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    Senior Member

    Busted: A citizen's guide to surviving police encounters

    For some of you young adults such as myself out there, this video could possibly provide you with knowledge to make yourself much less susceptible to being busted in certain circumstances; I was never aware you could refuse a search without probable cause until I watched this. I watch this every couple months or so..

    Markass Reviewed by Markass on . Busted: A citizen's guide to surviving police encounters For some of you young adults such as myself out there, this video could possibly provide you with knowledge to make yourself much less susceptible to being busted in certain circumstances; I was never aware you could refuse a search without probable cause until I watched this. I watch this every couple months or so.. Rating: 5

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    Senior Member

    Busted: A citizen's guide to surviving police encounters

    Great flick...a MUST watch for all!!! I got that sticky on this for ya.

    Have a good one!:jointsmile:


    Busted: A citizen's guide to surviving police encounters

    awesome video.great tips.

    Junior Member

    Busted: A citizen's guide to surviving police encounters

    great video. I've seen it before. Even if you aren't doing anything illegal it is still very important to be aware of your rights

    Junior Member

    Busted: A citizen's guide to surviving police encounters

    this is super educational, gettin my liscense soon, good stuff to know

    Junior Member

    Busted: A citizen's guide to surviving police encounters

    WATCH THIS VIDEO!!! This Video could pottentially save me Probation, Jail, and large Fines!! Thanks a ton!! One thing that is a little unclear is, If they smell it, is that probable cause? I live in Minnesota!!! Great Video!!!:rastasmoke:

    Senior Member

    Busted: A citizen's guide to surviving police encounters

    This should be stickied!

    Senior Member

    Busted: A citizen's guide to surviving police encounters

    Woah guys hold the phone! I'll agree with this video on the pedestrian part and the house part but do not under any circumstances LISTEN TO THE CAR PART!!! He's right about those laws being your constitutional rights but lets step back into reality here. Everything those stoners did in the car scene is giving that officer reason to suspect something illegal is going on. Though it doesn't give him the right to search it does give him the right to do other things. For one thing he cracked his window which is an indication that he's attempting to hide the smell. Also he refused consent which is the stupidest thing anyone can do. Also he locked his car which would obviously make him suspicious. Though all these are very well in our consitutional rights doesn't mean it will really save you. By doing all of those it will certainly raise an eyebrow for the cop in which case he would then call for back up, I.E the k-9 unit. Cops are allowed to detain you for as long as he likes even if it meant all day. So after getting the k-9 unit to come by though they couldn't physically get in the car they are allowed to sniff around it which is generally enough for a dog to sniff out pot. If the dog goes nuts and starts scratching to get in thats probable cause which is enough to search your car and that would lead to your doom. Even if the k-9 unit really didn't smell pot the cops literally train the dogs to go nuts when they say phrases like "go get it boy". By training them to go nuts like that it makes the dogs believe their "toy" is in there which would cause a false read. So heres my advice...

    First off if your driving around with anything illicit find a really good hiding spot like the speakers or under the dash board. Usually hiding it in really low or really high places makes it more difficult for the dogs to sniff out. The stupidest thing would be to put it in one of those shaving creame cans that screw off....cops know all about those things. The only way those things would work is if you had other things around it to associate it with like in a shaving creame kit inside a duffle bag. So you have a super good hiding spot right? If a cop pulls you over just act calm and cool. Don't fidget, don't smoke a cig, don't shift your eyes. Just look him straight in the eye using your poker face. Cops gonna ask you what to do and of course you don't admit to any wrong doing but he may or may not ask you for a search. IF HE ASKS CONSENT! The reason being is because if you don't that will raise the eyebrow. More than likely the cop is going to search through simple places like glove compartment and under searts. He more than likely won't unscrew the car just to get to it. After he does a quick search just be on your way.

    This video is 100 percent true about the legality of it but not really accurate about the reality of it. The best thing to do is put yourself in the cops shoes and make it appear as if you have nothing to hide. Keeping a clean face and a safe location are good starters but there a million other things one would probably want to do as well which they failed to mention. For one thing if your carrying stuff don't speed. Even 1 mile over the speed limit is enough to get pulled over. Also under speeding is just as illegal. Best thing to do is go exactly the speed limit therefore they cannot legally pull you over. Obey all traffic rules like complete stops and turn signals and whatnot. Also don't have bumper stickers like legalize it or even ones like help the police. The best thing to do is have no bumper stickers at all. Also don't go around with a pot shirt and dredlocks...cops arn't dumb. And most importantly don't go "hotboxing" if your gonna smoke do it in your home or another safe location...use your own judgement for that. And if your only carrying pot and its only a small amount your best bet is to just simply eat it. Anyway the video had some good tips but definitely needs a reality check.
    \"Look hard in the mirror. Look at that ghost that stares back at you. Look at that faded spirit that longs to act in this world but cannot because the mind is fearful and holds it back. Placing limits on things, and boundaries everywhere.\" -Rev

    Junior Member

    Busted: A citizen's guide to surviving police encounters

    Dream, you are half correct.....the reason you do and say all that stuff in the car part is to cover yourself. If you asert your rights then you can bring that up in court, and with a decent lawer you can show that your rights were infringed. Also if it's only MJ then and you really want to bring up the Bill of Rights and the Constitution you can say/show how MJ being illegal is Unconstitutional even though it's a "law", I'm shure that if you play your card's right, as well as asert your GIVEN/ENTITLED rights as, an AMERICAN that is free to make your own choices, that don't infringe on any other AMERICAN'S rights, And SMOKING/VAPEING/EATING/LOVING MARIJUANA is not doing any of the latter.

    But I said half correct because if you don't live somewhere where argueing your political views can get you somewhere( like where i live )then you better hope that the cops arnt compleat assholes and they follow the law as well.

    Senior Member

    Busted: A citizen's guide to surviving police encounters

    well your correct, if you have the balls to assert your rights then thats great, more power to you. But if you want to avoid getting arrested then its ill advised. Judges are supposed to be non biased in their opinions but the reality of it is EVERYONE is biased in their opinions whether they try to or not. Most judges will look at the case and side more with the cop rather than the constitution unfortunately because the fact is most people who are up there in the legal system are against pot. Its possible to win that case but it would be incredibly difficult to do it....I mean you'd have to have a lawyer like OJ's to win something like that. If your not afraid to get a criminal record then it would be important to stand up to it but like a lot of good citizens in this World we have a hell of a lot to live for than loseing some of those rights. I would only fight for something if it heavily violated my freedoms. For instance, if I called the cops because someone stole my money and the cops beat the shit out of me because I bothered them, then I would go up in a riot and most certainly risk my own freedom and life for it but risking your life for this is like risking your life when someone stole 30 dollars from you. Its better to just be submissive about it.
    \"Look hard in the mirror. Look at that ghost that stares back at you. Look at that faded spirit that longs to act in this world but cannot because the mind is fearful and holds it back. Placing limits on things, and boundaries everywhere.\" -Rev

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