your girlfriends bathing suit.

    "Mainstream practitioners feel strongly that informed parents should vaccinate their daughters. The problem with letting girls wait till they're 18 and make their own choice about the HPV vaccination is that, for many of them, that's too late. HPV is rampant among the middle- and high-school aged kids. Statistically, girls are much more likely to have already been exposed to HPV by the time they're 18 than if they were vaccinated before they begin dating, petting, etc., which is why the 12 - 13 window is key. "

    With such a new vaccine it hasn't even been around long enough to see the effects on a person in the future. A vaccine shouldn't make us feel better about our children running around horney and out of control, or even make us feel better about our 17 year old that has had 5 different partners because that is so irresponible. We should be teaching our children the proper way to go about sex. We have too many teenage pregnancies and STDs. They solution is not drugs it is teaching our kids to control their emotions and make well thought through choices.

    "People should talk to their doctors about vaccinations if they have questions, especially if there's a chance you could be the victims of anti-vaccine fear-mongering misinformation. "
    Your Dr gets a bonus from the drug company every time he writes a script, or gives you a shot. Extra money in his pocket, so of course it is safe because he wants a new boat next summer. Not to metion our Doctors and specialists training include no teachings on natural cures and remedies. It is acutually illegal to market a natual treatment as a cure(there is a natural "cure" for herpes, but Every one knows there is no cure), because only a synthetic drug is able to cure people according to the law and FDA. Not to mention drug companies buy advertising in mediclae text books to ensure that Drs are taught to use their drug even though their are others out there texts include little or no information or metion of it.

    You need to know the standards of the information you accessing and how that information came about to make an informed desicion. Marketing has so many loopholes and veils we are constantly being told about products, but when we actually read into them we are proven to have been misslead just to make a buck.

    Senior Member

    People's opinion of the immunization against cervical cancer for girls

    Chronic Crissy, I'm shocked to hear you mention Kevin Trudeau like some kind of messia. The guy is a scam-artist through and through. I don't mean just in relation to his "Natural Cures" book, you need only look at his history. In the early 90's he was sentenced to two years in prison for larceny. He posed as a doctor (which is certainly never was), obtained 11 credit card numbers from customers seeking to buy one of miracle products, then fraudulently charged them a total of $122,735.68 beyond the initial cost. He also was charged for depositing $80,000 in fake cheques.

    Now he touts his "natural cures" nonsense while legitimizing himself by playing off people's distaste of the FDA and their unethical practices. I downloaded his book from isohunt (because I'd never give the SOB a dime), and all his "cures" are common-sense stuff that we already know. Cure for depression: B12, Omega-3's, sunlight, excercise, meditation. The rest of the book all pretty much reads like that. Trudeau is a scam artist, a hell of a salesman, and poor excuse for a human being.

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    Senior Member

    People's opinion of the immunization against cervical cancer for girls

    On another note, homeopathy is based on dilluting solutions so much that not one molecule (though maybe one, if you're lucky) of the original product remains in the solution. It makes no sense to take actual supplements that work, and dillute and dillute until nothing remains. I even bought some arnica homeopathic medicine just to verify it's effectiveness or ineffectiveness for myself. Arnica is a plant containing natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic quallities btw. I took it exactly as prescribed, used the whole 2 weeks dose, and it made not even a slight difference in my pain levels.

    Senior Member

    People's opinion of the immunization against cervical cancer for girls

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf_The_Grey
    Chronic Crissy, I'm shocked to hear you mention Kevin Trudeau like some kind of messia. The guy is a scam-artist through and through. I don't mean just in relation to his "Natural Cures" book, you need only look at his history. In the early 90's he was sentenced to two years in prison for larceny. He posed as a doctor (which is certainly never was), obtained 11 credit card numbers from customers seeking to buy one of miracle products, then fraudulently charged them a total of $122,735.68 beyond the initial cost. He also was charged for depositing $80,000 in fake cheques.

    Now he touts his "natural cures" nonsense while legitimizing himself by playing off people's distaste of the FDA and their unethical practices. I downloaded his book from isohunt (because I'd never give the SOB a dime), and all his "cures" are common-sense stuff that we already know. Cure for depression: B12, Omega-3's, sunlight, excercise, meditation. The rest of the book all pretty much reads like that. Trudeau is a scam artist, a hell of a salesman, and poor excuse for a human being.

    Messiah, no. He uses simple words stoners can understand and presents a perspective that gets people reading thinking and asking questions. If you base all your learnings on one book you're pretty lazy. You can't send people into a new feild of information and expect them to understand everything with out having a basic tutorial.

    As for homeopatic remedies. No they don't all work for everyone, but unless you are visiting a homeopathic doctor who is giving you a full evaluation you can't write it off, for all you know your body may be so full oif toxins and chemicles from what you eat and use on your skin and body and it was unable to be effective.

    My proof homepathic does work in cases. My daughter was colicy and very attacted, then she started teething and screaming at the top of her lungs no matter what we gave her. We picked up some Hylands Teething Tablets and the intant it touched her toungue she stopped. It contains small ammounts of camamillia, and was also effective in any instance where she was freaking out and working herself up.

    As for Treudua being a scam artist, yes he is. But in this book he backs it all up with references, and if you do search out the information you will find it. He clearly states that he is not a doctor that he has gathered this information from a vast collection of resources.

    Not to mention alot of things can be cured by making simple commonsense changes, but these days we seem to forget that. Every bump, bruise and cold sends people flocking into the doctors offices or pharmacy, and each one of these can me treated and relived by using hot and cold theapy and time. Same with headachs and migrains which are often cause by dialated blood vessels in you brain, when you stick your hand or foot in hot warter it redistriputes the blood supply and relives the tension and pressure.

    I've seen doctors give patients with a cold antibiotics! and get paid by the injection, there are many Doctors who convince you you need drugs you don't or get people involved with Studies , both of which they get paid for every patient an prescription including vaccinations, they make millions to and are just as much scam artists.

    One of the leading researchers for gaudasil said themselves that it was never intended to be given to girls so young because there is too little research and the research that has been done is poor.

    Here is more gaurasil info for you

    Remember Gardasil :: The Brockovich Report » Family Blames HPV Vaccine for Teen’s Paralysis
    Gardasil Paralysis Side Effects Merck FDA
    Should parents worry about HPV vaccine? -
    Gardasil Side Effects Death Paralysis Anaphylactic Shock Grand Mal Seizure Miscarriage Blood Clots Heart Failure

    Oh and these ladies know what they are talking about!

    The HPV vax... throw some info at me! - MotheringDotCommune Forums

    So far, recipients of Gardasil have reported the following side effects:

    * Deaths: As of April 2008, VAERS received 15 reports of death following Gardasil vaccination in the US. The CDC says it has not been able to establish a link between Gardasil and 10 of the deaths. The agency did not have enough information about the remaining five to make any determination.

    * Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS): GBS is a is an inflammatory disorder of the peripheral nerves that can lead to temporary, yet total paralysis. GBS is a rare disorder, and there are approximately 1 to 2 cases in every 100,000 people per year. According to the CDC, as of April 2008, there were 31 cases of GBS reported after Gardasil administration. At the time of its report, the CDC had confirmed ten of those cases, and said five occurred when Gardasil was administered with another vaccine.

    * Paralysis: The families of several young women believe that their partial or total paralysis stemmed from Gardasil. Thirteen-year-old Jenny Tetlock began experiencing muscle weakness about a month after receiving Gardasil. Within 15 months, the California native was almost completely paralyzed. Jenny's father has conducted a very public campaign to try to determine what role Gardasil played in his daughters condition. The families of two other teenage girls filed suit against Merck in 2008 for their daughters' partial paralysis following Gardasil administration. In some of the reports to VAERS, paralysis led patients to fall into a coma.

    * Anaphylactic shock: Several cases of anaphylactic shock have reportedly occurred within minutes of the administration of Gardasil. Anaphylactic shock is a severe type of allergic reactions that can be life threatening.

    * Grand Mal Seizure: In a few cases, patients experienced Grand Mal Seizure immediately after receiving Gardasil. Grand Mal Seizure involves a loss of consciousness and violent muscle contractions.

    * Miscarriage: Dozens of miscarriages have occurred following the administration of Gardasil. In all of the cases, the women were not aware that they were pregnant at the time they received Gardasil.

    * Blood Clots and Heart Failure: There have been several instances of blood clots and heart failure occurring after Gardasil was administered. In some of these instances, the blood clots were fatal.
    (from Gardasil Side Effects Death Paralysis Anaphylactic Shock Grand Mal Seizure Miscarriage Blood Clots Heart Failure)

    Senior Member

    People's opinion of the immunization against cervical cancer for girls

    I've read a lot on the H2O2 theories too. Not a lot of facts to back them up. And of course no real science is being doneon it because nobody could make any money on it. Its just too cheap.
    And if you can't make money with it, its not going anywhere.

    Senior Member

    People's opinion of the immunization against cervical cancer for girls

    Quote Originally Posted by killerweed420
    I've read a lot on the H2O2 theories too. Not a lot of facts to back them up. And of course no real science is being doneon it because nobody could make any money on it. Its just too cheap.
    And if you can't make money with it, its not going anywhere.
    That's exactly it, the drug campanies can't patent a natural remedy and make mony off of it. If I recall correctly for every new drug a company puts out and patents, before the first dose is even sold, that company makes 3 billion dollars! It's just like using medicinal pot and can be compared to the quality of studies and how the findings are manipulated to say what makes the most money, if the studies are done at all.

    Did you know that instead of taking antibiotics for full blown pink eye, you can shread a potatoes or apple and apply it to the infected eye for 20 minutes twice a day and your eye will clear up in as few as 2 days(Yes I have tested this myself). Every doctor has the teaching to make this connection between the healing uses of apples, potatoes, and tomateos, and could send all their patients home with these instructions, but they give you a script because they make money off of it, just like the give you antibiotics for a cold or flu, when they aren't effective against viruses.

    Senior Member

    People's opinion of the immunization against cervical cancer for girls

    The doctors get kick backs for handing out certain drugs too. Free golf trips and shit like that. Thats why all you see is pill pushers anymore. Not much doctoring going on.

    Senior Member

    People's opinion of the immunization against cervical cancer for girls

    Chrissy, you're what's known as a vaccine paranoiac, and that's not going to change. We won't try and change your mind because it's clearly made up. My husband has been on call this week and working 16-hour days, but he'll be back here when his work slows up.

    I want to warn others please to not put any medical credence in what Kevin Trudeau says. He is indeed a non-medically trained scam artist. A convicted felon, in fact. He has sold a lot of books pretending to let people in on great medical and healing secrets, and what he's actually doing is attempting to sell people snake oil and his own products. He pretends as if he's communicating inside secrets and much of what he says is common knowledge portrayed as privileged inside information. His sources and facts have been debunked by a number of legitimate, credentialed health care practitioners, and he continues to get away with his scams but is currently under new investigations by the attorneys general in two states. Again, people need to be very wary of what Kevin Trudeau says. He is a convicted felon. His greatest achievement is his wealth as a seller of books and supplements to the uninformed.

    One very important correction for you, Chrissy, and then I'll let you continue to believe what you want about other medical info as long as you don't endanger others with misinformation. For every section of your Gardasil adverse events above, by the way, there are documented non-Gardasil-connected reasons for those events. Seizures happened in epileptic patients. Blood clots to patients who were on oral birth control or were smokers and were at high risk for blood clots. Guillain-Barré Syndrome when it was attributable to Gardasil seemed to have happened when that vaccination was combined with other vaccines. People who are interested may receive fair and balanced information about risks and advantages from their physicians and read more about the adverse events at the VAERS Web site,

    Now, to set this record straight, physicians do not receive bonuses from drug companies every time they write prescriptions. That's a folklore that people who mistrust physicians enjoy believing, particularly Kevin Trudeau, who, as he's making that claim, is attempting to sell you his line of supplements, products and books.

    Physicians prescribe drugs according to formularies that are set out by insurance companies. I can only laugh to think how hysterical it'd be if the system worked so that they were incented to write scripts for certain drugs! I'm afraid it doesn't, however. I'd like to invite you to come spend an afternoon with me and the various med students, residents and physicians at Parkland Hospital or to spend a few days shadowing my husband and his practice partners. You'll quickly see that physicians prescribe the drugs that insurance companies will cover. Those are defined in formularies, and the formulary standards pay for the cheapest generic drugs first, with no incentives to prescribing physicians, PAs or nurse practitioners who write the scripts. Insured patients are required by their plans to use the drugs listed in their plan formularies, which simply do not accommodate the most expensive brand-name drugs. Insurance companies monitor prescription drug expenses very closely and dictate, based on Medicare standards, what will and will not be covered. So doctors have to write scripts according to what their patients will be allowed to get by their insurance companies.

    Pharmaceutical companies do provide samples to physicians so patients can try some of the newest brand name drugs. And they often provide discount cards or coupons to the patients themselves so that they can afford to try the brand names drugs that they wouldn't otherwise be able to pay for out of pocket. But I assure you that if you spent one hour in any physician's office or hospital, you'd quickly see that they prescribe the drugs that'll be covered and don't receive any sort of incentive for prescribing any of them, whether generics or brand new brand-name medicines. If Dave were online instead of at the hospital tonight, he'd invite you to come and review his books so you could see that there was no incoming incentive money from any drug companies. Most ethical physicians, particularly those in cardiology, who see large amounts of elderly patients, work very hard at remaining independent of any drug company influence so they can make free decisions on what to prescribe for patients according to what the patients can afford.
    [SIZE=\"4\"]\"That best portion of a good man\'s life: his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love.\"[/SIZE]
    [align=center]William Wordsworth, English poet (1770 - 1850)[/align]

    Senior Member

    People's opinion of the immunization against cervical cancer for girls

    That may be how it works down there but 3 of my aunts have worked in the same doctors offices as well as others here in canada, and while there are some doctors who are better than others for writing scripts, the doctor that they all worked for at one time or another does get bonuses for giving out scripts and also gets paid a healthy sum for every patient he includes in "studies" where new drugs are given to patients who are more closely followed up. When my husband went through 4 studies for his asthma all having bad reations my aunt who was working there at the time informed me that he only had to get him to do one more study to by his new camper!, and that the next study the doctor already knew was probably going to casue a reation and even if it didn't it wouldn't improve his asthma. At that point I started to grill my aunts for every bit of information I could get from inside the horror show. Here it doesn't matter as much about insurance because if you have insurance through your work(free health care not drugs) almost everything is covered unless it is for quitting smoking, even birth control is free.
    I can't give you stats about all the bad reations to vaccines I've heard of through my aunts because none of you can responsibly recognize it as accurate infomation, so it is pointless. But I can teel you My Daughter got her shots for the chicken pox before I found out all of this and she had a reaction. The next shot we went in for (her MMR) I didn't want to give here right away and clearly voiced my choice to delay it or not have it entirely. My doctor not only insisted by gave it to her while we were talking it over in the waiting room. 5 days later we were in and out of the hospital 7 times in 3 days, with spots rashs and extremely high fevers, and had a very sick baby! I found out from my aunt afterwards that for MMRs he get a $50 bonus!

    There are good doctors out there that follow the rules and have their patients as their first priority. But there are also good doctors out there that follow the rules or dopn't and are motivated by the kick back.

    I place my beliefs on vaccines close to Jenny Macarthneys, in that I believe that we are all individuals and one general vaccine for all in ineffective and dangerous because we all react differently. Vaccinations should be set up on an individual, or at least common group standard in which babies are tested and the vaccines are tailored to be most effective for the child recieving it. I also believe that we need to stop using dangerous fillers in our vaccines and replace them with something that is healthy to put in our body. It seemed like all my efforts to feed my family organic to avoid slowly poisoning them with pesticide covered un natural food was undone the second she got her first shot.

    Senior Member

    People's opinion of the immunization against cervical cancer for girls

    Quote Originally Posted by killerweed420
    The doctors get kick backs for handing out certain drugs too. Free golf trips and shit like that. Thats why all you see is pill pushers anymore. Not much doctoring going on.
    i dont think the common gp in the uk gets many benifits, though i agree they do tend to just write a script and get you out the door as quickly as possible, thankfully there are still good doctors out there who do their jobs well and for the right reasons.

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