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    Senior Member

    cannabis and out-of-body experiences

    i am looking for some input from people with out-of-body experiences (OBE)...

    earlier i filled a hot bath and had a smoke of some mid's, nothing special. as i got stoned i felt very focused in my concentration. i heard a ringing in my ears. as i focused on the ringing it brought me to an even deeper sense of relaxation and concentration. i started hearing a buzzing in my ears.

    it reminded me of some things i had read about OBE's earlier though i have no practical experience with it. so i pictured my 'astral' legs lifting out, then my arms, then my torso. i felt no different. as i pictured my 'astral' head coming free i started feeling tingling all over my skin especially in my face. it was like 'whoa!' i then pictured/willed my astral body to lean backwards and as i did that i felt my 'mind' peel away from my physical senses.

    i then found 'my mind' floating several feet behind where i sensed my physical body. i couldn't see anything and there was no sound.. not that it was quiet but there seemed to be an absense of sound.

    i am not sure how to process all that... any insight from experienced people. does that sound like a true OBE or what? any dangers in having cannabis initiated OBE's?
    hazetwostep Reviewed by hazetwostep on . cannabis and out-of-body experiences i am looking for some input from people with out-of-body experiences (OBE)... earlier i filled a hot bath and had a smoke of some mid's, nothing special. as i got stoned i felt very focused in my concentration. i heard a ringing in my ears. as i focused on the ringing it brought me to an even deeper sense of relaxation and concentration. i started hearing a buzzing in my ears. it reminded me of some things i had read about OBE's earlier though i have no practical experience with it. so Rating: 5

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    Senior Member

    cannabis and out-of-body experiences

    Man... all i can say its that i envy you! Ive tried OOBE during several years, and hadnt any sucess... like... im very lazy so most of times i just felt asleep. Anyway, ive felt a lot of weird things... this ringing in the ears and the tingling you described... (some books calls it "vibrational state")... the feeling of being floating... the feeling of being somewhere else... well... now that i stop to think, i think i already felt everything you described... also i had a lot of experiences which i couldnt classify... for me they felt like very vivid conscious dreams... like i could even doubt if i were dreaming or awake... but i could do things i wouldnt when awake (like to fly... my preferred one...) I could regard them as OOBE's, but my skeptic side doesnt allow... only because some minor details... like... most times i "dream" im in my home, but there is somethings that are a bit different, like furniture, the surrounding houses, etc... so im inclined to think they were only vivid and lucid dreams, instead OOBEs... but i would like very much to learn how to diferentiate a lucid dream from a real OOBE...
    And i dont think there is any danger to OOBE with weed... in fact, not much time ago there was a thread about weed-induced OOBEs... and several people reported their experiences... so i think its an almost "usual" thing... look at:
    I hope someone give us answers... cause im almost as full of questions as you... :thumbsup:

    Senior Member

    cannabis and out-of-body experiences

    Please! Anyone else could enlighten us? :abduct:

    Junior Member

    cannabis and out-of-body experiences

    Hey, whats up everyone? Coelho, I wanted to share my experience. I had a very vivid OOBE a couple of years ago. None since then. I didn't know until recently that there are books that are all about astral projections and how to do induce them and I plan on checking some of them out soon. I thought my OOBE was just a freak dream or something, even though at the time it occured I knew I wasn't asleep. It was totally unexpected and I was totally confused afterwards but it was not scary at all. I am going to try and describe it in the best detail I can. Here is what I can remember:

    At the time it of my projection, I was resting on my couch in my apartment on a Sunday afternoon. The night before, my younger brother, who was my roomate at the time, threw a party and trashed the place. I came home in the morning after staying a friends house to a super trashed apartment that smelled horrible with people passed out on the floor, couches, chairs, etc, and even my bed which really pissed me off. So, to say the least, I wasn't in a very pleasant state of mind. After I kicked everyone out, I layed down on the couch alone in the apartment to try and clear my mind before I started to clean up. As I was laying there, the wind started to blow very hard outside my window on a calm day so I tried to open my eyes to see what was going on and that was when it happened. The next thing I remember is feeling my "self" or "inner being" leaving my body and floating above my apartment looking down on the entire apartment. I could see myself laying on my couch from above. It was totally trippy. After roughly 10-15 seconds, I must have gotten scared about what was happening and my "self" returned to my body. The feeling that went over my body during the reunion was unreal. It was like a wave of electricity through every single cell in my body. I felt "new". It was crazy. All I knew afterwards was that I experienced something that was totally "out of this world". The only thing I can say brought on this experience was the reading of books by Robert A. Wilson. The man is a genius. He never mentions that you would experience something like this as you are reading his books and I now understand why he does this. He wants the reader to view their experience without any previous knowledge of what may or may not happen or what you may or may not feel. No pre-judgements. I hope this helps. Feel free to ask any questions.

    Senior Member

    cannabis and out-of-body experiences

    YES! I had my first true out of body experience while stoned. It all started very strangely. I was doing a lot of Kripalu yoga at the time so I think that had something to do with it. I had just begun reading Robert Monroes book "Journey's out of the body" which I highly reccomend if your into OOBE's. He described his experiences in detail and it was exactly like mine, except he wasn't stoned when his happened. It was very strange. Whenever I got stoned, I would "vibrate", literally I would feel as if I was vibrating. Sometimes very violently and I would have to sit up to stop it. He described that as the first step towards leaving the body. So I would practice that almost every night. Get stoned, lay down and let those relaxing vibrations come on. This went on for about three or so weeks when I finally was able to see some real results. I had just gotten done meditating (stilling your mind is a very important skill to learn if you're going to get into this) and was still stoned so I decided to lay down and try to leave my body. I was determined this time and was going to do it. I entered into a "waking sleep" state and just thought myself out of my body. Opening your eyes in this state is extremely difficult. You cannot think your eyes open, you just have to believe that they are already open. So I thought myself out of my body and felt the ceiling of my room. I felt my back against something hard and bumpy and "believed" my eyes open and I was staring back at the couch I was on. Strangely, I couldn't see my body for some reason, but I was there floating. So I floated around my room and in the nearby room, then I decided it was time to go back.

    One other thing that was strange was when I was in that "waking sleep" state, I heard a female voice say "Are you ready?" before I left my body. To this day I am sure that was my guarding angel or spirit guide or whatever asking me if I was ready to see this world. I was at the time, but I have no desire to go back there again. It's not that I was scared. Far from that, but it's just that right after that experience I had a Satori, or glimpse into enlightenment and ever since that, I just don't desire any siddhis, which is what Astral projection is, a siddhis or spirtual power. It was very strange, I was obsed with OOBE's and other Siddhis, but after that night I just don't care about them anymore.

    Word of advice, don't go into that world unless you are 100% ready and 100% protected. I for one believe in spirits and also malevolent spirits which can be harmful to you if you don't protect yourself. Just simply keep your thoughts on positive things and before you do this, mediate and imagine a sheet of white light coming over you, filling all your chakras and evey cell of your body. It also helps to have a skeptical attidude.

    Oh, and to the poster, yes you are well on your way to having a full on OBE. Buzzing in your ear is a very common spiritual experience. I've actually heard what sounded like Bee's right near my ear and Robert Monroe describes that as well. As far as dangers, there aren't that many, but I wouldn't stay in that world to long. I believe it's the spirit world and there are things that can happen to you if you are not careful. Monroe describes certain very frightening things that have happened to him, but remember you cannot die from it. If things get too bad, just think yourself back to your body. Another thing is I said skill in meditating is very useful because just as your thoughts slightly control this universe, it most defiently controls every aspect of tha
    \"Look hard in the mirror. Look at that ghost that stares back at you. Look at that faded spirit that longs to act in this world but cannot because the mind is fearful and holds it back. Placing limits on things, and boundaries everywhere.\" -Rev

    Senior Member

    cannabis and out-of-body experiences

    that universe. Just keep your thoughts clear because you'll end up all over the place if you don't.

    Sorry, I guess there's an edit limit.
    \"Look hard in the mirror. Look at that ghost that stares back at you. Look at that faded spirit that longs to act in this world but cannot because the mind is fearful and holds it back. Placing limits on things, and boundaries everywhere.\" -Rev

    Senior Member

    cannabis and out-of-body experiences

    I've had several out of body experiences while in the past six months I have smoked cannabis. Yesterday for example i closed my eyes and felt (what I described as my soul) leave my body and go into the universe which seemed to last forever. I then fell back into earth and hovered over my body and jumped back into it. I remember this very intense feeling as I jumped back into my body...I yelled out WOOOOOH right when it happened. It was an incredible experience.

    Senior Member

    cannabis and out-of-body experiences

    I believe marijuana is a shamanistic drug. Anyone interested in astral travel check out the book, Astral Travel for Beginners. Astral Travel is a skill you can develop with practice. The two most important things if you want to do it are, don't give up, and try different methods.

    Astral Travel is completely safe, no one has ever died doing it. Your astral self is connected to your body by an unbreakable silver cord.

    I would talk more about it, but you might think I am crazy....

    Senior Member

    cannabis and out-of-body experiences

    Quote Originally Posted by angry nomad
    I would talk more about it, but you might think I am crazy....
    We all are... so please, talk more! :stoned::madnoel:

    Junior Member

    cannabis and out-of-body experiences

    Oh my god, i know what you mean, i had the starting of a similar expirience except i wasn't stoned.

    I was just getting into bed, about 2 years ago. as i started to settle down i glanced up at my wardrobe at the end of my bed and my neck clicked, it didnt hurt it was just on odd sensasion so i froze, compeletly still, eyes open staring at the top of my wardrobe, within seconds i become aware of a tingling in my neck, where it had clicked, at first i contributed this to the fact that it had clicked and i hadnt moved, but then it started to spread to my eyes, then my ears, which then turned into a vibration. a kind of peace came over me, but with it a sense of urgency, as if i needed to continue to staring, and still, as if it would grant me somekind of...i dunno some kind of power, or understanding that would enpower me beoynd my understanding. i continued to stare for what seemed like an age, the tingling had spread to a few more places. i had a kind of feeling, as if it was a biuld up to something (the only way i can describe it is when you know your about to cum, you can kind of feel it coming) i got a kinda warmness in my heart (not the soppy kind actaul heat) i took the smallest of breaths and i was sure it was about to happen, what ever 'it' was.
    and then
    my sister opened my door and it shattered like a pane of glass
    i could have criedm, i could have hit her.
    she got a book ( i have a huge book pile in my room) and left, i then felt very light needed and realised i hadn't taken a decent breath in about 10 mins. so i sat there, breathing, my eyes wondering, coming back to that spot every now and agin.
    i was on the verge of something i could feel it, i knew it.
    its a damn waste, what if i could have gained somekind of understanding, or somekind of power that enabled to me make that discorvery. i was gutted and i still am
    ah well i hope that helped someone
    Love n Stuff:hippy:

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