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    Junior Member

    Busted: A citizen's guide to surviving police encounters

    Beat them like this, say no to consent dont move around fast, and use a good odor elimination spray to get rid of the smell.....:thumbsup:

    I use bioextreme, it is the fuking best stuff ever to get rid of the smell. I even beat the dog's nose with it. It is supposed to be used for hunting but it is the best damn stuff I have ever used, dont smell like nothing so no suspicions on strong odor or cover odor and it gets rid of the smell instantly for good.

    Use it at home to, hell I even use it on the kids football and soccer gear google it they have a web site I buy it from its cheap and damn well worth it.:rasta:


    Busted: A citizen's guide to surviving police encounters

    Tips to Smoke Weed and stay

    Important tips put together nicely.

    Senior Member

    Busted: A citizen's guide to surviving police encounters

    Im sorry....anyone driving around smoking weed in states where its illegal is an HEY!!!!! Take me to jail please!!! Get the bud......hide it in trunk and take it home. If not....dont be mad when ur sitting in jail or doing the cycle with probation.

    Senior Member

    Busted: A citizen's guide to surviving police encounters

    i have a problem in my town they now know that i can reverse the pit maneuver
    and i never stop for cops until i'm in front of my lawyers house it's like three blocks from my door and i'll drive all they way there had them in two slow speed chases in previous years while calling my lawyer telling him i'm stopping by in a minute or two the reason for this is we had people getting robbed and girls rapped by a police impersonator during this time and my lawyer said i was advised not to stop unless i felt safe

    to reverse the pit maneuver: gently tap brakes and steer into the side the other car is approaching from they will spin out instead of you!

    don't believe me go try it works like a charm

    cops are absent mined morons when they get power hungry narc task force left their big black mag lite at my buddies after a raid where they found
    nothing we turned it into a BONG
    this is all a game to me as an active role player any pictures or comments made are for the purpose of entertainment and only entertainment any pictures are readily available from the internet any likeness to real events or characters are purely fictional for everyone\'s enjoyment

    Senior Member

    Busted: A citizen's guide to surviving police encounters

    Quote Originally Posted by Micsog
    cops are absent mined morons when they get power hungry narc task force left their big black mag lite at my buddies after a raid where they found
    nothing we turned it into a BONG
    I wouldn't underestimate the police if I were you. No offense but you don't strike me as the sharpest tool in the shed. I know some really smart people who got into law enforcement. Problem is they generally don't stay for too long, lol. It can be exciting and fun work but rather low pay for the risk when you think about it. Plus, busting stoners is just a drag in my book.

    Junior Member

    Busted: A citizen's guide to surviving police encounters

    There's a lot of discussion around where the focus seems to be masking the odor of MJ in order to thwart a dog's sense of smell. I don't really believe in this as the most effective means of transportation. Why? Well, I've never seen anyone involved in a regular traffic stop with a K9 unit.

    I think the real key to 'getting away' is prevention of probable cause. If there's no cause to search your vehicle, there will be no cause for calling in a K9 unit.

    Here's a method that might work well. It's only been used in the transportation of Salvia from one state (where it's legal) to another state (where it's legal) when the states in between may frown at possession. Perhaps this would work for MJ, too.

    STEP 1
    Take only as much MJ with you as you can fit in a small film canister (the little black ones). You can probably have 3-4 canisters before looking like a freak.

    STEP 2
    Wrap the weed VERY WELL in plastic. You may wish to completely seal it with duct tape or something. Whatever you do, you should make sure that it easily fits in the film container. Make sure that it is not packed tight within the container.

    STEP 3
    Pack the weed tight in the container using Baking Soda. Why baking soda? Not only does it absorb odor, but it also acts as a pretty decent insulator--which you'll need soon. Place your film canisters to the side with caps on.

    STEP 4
    Now, you'll need candles. These candles should be brand new. It is VERY important that they have never been lit. I recommend buying new candles specifically for this step. Keep the receipt and bag. You should use candles no smaller than 14.5oz. You will need one candle for each film canister. Make sure the candle is OPAQUE. It should also have a VERY strong and unpleasant odor. Actually, if you can find a hemp candle or something, that would be even better.

    STEP 5
    Place a candle on a candle warmer. The candle warmer will melt the wax without disturbing its "like new" look. This process can take a while. Make sure you plan ahead. Rushing this step can be detrimental to your efforts.

    IMPORTANT: Only heat the candle using a candle warmer. Attempting to heat the candle faster using a stove can damage the candle and ruin its appearance. It is important that the candle look like a new purchase.

    STEP 6
    Once the candle is completely melted through, gently slide the film canister into the center of the candle. It should be easy to suspend it directly in the center of the jar. Be very careful not to disturb the wax. If it looks unnatural, you've just created probable cause, and that's what you're trying to avoid. If the wax is too hot to suspend the canister, you should unplug the warmer and let the wax stiffen a bit. Suspend the container and let the wax naturally cover the canister. (You may have to heat it up again.) Once the canister is in place, remove the candle from the warmer and let the wax harden. Don't worry about the heat on the weed. The canister and baking soda will protect it from any loss of potency. The melted wax also releases a lot of odor, helping to mask any scent escaping the container.

    STEP 7
    Repeat this process for each film canister. When all of the candles are rehardened, you should inspect them for signs of use. If they still appear brand new (and you can not see the canister within), place them in the original shopping bag with receipt. Staple the bag closed. Store the bag in the trunk of your car. It is important that this bag be out of sight. Beneath the seats of your car is NO GOOD. The more barriers between the candles and the cops is better.

    You've successfully masked the presence of your weed. If you are stopped, and the police decide to search your vehicle for any reason, they will never detect probable cause for destroying your personal property in order to find the drugs.

    If a K9 has alerted the cops to your candles, hope that you used Hemp scented candles. Candles that smell like drugs should reasonably support a false alert, and the cops will have no probable cause to destroy your personal property.

    No matter what happens, probable cause is the key. Never consent to a search. Even as they frisk you or search your car, don't be afraid to continually speak out that you invoke and refuse to waive your 4th and 6th Amendment rights. NEVER answer questions. EVER.

    Most importantly, NEVER travel with a smoking device. When cops find a smoking device, whether in plain sight or on your person, they immediately have probable cause to search your vehicle. Buy a pipe once you reach your destination, and only after removing the weed from your vehicle and storing it on your private property. NEVER travel with a pipe AND weed. That's just stupid.

    There's another trick I have, but it's best used for Salvia because dogs aren't trained to find Salvia. So I won't mention it here.


    Junior Member

    Busted: A citizen's guide to surviving police encounters

    Quote Originally Posted by Markass
    the question that's lingering in my mind is, do they have to have probable cause to bring in the dog??

    anyone?? I know there's a lot of well educated people here, at least one who can probably accurately answer that question..thanks guys :thumbsup::stoned:
    Yes, they can bring in a dog. I used to think that bringing in a dog could be argued as invasion of privacy, but the truth is that the dog isn't smelling odors INSIDE your car, it's smelling odors AROUND your car. When they smell it around your car, they can argue probable cause to open your car. Once open, it's all over.

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    Junior Member

    Busted: A citizen's guide to surviving police encounters

    First off, great video. Second, I'd like to add my little encounters to the record.
    While pulling out of a driveway I cut off a police officer, who then turns on his lights and pulled me over. I had in my car three friends and about half an oz of niceness. I told my friends to stay in the car and offer no comments, I even told them I wouldn't drive them anywhere if they didn't listen to me.
    The police were slow to get out of the car, so I grabbed my license/reg/insur. (held together in a handy paperclip) and stepped out to meet them. They ordered me to get back in my car. I instead asked them why i was being stopped. They made mention of wreckless driving, and asked who was in the car. I told them the names of the poeple in the car, and they asked some more 'exploratory' questions, whare was i going?, why was i in a hurry?,ect. I didn't answer those questions, I simply asked if they were going to give me a ticket. They didn't answer, and instead asked more questions. Can they search the car? I said 'nope'. They asked 'why you got a dead body in there'. I said 'nope just got done reading book on the constitution, wanna to see if I really did have the right to refuse a search'
    It wasn't long after that ,that they allowed me to leave, without even a ticket.
    I have been stopped a number of times, sometimes by the same officers. I find that once you assert your rights, you get a sort of reputation among them. In a later stop after refuseing to allow a search the second officer actually preempted my answer by saying to the first officer, 'he one of those constitutionalists', It became old hat and not suspicious at all for me to refuse to allow a search. tens years later and perhaps a dozens stops. Most officers know me and don't even ask anymore. On top of that they are extremely cautious about how they proceed.
    Recently we had a party, and the police arrived. I went to the curb to meet the officers, when they found out it was me, and saw that the front door had closed behind me, they didn't even bother getting out of the car. just said 'keep it down, and keep it safe' and left.
    Some officers are constantly trying to 'catch you' if you become known as a 'smart guy' or 'constitutionalist' but hey, they're the same officers that would try and catch you if you weren't.
    I must say After my party I've been invited to many more, and elected to speak on behalf of the home-owner too. to date no officer has dragged away any member of our parties, regardless of the party favors.
    simply replace the words the officers usually says to you with these words and you'll be fine
    Officer 'I need you to help me' = 'Your rights prevents me from investigating you unless you wave them.'
    Officer 'Just wanna look to see you don't have (insert)' =' If I find anything I can charge you with , your going to jail'
    Officer 'Can I check to see everyone is alright' = 'I wanna see if I can find something to charge you with, or use as leverage to get you to wave your rights'
    Don't reason with an officer, they will often try to get you to 'explain' on the premise that if its a good explanation they might let you go. The only time they let you go is if they don't have enough evidence, not when they have plenty.
    There are a few cases where an officer might let you slide, but ask youself this are you willing to bet 1 yr,5yr,10yrs of your life on it?

    Senior Member

    Busted: A citizen's guide to surviving police encounters

    ...for some more good info on how not to get busted, google Barry Cooper / Kopbusters, and be prepared to be educated by someone who was previously on the front lines doing his level best to bust yo' ass, but has had a conversion and has seen the light..!

    Junior Member

    Busted: A citizen's guide to surviving police encounters

    Yea my friend refused a search without probable cause so the police tazed him. and then they told thim that they would set his car on fire if he didn't cooperate with them..

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