Hey there! Im new to this forum so I hope it is ok if I ask for opinions here ..
My hubby got caught with a single plant that was not even dried in our garage and has been charged with Manufacture/Deliver THC (<=200g) Ya, he did have another prior for 3 grams I believe so this is his second time getting caught.
Im so scared~ Does anyone on here have any opinions on what he will get?
Will he get jail time u think? Fines and paying for all the stuff they make u pay for will be hard enough as Im a stay at home mom and he is the sole provider of our 4 children.
He has always been responsible and has always kept a job and is a wonderful husband and father!
He was trying to save money and grow this plant for personal use as things have been so tight with me not working too right now,
i do not think he understood how much trouble he would be in if he got caught,,,but i just dont get they can ruin your entire life when u grew one plant for personal use yaknow? If he has jail time I do not know how he would handle it and im praying someone tells me he wont get it? Probation anything~~ but time away from us. We have been married since highschool 23 years now and I just hate seeing him go through this...not to mention how hard it is on me too..
Just anyone to talk to about this would be nice...
Anyone know of a good cheap lawyer? That would also be good...I hear public defenders are not good?
Also wanted to ask..how can they charge for this weight when the plant was wet and had stems on it...huge stems too! Is that how they do it and it is ok? I mean, maybe it would weigh alot less if it would have been dry and it wouldnt be a felony then? Any help~~~ I would soooooooo appreciate it! Please stop in and say hi! :hippy:
grace342 Reviewed by grace342 on . Need some one that understands to talk to Hey there! Im new to this forum so I hope it is ok if I ask for opinions here .. My hubby got caught with a single plant that was not even dried in our garage and has been charged with Manufacture/Deliver THC (<=200g) Ya, he did have another prior for 3 grams I believe so this is his second time getting caught. Im so scared~ Does anyone on here have any opinions on what he will get? Will he get jail time u think? Fines and paying for all the stuff they make u pay for will be hard enough Rating: 5