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    Senior Member

    Tincture of Mars

    Here are the results of my tincture experiment:

    I cooked the 1 oz glycerine and 4 grams of decarboxylized weed at about 200 F for about 4 hours. The weed took on a lot darker appearance after that amount of time.

    I strained out the tincture using a fine-mesh sieve and pressing the mash hard with a spoon. I only got about 1/2 ounce of tincture out of the mash, so I don't know if the other 1/2 ounce remained absorbed in the weed mash, or if there was some kind of evaopration. Probably some of both. I think there is some percentage of water in glycerine, so maybe that could have evaporated. But I could tell there was a lot of glycerine still in the mash that I could not squeeze out. I labeled that first "press" as #1 and set it aside.

    Then I added another 1 oz of glycerin to the mash, along with a teaspoon of Everclear 151, and I cooked that for another 2.5 or 3 hours. Then I strained that second batch of tincture out the same way using the sieve and spoon. This time I got about a full ounce, so that supports the idea that the first "press" was short 1/2 ounce because the mash had absorbed the other 1/2 ounce. Since the weed had already absorded all it could hold, the second batch yielded about as much liquid as was put in. I labeled that second "press" #2 and set it aside.

    Then I put a couple ounces of Everclear 151 in with the mash and cooked that in a double boiler setup for about 1/2 hour and extracted the liquid using the seive and spoon again. That one I labeled #3.

    Tincture #1 after the extraction was more viscous than the glycerine was before the cooking, so either there was some kind of evaporation of the dissolved water, or maybe absorbing the pot resin increased the viscosity, or both. The tincture has a brown/gold color, sort of like a dark honey. I like the taste a lot. It tasts a lot better than Green Dragon. The glycerine is sweet, and there is sort of a toasted nutty flavor and a kind of grassy herbal flaovr as well. It's hard to describe, but I think it is pleasant.

    Tincture #2 is not as viscous as #1 and not as dark in color. I had added the teaspoon of Everclear 151, so maybe that thinned the final product some. The taste is a lot like the first batch. You cannot taste the alcohol from the Everclear at all, so it probably evaporated almost completely away.

    Tincture #3 is very liquid, just like green dragon. It is much browner in color than the green dragon I have made in the past. I haven't tasted it yet. I mostly made it just to be sure that I had extracted all the THC and none was wasted.

    I'm always kind of cautious when dosing myself with things I haven't tried before, so I haven't gotten realy HIGHHHHH off of it yet. I'm not sure if that is because of low doses, or because it isn't all that strong. First I tried about 4 drops of #1 and went for a bike ride. I could tell I was a bit high, but not intensly high. I had a good body sensation, but not much head high. It was actually about perfect for a bike ride when you mostly want to enjoy the ride and not be too high. Another factor is that I am on a kind of fast right now so I already feel a little bit tired and light headed, so it's hard to pick out what is due to the tincture and what is due to low blood sugar!

    The next day I tried about 6 drops and went for another ride with similar results --- a nice feeling, but not an obvious high.

    If I get a chance, I'll try a larger dose today. Does anyone know how this stuff should be dosed? LdyMarsRN said it only takes a few drops for her. My 6 drops are about 1/2 of a dropper full. Usually when I make Green Dragon with 4 grams of weed, I get something I mix into about 24 doses. I'm not sure how much a dropper holds, so I may be taking a lot less than a full dose. Does anyone know? I don't have a good way to measure out milliliters right now.

    My plan is to keep increasing doses until I get to an "effective" one. Then I'll figure out how many doses I've made to determine how efficient the recipe is. I also want to compare the #1 and #2 tinctures for how strong they are. And if it turns out that there is not much THC in the glycerine tinctures, I'll try the #3 green dragon to see if anything was captured in that step.

    Does anyone have any opinions on the process I used? It's too early to start worrying about it, but I'm wondering if I used too high a temp for too long. Another thing I wonder about is whether the decarboxylization process is necessary if you are going to use long cook times and high temps. Does anyone know about this? I've never made canna-butter or canna-oil, but do people decarb for that, or is the cook time and temp enough to do it? It seemed like people were having trouble getting the glycerine to dissolve the THC, so I wanted a long cook time. But I'm wondering if THC begins to degrade after enough temperature and time.

    Also, has anyone ever taken a sublingual tincture? To me, it was kind of wierd. I put the drops under my tongue, and immediately my mouth began to water. I had this idea that I should hold the tincture in my mouth as long as possible, but within just a minute or two my mouth was so full of spit I had to swallow it.

    All in all, I'd say this is a pretty easy process, and the result tastes good. It's too early for me to say whether I think it is an efficient or effective recipe. I'll post back. Any feedback is appreciated.

    Senior Member

    Tincture of Mars

    Hello my friend! Nice to know that youre back to making experiments with weed... i think im done with it (i already spent more weed than i wished doing unsucessfull experiments), but if you get some nice results maybe i try some of it again...

    Quote Originally Posted by dragonrider
    Tincture #1 after the extraction was more viscous than the glycerine was before the cooking, so either there was some kind of evaporation of the dissolved water, or maybe absorbing the pot resin increased the viscosity, or both.
    Well... glycerin is hygroscopic (it absorbs water from the air), so probably it actually had some water dissolved in it, making it less viscous... cause pure glycerin is noticeably viscous.

    Quote Originally Posted by dragonrider
    Tincture #3 is very liquid, just like green dragon. It is much browner in color than the green dragon I have made in the past.
    Probably its browner due the longer time of cooking, as you said the weed turned darker during the cooking.

    Quote Originally Posted by dragonrider
    I could tell I was a bit high, but not intensly high. I had a good body sensation, but not much head high. It was actually about perfect for a bike ride when you mostly want to enjoy the ride and not be too high. Another factor is that I am on a kind of fast right now so I already feel a little bit tired and light headed, so it's hard to pick out what is due to the tincture and what is due to low blood sugar!

    The next day I tried about 6 drops and went for another ride with similar results --- a nice feeling, but not an obvious high.
    Well... its almost exactly what i felt when trying glycerin tinctures some time ago... i felt i was barely high, but only barely. And thats why i gave up. Too much weed for too little effects.

    Quote Originally Posted by dragonrider
    If I get a chance, I'll try a larger dose today. Does anyone know how this stuff should be dosed? LdyMarsRN said it only takes a few drops for her. My 6 drops are about 1/2 of a dropper full. Usually when I make Green Dragon with 4 grams of weed, I get something I mix into about 24 doses. I'm not sure how much a dropper holds, so I may be taking a lot less than a full dose. Does anyone know? I don't have a good way to measure out milliliters right now.
    Well... you could count how many drops you need to fill a teaspoon (or any other measure unit), then how many teaspoons you need to fill one ounce. It can take some time and patience, though...
    After it, you could calculate how many weed you ingested when you took this 4-6 drops... maybe the tincture is actually effective, and it was only the amount of weed that was not enough to get you high...

    Quote Originally Posted by dragonrider
    Does anyone have any opinions on the process I used? It's too early to start worrying about it, but I'm wondering if I used too high a temp for too long. Another thing I wonder about is whether the decarboxylization process is necessary if you are going to use long cook times and high temps. Does anyone know about this?
    Well... one thing i noticed when isomerizing my hash oil is that is not exactly the amount of time of heating which makes it to start to oxidate, but the contact with air.
    When i isomerize the hash oil, i put it into a test tube with water, and hot bath this water for some 2 hours. Sometimes the hash oil floats (and thus keeps in contact with the air), and sometimes it sinks. I noticed that when it is in contact with air, it starts to oxidate (tranforming in CBN with its noticeable effects) after less than 1 hour of heating. Yet, when it sinks and gets no air contact, it resists 2 hours of heating without any oxidation, yielding a very THC-rich product.
    And i dont know if in this case the decarboxilation is actually needed, as the weed is heated for long enough, so even if the weed were initially not-decarboxilated, it would be very decarboxilated after all the heating.

    Quote Originally Posted by dragonrider
    Also, has anyone ever taken a sublingual tincture? To me, it was kind of wierd. I put the drops under my tongue, and immediately my mouth began to water. I had this idea that I should hold the tincture in my mouth as long as possible, but within just a minute or two my mouth was so full of spit I had to swallow it.
    It also happenned with me... but as i didnt wish to swallow it (mainly when i used alcohol with the glycerin), i just hold my mouth full of saliva and tincture for some minutes, and then spitted it all.

    So, thats it... i hope you be sucessfull, so all of us will be benefited with yet another way to using the wonderfull cannabis. :thumbsup::rastasmoke::jointsmile:

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    Senior Member

    Tincture of Mars

    Coelho! Good to hear from you!

    I just took 12 drops, so we will see soon if there is anything in this stuff. I took your suggestion and counted drops into a 1/4 teaspoon measuring spoon. The spoon is also labeled as 1.25 ml. About 25 drops went into the spoon, so about 20 drops per ml. So it looks like I was probably taking very small doses. Hopefully this dose will work!

    If it does work, then I think next time I will skip the decarboxylization and rely on the longer cook time. I always feel like the decarboxylization step in the oven is one where you could accidenally vape out all your weed and ruin the whole thing. If that step can be avoided, I would like to do that.

    I also want to avoid any problems with oxidizing. The weed stayed pretty much submerged in the glycerin, so I wonder if that shields it some from oxygen. Also, I covered the cup with foil, so even if there was some oixidizing, maybe there was less air mixing to replenish the oxygen. I don't know if that would help or not.

    Also, I was thinking about this. I have various sized "mason jars" with lids that seal with a rubber gasket and a clamp. They are designed to be used for canning fruit, so they can take some high temperatures. I have a small one that might be useful for some of these cooking experiments. I'm thinking I could put the mixture in the jar, put the jar in the roaster without the lid clamped shut, let the jar and air inside come to temperature, then clamp it shut. I don't want to create a bomb, so I don't want something where a lot of pressure would build up inside. But it seems like if the air is already up to temperature and there is not a lot of water moisture, then there should not be a pressure build up. Glycerine does not evaporate at low temps like 200 F, does it?

    Actually, now that I think of it, I have one small mason jar that does not close with a clamp. The gasket is built into the flat metal top. The top rests over the lip of the jar, and you can seal it down with a threaded ring that you tighen down over the top. I wonder if I could just rest the lid on top of the jar with the ring in place, but not tight. Then if pressure needed to be released, the lid would have room to let some vapor escape, but if pressure dropped inside the jar, no air would mix back in because the lid would seal itself against the vacuum.

    Wow. I fell like I am rambling a bit now. I think I am starting to get high. Maybe it is working. I'm loggin off now and going for a swim. Thanks for the feedback!

    Senior Member

    Tincture of Mars

    Well, I had a good swim, but I'm not really all that high right now. It's been about 2 hours, so I figure that's all I'm getting out of this dose. Next time I'm doing a whole dropper, about 25 drops, about 1.25 ml. Once I get the dosing figured out, I'll know better if it is worth it or not. Even the 12 drops I took today is probably a pretty small dose when you calculate it out, so I haven't given up hope yet. If the 25 drops doesn't work, I'll try the GD to see if there is any THC there, and if not, then I either vaped it all out when decarboxylizing, or I oxidized it all away cooking too long at 200 F.


    Tincture of Mars

    Well, my first bash at glycerin tincture. A friend of mine was so pleased with our green dragon work (we made a pint of it over the weekend), he gave me an ounce of little lower-branch purple Kush buds to play with. Not the finest, but quite respectable stuff. The mandate is glycerin tincture.

    So - 4 g bud, ground coarse, decarbed 5 minutes @ 325f, then ground pretty fine, then put into 1.25 oz glycerin in a small mason jar. I used 0.5 oz of 190 Everclear to clean the coffee grinder & the foil the weed was toasted on & added that to the weed/glycerin mixture.

    I set the lightly sealed mason jar in a couple inches of hot water in in my small crockpot & covered the crockpot. Temp of the glycerin/ethanol/plant matter is 156f after half an hour.

    & I'll keep y'all posted.


    Tincture of Mars

    I let it go about 8 hours. The temp stabilized around 190f. I wound up with an ounce pretty viscous dark-honey colored tincture. It's sweet, has distinct straw-like weed flavor, as well as a distinct & not too pleasant soapy undertaste, which I also notice in the Green Dragon made from the same stuff.

    Last night when I finished it, I had probably a couple of ml, & after I finished cleaning up & all, about 5am, felt pretty damned stoned. Not a clean test though.

    I had a ml under the tongue this afternoon, a cleaner test but still not entirely so, & felt very little effect, Like some others have reported, I felt like I was starting to get high, but it never developed.

    Had some more tonight, & once more it feels lke it's working. Hard to say, though. I'll pass it on & see what some others say.


    Tincture of Mars

    2 ml of this stuff is maybe equal to 1 ml of GD made with half the amount of weed.

    Sublingual ingestion was no great success either.

    This batch worked, but just barely. Wish I could report better results. Any ideas welcome.

    Junior Member

    Tincture of Mars

    Quote Originally Posted by LdyMarsRN
    Nope...Don't want to fight. Had to call it something, and I made it by "winging" it. Best I could think of. My given name means "of Mars". So now you can say you have met a real, live Martian! :hippy:
    Met... or rather seen a posting by... a live Martian.

    I like the sound of it, but that's a lot of glycerin...

    Junior Member

    Tincture of Mars

    Ive been searching for new threads on glycerin tinctures all day. I cant decide what to use bho or buds. Buds could absorb a lot of glycerin, but bho could not fully dissolve! hmmm what would happen if I put like the right amount of powdered budder in glycerin on a mug heater for a long period of time. They put green material for long periods into the glycerin and that makes the thc and all the other cannabinoids dissolve, so why bho wouldnt? ive seen hashbeans video and I found another one, but not on making the tincture YouTube - tokin daily: medible review- granny greens tincture
    Would be cool to know how the dispensaries make it, that would probably be effective.

    Oh and someone should try to put glycerin tincture(w/o alcohol) into an electronic cigarette! Ive done a little research on those. The "ejuice" they fill the cartridges with is made of glycerin, nicotine extract and flavoring. One cartridge is equal to like 10 cigs (10 doses) and theres 5 drops of juice in a cartrage. And the vaporization temps for nicotine are a little bit higher than for thc, so thats not a problem. The problem is to make a tincture concentrated enough so 5 drops of it would make at least one effective dose, so each cartridge would be like a single joint. If 20 drops are equal to 1ml and I could get high from 0,05g of bho or budder, than you should dissolve 0,2g of bho into 1ml of glycerin, to make this thing to work. :stoned:
    btw I ordered a cheapo e cig for 10$ with 6 cartidges.

    Junior Member

    Tincture of Mars

    yo im thinkin take your bud and glycerin and simmer that shit for a while, then while your doin that, in a double boiler, dissolve a good amount of bho or budder dust into maybe 2 shots of everclear.
    then strain your glycerin and put back into your pot, bring it back up to a siimmer add you everclear/bho mixture, keep working it out with the everclear/bho until you get desired pontecy.


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