That they're crazy and you don't think you should see each other in a romantic capacity anymore?

So I've been dating this girl for a few weeks, and at first everything was just peachy, but as the weeks have gone on I've found out she's rather emotionally unstable and does a few things, 1 thing specifically really, that bug the shit outta me. She frequently lays in bed and makes out with her "friend" and I mean...sure if she wants to do that thats all good and well for her but I can't tolerate being in a relationship with someone and having them show that kind of affection, she claims she just wants the physical sensation and theres no emotion attached, to someone else. It's just wrong in my opinion. Aside from her insatiable desire for human contact, which she tends to pursue satisfaction of with someone aside from me, and her emotional instability I really like her, and I tend to be a nice guy, so I've no desire to hurt her feelings.

Anyone have any ideas on how I could tell her that I just can't do a relationship with her the way she is?
Gundari Reviewed by Gundari on . do you tell someone.. That they're crazy and you don't think you should see each other in a romantic capacity anymore? So I've been dating this girl for a few weeks, and at first everything was just peachy, but as the weeks have gone on I've found out she's rather emotionally unstable and does a few things, 1 thing specifically really, that bug the shit outta me. She frequently lays in bed and makes out with her "friend" and I mean...sure if she wants to do that thats all good and well for her but I can't Rating: 5