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    My story and how I'm addicted to marijuana, help..

    Hope everyone had a nice 420 first off :thumbsup:

    To start out, I've been smoking for 3 years, everyday. My habit started in college, I also withdrew out of my second semester, I wont blame the pot, but I began having extreme anxiety and stopped going to class.

    I came home and continued smoking everyday, and more since I didn't have a job.

    I then found a job, and began working full-time at 12 an hour as an entry level contractor. I continued this job for about 8 months, and after 8 months, no health benefits still, which were promised and very important (am I 20 now) I made the decision to quit after a lot of BS on top of it.

    I manage to stay high all day everyday now still, even without a job. Either friends, or the rare dry bowl hits, and occasionally finding coin to buy my own.

    Now it's been about 2 months of me doing nothing but smoking and living back home. My parents remain clueless about my smoking, but are very disappointed in me and they think I am very depressed.

    I'm going to be 21 soon now, and need some change, but after smoking so much for so long, I kind feel as if I lost who I was? I don't do any of the things I used to do, smoking all the time has made me somewhat numb to emotions, and hard to relate in social environments. I suffer from extreme anxiety which was treated with xanax, but I am a firm NON-believer in these crazy chemicals, so I put them aside.

    My days now consist of smoking, eating, sleeping, internet, video games, music, in one giant slow stoned cycle.

    Now some may think it's awesome, but it's not, I have no car, I have no money, I'm in debt with credit cards, no prior work for a resume, I pretty much turned into what I never wanted to be, and I'm lost.

    I'm writing this to you all hoping someone has experienced something of the like, or thinks maybe the pot is working against me now?

    I've never taken a break from pot, as many times as I've tried, and I am honestly a bit afraid

    I now feel like I've missed the boat to life, and am stuck in the rocks with nothing. I don't want to go flip burgers, my grades from college previously will affect me ever going back to school.

    What would you do?
    chrons Reviewed by chrons on . My story and how I'm addicted to marijuana, help.. Hope everyone had a nice 420 first off :thumbsup: To start out, I've been smoking for 3 years, everyday. My habit started in college, I also withdrew out of my second semester, I wont blame the pot, but I began having extreme anxiety and stopped going to class. I came home and continued smoking everyday, and more since I didn't have a job. I then found a job, and began working full-time at 12 an hour as an entry level contractor. I continued this job for about 8 months, and after 8 Rating: 5

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    Senior Member

    My story and how I'm addicted to marijuana, help..

    Time to re-invent yourself.


    My story and how I'm addicted to marijuana, help..

    i'd say go try to do something active every day. Sports is always fun, but my favorite is making and growing a garden. Even if your at your parents house, trust me it takes work but at the end of the day you feel so much more accomplished. Also try to lay of the video games, i dunno i used to game for a long and when i final quit i feel actually motived to go out and just do something. Yes smoking pot can depress you, But that normally comes when you smoke because your bored. And when you bored you lack motivation to unbore yourself, plus depending on the person weed can motivate or unmotivate(it normally increase a feeling you have fear, happiness ect.)? So i say yeah keep smoking, maybe lay off lil bit, but try smoking when your doing something productive it will make that feeling that your out there doing something allot better and make you feel better at the end of the day (it can depend on the person, so my best advise is if that doesnt work just try smoking a lil less)

    OH also, try to stop taking your xanax for awhile and just see how you do,cause i know people who are just zombies on that stuff. lol i forgot another, definatly try to find a job and stick with it, its a good way to become more social and meet more people

    GL bro

    Senior Member

    My story and how I'm addicted to marijuana, help..

    It's a fucked up world and it's not your fault, but you should take responsibility for it, to change it and make it better.

    Try and look for an outdoor job? Yard maintenance? Painting houses? Peace Corps?

    Senior Member

    My story and how I'm addicted to marijuana, help..

    man that sucks. I kind of know how you feel except not half as extreme as that. Though those truth commercials are taking pot waaaay out of context for some people those things can exhibit some truths. Lets face it pot is awesome but its not necessarily for everyone(lord I can't believe I said that). Now I'm not saying to just up and quit for good because you can still enjoy pot and life at the same time. What I usually do is only smoke on Friday's and Saturday's and then I tell myself that I'm gonna not smoke pot work really hard and then come Friday I can reward myself with some nice bud. Of course this isn't gonna work for everyone but its important to at least find some moderation like maybe smoke every other day or only in the evenings instead of all day.

    The very last thing about you saying your grades ruin your chances of ever going to college is total bullshit. This is why they invented community college so people who screw up can get back on their feet. So my first advice is to learn to use pot in moderations....and if that doesn't work than just try to quit it for good. Next step is to find a job. Now it doesn't have to be that super awesome contractor job but as long as it gets you some money then its good. Start saving as much as possible and then enroll yourself in a community college. Get the credits you need and the grades up by trying really hard and then transfer to real college and go from there.

    Good way's to ween yourself from pot.....activities. Find a new hobby. Find some friends who don't smoke or better yet find a straight laced girlfriend. Anything to keep your mind off of it and you're straight. If none of those help perhaps using extreme measures such as getting your parents to randomly drug test you and threaten to kick you out of the house might be good. Fear can be a good motivator. I know it kept me in line for two years without pot. Really sucked but it paid off. Anyway you've heard all of this before so it probably won't help sorry dude.
    \"Look hard in the mirror. Look at that ghost that stares back at you. Look at that faded spirit that longs to act in this world but cannot because the mind is fearful and holds it back. Placing limits on things, and boundaries everywhere.\" -Rev

    Senior Member

    My story and how I'm addicted to marijuana, help..

    i dont want to sound like a dick but i have smoked weed for years and had to stop here and there and i do not have these so called withdrawals so to speak, the problem is YOU not the weed, if you feel this way from weed then the best thing is to put it down and walk away but im sure the problems you have you created not the weed.

    Senior Member

    My story and how I'm addicted to marijuana, help..

    I would get up off of my ass and quit feeling sorry for myself, getting stoned, and being lazy.

    Life is a complex game of choices my friend, wise ones equate to success, and poor ones result in failure...You seem to have made a lot of poor choices, and are continuing to do so.

    You're not addicted to marijuana, you're addicted to not wanting to do jack shit but get stoned, because it's easier to do that. You can make yourself get a job and be successful in your life just as easily as you've made yourself get to where you are.

    Is it really fun to scrounge up money to try and get high like a crack fiend, and mooch?? Or would it be more fun to get a job and be able to buy pot and have your own vehicle??

    Senior Member

    My story and how I'm addicted to marijuana, help..

    It is only you and yourself now, my friend. And for an element of sensitivity I completely understand your plight. In fact, I am in a similar battle myself. I am also twenty years old with no job, no car, and worst of all I have no help but that of my own and of what I observe and experience. What you need are some new ideas to help yourself, which you are evidently capable of doing. For example, when you are craving the good herb--do you or do you not find a way to stoned?

    The concept of re-inventing yourself might seem a tad bit intimidating for the reason that it really does not help. Invision found a way of bringing it back home, and putting the power of change in your own hands because that responsibility can only belong to you. I would try listening to the thoughts and feelings of people around you. Talk to someone you can trust. Now I can only speak for myself but I also experience anxiety in social situations, mostly when I believe I am victim of someone's smart-ass comments. And I found that the resolve was not lashing out but understanding the message woven into the words.

    I struggled trying to understand why my friends made such comments, for a very long time as a matter of fact. It was so bad at times that I began to believe their comments, which only did damage to the way I felt about myself. For example, I would literally cringe at the sound of the word "faggot" or "bitch," because I felt like those words were directed toward me, then tonight I rationalized that perhaps those words were appropriate because I was acting like a bitch or someone who was too co-dependent. Like the words described the way I behaved.

    Now some might place emphasis on activity, like running around to feel better about yourself. However I believe a solution rests in mental activity as opposed to physical activity. Take your social trauma as a lesson to learn more. You will undoubtedly and instinctively find a solution to your social anxiety, and you will even begin talking more and understanding more. A lot can be learned when we stop, listen, and think.

    Senior Member

    My story and how I'm addicted to marijuana, help..

    I want to remind respondents that just because your experiences personally differ from the OP's doesn't mean that his problem's not valid. Cannabis is a medicinal substance. So everyone responds to it differently.

    Now for my own response to the post:
    So we start with the fact that cannabis is a plant-based drug, which it is. And despite what people like to cite as the it's-impossible-to-get-addicted-to-cannabis argument, there really are people who can. Just like there are folks who get addicted to food. To shopping. To video games. Or to the regular old stand-bys of withdrawal-addiction substances like painkillers, alcohol, and withdrawal-craving response illicit drugs. In a specific type of brain with a specific type of neurotransmitters and a tendency for substance receptors to begin work in concert systemically, cannabis addition can be very real. It's a matter of the opioid, caffeine, cannabinoid, and alcohol receptors beginning to respond together as a system in an addictive fashion. This is why these people even have withdrawal symptoms, probably (because the opioid and alcohol receptors are triggering that response).

    Here's a really good, bibliographically sourced site with information about this phenomenon. There's much more information out there to be read, too. Follow some of the links in this site. Talk to a medical school librarian or anyone who's done g-protein/cannabinoid/endocannabinoid research.
    The Why Files | 4. Recognizing drug receptors

    The bottom line, Chrons, is that pot probably is working against you because you have that brain chemistry. So you can numb out on it and let the rest of your life go into the crapper. Or you can face up to the fact that you're not one of those people who can smoke it in moderation and begin work on the process of recovery. By the way, you're not doing your anxiety any favors, either, with it. It's almost certainly making your anxiety and depression worse. You're contending with addiction in addition to anxiety and depression.

    Do you know how to seek some help for yourself? A referral from your doctor. A visit to your county mental health service. Those are good places to start. You probably need some sort of program through which to begin to facilitate recovery. And you could stand to be open to being evaluated for medical treatment of another kind. Depression and anxiety, especially if you're self-medicating, don't tend to get better on their own. You may be strongly opposed to prescription meds, but you're medicating yourself already, only with a fairly random dosage and different strains of medicine.
    [SIZE=\"4\"]\"That best portion of a good man\'s life: his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love.\"[/SIZE]
    [align=center]William Wordsworth, English poet (1770 - 1850)[/align]

    Senior Member

    My story and how I'm addicted to marijuana, help..

    Quote Originally Posted by Markass
    I would get up off of my ass and quit feeling sorry for myself, getting stoned, and being lazy.

    Life is a complex game of choices my friend, wise ones equate to success, and poor ones result in failure...You seem to have made a lot of poor choices, and are continuing to do so.

    You're not addicted to marijuana, you're addicted to not wanting to do jack shit but get stoned, because it's easier to do that. You can make yourself get a job and be successful in your life just as easily as you've made yourself get to where you are.

    Is it really fun to scrounge up money to try and get high like a crack fiend, and mooch?? Or would it be more fun to get a job and be able to buy pot and have your own vehicle??
    Just a comment about failure:

    Aristotle believed failure to be just another form of productivity so do not feel down because something does not work like you think. As for the choices you make, everyone instinctively knows right from wrong. And if that is too bold of a claim it is at least clear enough to me that YOU UNDERSTAND RIGHT FROM WRONG. Just do your part to not make bad choices. Keep yourself safe from trouble because the trouble one can get into with the law is a far worse reality than anything else life can present.

    I listened to a report of a young man not much older than yourself. His name is Travis Wolfkill and he is now facing a life-sentence in prison because he killed his grandmother over a $300 tax refund check. And I thought to myself, "this guy's life is effectively over now because he would not control his temper. He has to live the rest of his life in prison for an unjustifiable crime." Researchers want to believe that killers are different from the rest of us but all it takes is a choice. The idea is that he would not have made the choice to destroy someone's life had he been guided down a better path or equipped with good knowledge. But he was not. His reasoning mind confirmed that killing someone was the right path to take. Was that his only option? In reality, no it was not. I want you to understand is that we always have a choice. For some the knowledge may be acquired too late.

    Take notice of yourself. Do not make decisions on a whim.

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