The states enacting legislation is great and all, I am in Cali. Take it from me though, it's not really that big of deal since the fed gustapo can still come in at any time and WILL, I am sure even now they lurk in this forum. It's soooooo funny that in the debates all the candidates want to leave abortion up to the states to decide even if the supreme court overturns Roe vs. Wade, there's no money in it for the fed either way. But whoa! Don't f around with their cheeze, they don't feel the same way about MMJ. Even if the citizens overwhelmingly support it, the fed feels that they are not smart enough to make that decision and DO NOT support states rights. Again, it's all about the fackin' dollars man. All about the dollars. Too many people have a vested intrest in keeping it criminalized. Good luck though, heard that state legislature members in Kansas were about to introduce a bill as well, not that it would pass, but it's a start. Look at New Mexico, what is the fed going to do about that.